About the site
What report on library coding would be complete without its own code?
I built this web site in static HTML and CSS (get the code). Tools that helped:
- Bootstrap: responsive web design framework
- emmet.io: blazing-fast HTML editing plugin
- Sublime Text: extensible, well-considered, efficient text editor
- Google Material Design: thought-provoking design philosophy, providing my cheerfully obnoxious color scheme
- GitHub pages, free hosting for static web pages; beautifully simple and slick, once you know some admittedly nonintuitive basics of git…
I also built a database-backed web app to keep track of my survey results, using the Django framework for the Python programming language. The app only lives on my computer so that I'm not unintentionally exposing repondents' data; however, you can get the code.
You're welcome to read, fork, and modify any of this code. It's there for you to learn from and use. Have fun!