ALA Council Candidate Sorter 2017


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First Name Last Name Current Position Type of Library Previous Positions Degrees and Certifications Division Affiliation(s) To which Round Tables do you belong? To which Ethnic Affiliates do you belong? Were/are you a Spectrum Scholar? Were/are you an Emerging Leader? ALA and/or ALA-APA Activites Offices held in the ALA-APA, state, & regional library associations, & other associations Honors and Awards Major Accomplishments Publications Links for Further Information Statement of Professional Concern Member of ALA since State
Hilary Albert Librarian II, Mahopac Public Library, Mahopac, NY Public Senior Librarian, Queens Library, 1993-2004 Librarian, Mahoney Adams & Criser, 1990-1993 Long Island University, Certificate in Public Library Administration, 2008 Pratt Institute, MLS, 1995 Ithaca College, BFA in Music, 1998 PLA, RUSA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) No No ALA Committee on Professional Ethics 2011-2015; RUSA Best of the Best University Press Books 2007-2016; John Sessions Award, 2014-present; Committee on Conference Program Coordinating, 2015-2017; Intellectual Freedom Round Table; By-Laws Committee, 2007-2009, 2014-2016; Nominating committee, 2016-present; Oboler award, 2014-present; GLBT Round Table, Stonewall Committee, 2016-2017. Sword of Honor, 1987, Sigma Alpha Iota. I believe that we need to continue to reach for more diversity in our libraries. I also feel that it is important that we remind people of the importance of intellectual freedom. In many communities, this issue is swept under the rug and avoided. It can't be. There are many different voices in all types of communities and many are left out because we do not always see them or hear them. As community stakeholders, we must be there for them and help make their voices heard. 10 NY
Celia Avila Senior Librarian, Los Angeles Public Library-West Los Angeles Regional Library, Los Angeles, CA Public Young Adult Librarian, Los Angeles Public Library, 3/2016-7/2016 Social Media Librarian, Los Angeles Public Library, 3/2015-3/2016 Young Adult Librarian, Los Angeles Public Library, 1/2013-3/2015 San Jose State University, MLIS, 2012; California State University Long Beach, BA English Education & Communications, 2009 YALSA REFORMA No No Reforma LA Chapter, Public Information Officer, 2014-2015, Reforma LA Chapter, Chair, Social Committee, 2014-2016 Reforma LA Chapter, Vice President, 2015-2016 Reforma LA Chapter, President, 2016-2017 International Latino Book Awards Judge, 2016 Librarians Without Borders, Library Day Team Leader, 2016 Los Angeles Public Library LGBTQIA Services Committee, Co-Chair, 2016-present As with many of my colleagues, one of my main goals in librarianship is to work to inform and empower the communities I work in. As I dive further into my career, I have a growing desire to use what I am learning to contribute to the overall vision and mission of libraries beyond my community. It is equally important to take an active role in contributing to the way we shape the future of our libraries and our association. In doing so we help each other improve and move forward together. Being a member of council will allow me to contribute my knowledge and experience but will also allow me to learn from others and will better inform my service and global understanding of libraries in our society. 5 CA
Robert E. Banks Chief Operations Officer, Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library, Topeka, Kansas Public University of Kansas, BME, 1976; Emporia University, MLS, 1994. ASCLA, LLAMA, PLA New Members Round Table (NMRT) No No ALA Executive Board 2012-2015; ALA Finance and Audit Committee, member, 2012-2015; ALA Chapter Councilor, 2006-2014; Council Forum Co-Facilitator, 2008-2010;ALA Council Orientation Committee member, 2008-2010; ALA Committee on Library Advocacy, member, 2010-2013;Presidential Task Force on Council Effectiveness, member, 2010-2011; ALA Legacy Society, Co-Chair, 2014-2016; LLAMA Mentoring Committee, member, 2010-2012;LITA/LAMA Joint Conference Planning Committee, 1996. Kansas Chapter Councilor, 2006-2014; Kansas State Coordinator NLLD, 2008-2016; Kansas Library Association By-laws Committee, 2010-2011; Kansas Public Library Standards Revision Committee, 2004-2005; Kanas Library Association Task Force on Re-organization, Chair, 2010;Kansas Library Association Governmental Affairs Committee, 2006-2016, Mountain Plains Library Association, President, 2008-2009; Mountain Plains Library Association Public Library Section, Chair 2001-2003. LAMA Leadership Institute, 2004; 21st Century Leadership Institute, 2001; Mountain Plains Library Association Leadership Institute, Mentor, 2016; Keynote speaker, Kansas Library Operations Association, 1999; Presenter, ALA Pre-conference, Snap shot day, 2010; Presenter, Sirsi-Dynix Webinar: Dump the Org Chart, 2007. During my time on Council as a Chapter Councilor and on the Executive Board, I saw exciting changes started which help direct ALA towards its members. There are many things left to do to make the organization a vital part of our professional lives. I will continue to work to listen to the members and find ways to make conferences more accessible and help all parts of ALA work together to strengthen everything we do. Much of the association and how we do things was established in the pre-Internet era. It falls to us to change the way ALA works to use our current capabilities to our advantage. Our customers, our libraries and Librarians are all different while still maintaining a strong emphasis on our core values. ALA maintains our core values and needs to work differently to support our work lives. Thank you for your vote. 26 KS
Mary Biblo Librarian Emeritus, Rowley Library, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL School Roosevelt University, B.S., 1966, Rosary College, (now Dominican University) M.L.S. 1970 AASL Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) BCALA No No Councilor-at-large,1978/ Com. On the Status of Women in Leadership, 1989-92; Com. On Minority concern, 1984-88, ch, 1984; Intellectual Freedom Com. 1981-82; Mon. Com.,1979-80; Com. On Org. (COO), 1977-80; Scarecrow Press Equality Award Com.1991-92. AASL: Intellectual Freedom Com. (IFC), local rep., 1974-76; NPSS Prog.Com., 1983. Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT); Exec. Bd., 1977-78; John Phillip Immroth Memorial Award Com., 1979-80; Intellectual FreedomRepresentation and Inf. Com., 1979-83. Social Resp. Round Table (SRRT); Action Council Coor., 1977-78 Coretta S. King Award Task Force; Coretta S. King Award Com.; Coretta S. King Fund Raising Com. Local Arrangements Com. 1976 Conf.; Melvill Dewey Medal Jury, 1979-80; Nat'l. Caucus of Black Lns.; Exec Bd.,1974-80; Treas., 1988-92; Newbery Com. 1985. International Relations Comm.1995-1997; ALA/SRRT Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Task Force 1989-; Chair, Bogle-Pratt Int’l. Travel Award Com. 2006-2007; Ethics Com., 2006-2007. Intl. Fedn. Of L. Assn., (IFLA): Standing Com. on School Libraries, 1989-97. Women's Interest Group, co-ch., 1991-93; Women's Interests in Lnship Round Table, secy; IFLA’s Women’s Issues Section (WIS) 2003-2008; IL L. Assn. (ILA); Memb., 1970; Intellectual Freedom Com., 1976-78; Social Resp Round Table 1979; Social Resp Round Table Action Council 2012-; Memb. Com., 1983. IL Assn. For Media in Educ.(IAME); Memb. 1970; chairperson; Exh. Com., 1979 Annual Conf; Awards Com., ch.,1986-88. Nat'l. Caucus of Black Lns., Chicago Chapt.: Treas., 1974-79; Pres.,1980-84 Charlemae Hill Rollins Scholarship Com., 1983; Chicago-Metro Hist.Fair. Judge, 1983. IL White House Conf. On L. & Inf. Serv.: Delegate, 1978; Resource Com., 1978. Chicagoland Assn. For Media in High Schools,1978--Children's Reading Round Table (CRRT); Pres. 1982-83 Awards Com., 1978-81Ch., 1981; Legis. Com., ch., 1979, IL State Bd. Of Educ.: Media & L Adv. Council 1984-88; V-Ch., Nat'l Assn. of Independent Schools, Com. on Diversity,1988-1993; New York Library Association; ALA Youth Caucus. Distinguished Service to the Black Caucus, 1966; Klingenstein Fellowship, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1984; Master Teacher, University of Chicago Laboratory School. My effort to establish an International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)Round Table for Women's Interests in Librarianship is a major accomplishment. The assurance that women of color from around the world would be involved was a significant development. The round Table has now been advanced to a section which is a significant recognition of its importance by IFLA. Reviews of a Decade of Censorship in America: The Threat to Classrooms and Libraries, 1966-75, by L. B. Woods; Censors in Classroom: The Mind Benders by Edward B. Jenkinson, in the Journal of Library History, Vol. 17, No. 2, Spring 1982,Univ. of TX Press. Contributor to the ALA Yearbook (Article on Social Resp. Round Table) 1977-78. North Central Assn. Accrediting Team: Member 1979,"Gifted Students as Part of the Total School Environment." In the Bookmark, Winter 1980, pp. 297-299. Serving as a Councilor of the American Library Association is an opportunity to serve the profession and the membership, as well as the community of library users. It is through the Council that expressions of membership concerns are most often heard. As members of the ALA Council’s Diversity Caucus, we encourage diversity in the Council’s composition. The issues of intellectual freedom, censorship and social issues are still with us. We must work harder to meet the needs of our constituencies. We must reinforce our commitment to serve the unserved and underserved. We must respond to the concerns of minorities within our profession as well as our concern for financial remuneration consistent with the importance of our role in society. Finally I fully support the efforts of the Association to meet the financial needs of library workers by encouraging the Allied Professional Association to work for better salaries. 46 IL
Latrice Booker Coordinator of Library Instruction, Indiana University Northwest, Gary, IN Academic Interim Head of Cataloging, Murray State University, 2007-2008 Serials Cataloger/Government Documents Librarian, Murray State University, 2006-2007 Indiana University, EdD Instructional Systems Technology, Anticipated Completion Date 2020 Indiana University Northwest, MBA, 2012 Indiana University at Indianapolis, MLS, 2006 Indiana University Northwest, BA Spanish, 2003 ACRL Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT); Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT); Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT); Library Research (LRRT) BCALA No Yes ALA Councilor-at-Large, 2014-2017 ACRL Diversity Committee, Member 2011-present ACRL Scholarships Committee, Co-Chair, 2013-2015; Member, 2011-2013 ACRL Posters Session Committee, Member, 2011-2013 Joint Conference of Librarians of Color, Conference Publicity Committee, Member, 2011-2012 ALA Committee on Diversity, Intern, 2009-2011 Indiana University Librarians’ Association, Immediate Past President, 2015-2016 Indiana University Librarians’ Association, President, 2014-2015 Indiana University Librarians’ Association, Vice-President/President Elect, 2013-2014 Indiana University Librarians’ Association, Representative-at-Large, 2012-2013 Indiana Library Federation District 1 Planning Committee Indiana Library Federation, Chair, District 1 Planning Committee, 2014-2015 Indiana Library Federation, Vice-Chair, District 1 Planning Committee, 2013-2014 Indiana Library Federation, Secretary, District 1 Planning Committee, 2012-2013 Indiana University Librarians’ Association, Vice-Chair, Membership Committee, 2010-2011 Indiana University Librarians’ Association, Chair, Membership Committee, 2011-2013 Indiana State Library Indiana Librarians Leading in Diversity, Mentor, 2010-2011 2016 Institute for Research and Design Leadership (IRDL) Scholar 2013 Indiana University Northwest Founder’s Day Teaching Award nomination 2011 Awarded Scholarship to attend the 2011 ACRL Conference Collaborations have helped me make significant changes for the institutions I’ve worked for. I have collaborated with IT departments to create a workflow to catalog a backlog of thousands of monographs quickly and efficiently. I have worked with Student Support Services to reach at-risk students to help with research and writing. I have also collaborated with the English department in order to make sure that every Freshman has an introduction to information literacy and become familiar with the library. Anantachai, Tarida, Latrice Booker, Althea Lazzaro, Martha Parker. (2015). "Establishing a Communal Network for Professional Advancement Among Librarians of Color." Where Are All the Librarians of Color? The Experiences of People of Color in Academia. Sacramento: Library Juice Press. Booker, Latrice. (2014). “Fostering Collaborations to Support Adult Learners in Research and Writing.” Indiana Libraries. 33 (2): 76-79 Booker, Latrice and Subir Bandyopadhyay. (2013). “How Academic Libraries can Leverage Social Networking to Popularize their Services: An Empirical Study.” Journal of Indiana Academy of Social Sciences. 16 (2). I am concerned with the future of collective learning. By restricting access to there is a divide in this society when it comes to access to various information sources. There is the information elite and those who have restricted access to information. There is a problem with the information disparity that exists. Paywall content such as newspapers and academic journals limit access to only the privileged, leaving disadvantaged populations starved for information. For collective learning and collaboration to continue, information should not be restricted to only the elite. This is a concern for our profession, as we promote learning and free access to information for all people. 10 IN
Vivian Bordeaux Customer Service Librarian, Bridgeport Public Library, Bridgeport, Connecticut Public Disability Rights Laws, overview Certificate, 2011; Northwestern Community College, Certificate in Deaf Studies, 1993; Southern Connecticut State University, M.S.W., 1992; Southern Connecticut State University, M.L.S., 1981; Southern Connecticut State University M.S. Urban Studies, 1978; Southern Connecticut State University, B.A. Sociology/Psychology 1976 ASCLA BCALA No No ALA International Relations Committee, 2016-present; ALA Councilor-at-Large, 2013-2016; member of ALA Councilor's Diversity Caucus, 2013-present; ALA Committee on Diversity, 2001-2003-2012-2014; ALA Accessibility Assembly, 2014-2016; ASCLA member, 2005-present; ASCLA LSSPS, chair Deaf Forum, 2007-2009; PLA member 2001-2007; PLA, chair, Cataloging Needs of Public Libraries Committee, 2004-2006; A member of Julie Todaro presidential initiative, Public Library Committee, 2015-present; BCALA, 8th NCAAL co-chair, Job Placement Committee 2012-2013; BCALA member 1986-present; BCALA Executive Board member, 2008-2010; 2010-2012;2014-present; BCALA co-chair International Relations Committee, 2005-present; BCALA Affiliates Committee member, 2015-present. Connecticut Library Association (CLA) member, 2000-present; CLA, ADA Committee member, 2005-present; CLA, Career Development Committee member, 2003-present; BCALA/ Conn. Chapter liaison to CLA 2001-present; BCALA/ Conn. Chapter member,1999-present; BCALA/ Conn. President, 2008-2009; BCALA/Conn. Executive Board member, 2006-present; National Association of Social Workers (NASW) member, 1991-present; NASW/Conn. Chapter member, 1991-present; NASW/Conn. Chapter, chair, International Committee, 2004-present 1. Project Coordinator for the program "American Dream Starts @ Your Library". Bridgeport Public Library, Friends of the Bridgeport Library and Literacy volunteers were given a $5,000 grant from ALA and Dollar General Literacy Foundation. The program helps adults learn English, helps prepare them for their GED, and helps prepare them for jobs; 2. Mentor for the International Librarians Network program, 2016-present; 3. I set up a library in a New Haven inner city K-8 charter school; 4. I was picked to be one of five mentors for a librarian in Haiti to provide guidance in making the community library a vibrant educational place for all ages; 5. I designed two two-weeks basic sign language classes for the Bridgeport Library staff to help them better serve the Deaf and Hard of Hearing population; 6. I helped to create a library for high school students in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. I look forward in continuing to work along with others to promote the goals and objectives of ALA. Community libraries are essential to the residents that we serve and we, as information specialists, hold the key to educating our patrons with the tools that will help them in this changing world. Those who support the mission of this profession have an overwhelming responsibility to educate all in our community. We must be ready to reinvent ourselves, to be creative, and to be motivated to handle the challenges that we face. Our profession, the way we know it now, might change, the methods will change, even what we call ourselves might change, but our goals remain the same. The many resources that we have are available to all equally. The community we serve deserves our best. Working with ALA and others will help to get us there. 22 CN
Steve Brantley Head of Reference Services, Associate Professor, Eastern Illinois University, EIU, Charleston, IL Academic Associate Professor and Assistant Reference Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2010-2013 Assistant Professor and Assistant Reference Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2003-2010 Visiting Assistant Professor and Resident Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2000-2003 Indiana University, MLS, 2000; Indiana University, MA Communication and Culture (Media Studies), 2000; University of Iowa, BA English, 1991 ACRL, RUSA Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT); Video Round Table (VRT) No No LIRT Library Instruction Round Table Top Twenty Instriuction Articles Committee, 2015-2018 (member) RUSA Reference Services Section (RSS), 2011- Management of Reference Committee 2014-2016 (member) RUSA Reference Services Section (RSS) Virtual Reference Services (Joint Committee with MARS) 2014-2016 (member) RUSA Emerging Technologies in Reference (MARS) 2013-2015 ACRL University Libraries Section, 2013-2015 Current Topics Discussion Group, member Video Round Table, 2011-2013, Communications Committee, webmaster; Video Round Table, 2010-2013, Bylaws Committee, chair; Video Round Table, 2006-2009 Executive Committee, chair; Video Round Table, 2005-2006, Program Committee, chair; Video Round Table, 2002-2006, “Notable Videos for Adults” award committee member; New Member Round Table, 2002-2004, Web Committee, member; New Member Round Table 2004-2006, Web Committee, chair Illinois Library Association Advocacy Committee 2016-2019 Illinois Library Association Awards committee 2015-2016 Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries, Conference Program Committee Co-Chair, 2015-2016 Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries, Conference Planning Committee, 2015-2016 Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries, Conference Planning Committee, 2013-2014 Eastern Illinois University Faculty Achievement and Contribution Award for service in recognition of outstanding contribution to the University in the 2014-2015 academic year. Awarded December 3, 2015. I am proud of the work I do day-to-day that affects students, faculty and fellow librarians. In fact, it is our local impact that, collectively, gives us strength and value in our communities. I am proud to have been a researcher for Ethnographic Research in Illinois Academic Libraries, (ERIAL Among the project goals were understanding how students do research; understanding how relationships between students, faculty and librarians shape the research process; uncovering and addressing students' social and environmental obstacles so that we might develop better user-centered services. ERIAL used an ethnographic methodology, employing close observation of students’ research habits. The work accomplished from this project continues to influence the practices of librarians around the world and has helped us understand our users' needs in astonishing new ways. I was a founding member of and contributing author to “Fair Use and Video: Community Practices in the Fair Use of Video in Libraries” July, 2011, with Nell Chenault, Carleton Jackson, Carrie Russel, Claire Stewart, Judith Thomas, and Justin Wadland. Brantley, Steve, Kirstin J. Duffin and Todd A. Bruns. "Librarians in Transition: Scholarly Communication Support as a Developing Core Competency" Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship. v. 29, No. 3, 2017. (in press). Bruns, Todd, Steve Brantley and Kirstin Duffin. "Scholarly Communication Coaching: Liaison Librarians' Shifting Roles" Lanham, Maryland. The 21st Century Library: Partnerships and New Roles Vol. 5 (2015). Brantley, Steve, Todd Bruns and Kirstin Duffin. "Leveraging OA, the IR, and Cross-Department Collaboration for Sustainability: Ensuring Library Centrality in the Scholarly Communication Discourse on Campus" ACRL Proceedings 2015 (2015). Twitter: @brantles, @boothreference As a Councilor-at-large I promise to uphold my responsibilities as a dedicated and concerned professional. As an academic reference librarian and liaison my focuses are on reference and instruction services and scholarly communication. If elected to ALA Council I aspire to thoughtfully serve the wider role(s) librarians perform in our society that are centered on learning, access to information, the right to privacy, and the enrichment of our communities. 17 IL
Elissia Buell Librarian II, San Diego Public Library/Branch Division, 2014-Present, San Diego, CA Public Librarian I, San Diego Public Library, Central Library Division, 2012-2014 Library Technician, San Diego County Library, 2013 Librarian I, San Diego County Library, 2010 San Jose State University, MLIS, 2008; San Diego State University, BA English (Cum Laude), 2004; San Diego Mesa College, AA English (Dean's List), 2002. ALSC, LITA, LLAMA, PLA, YALSA New Members Round Table (NMRT) REFORMA No No ALA Membership Committee 2015-2017 ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services Advisory Committee 2016-2017 NMRT-REFORMA Liaison 2013-2016 REFORMA Interim Membership Committee Chair 2016 REFORMA Member-at-Large Representative and Executive Committee 2015-2017 REFORMA RNC V/San Diego Programs Committee 2015 REFORMA RNC IV/Denver Committees 2011 EBSCO/ALA Annual Conference Attendance Grant Winner, ALA Annual New Orleans, 2011 Developing and producing a Membership Survey for REFORMA to better inform organizational direction and strategic planning: Creating a timeline video of the history of REFORMA that was presented at REFORMA National Conference IV Managing, planning, and organizing various REFORMA events, such as galas and membership events at REFORMA and ALA National Conferences Buell, Elissia: "Why Diversity Courses Should be a Requirement in the MLIS Program" SJSU ALASC The Descriptor, November 2006. I have always appreciated the opportunity to contribute when I volunteer, and to transform ideas into reality through hard work and resilience despite any challenges. My membership and participation with ALA is an experience I am so thankful for having; to be able to work to help to move this profession and organization forward has only inspired me year after year to want to do more. I believe that ALA can lead libraries everywhere to become more inclusive, safe, progressive, and empowering spaces for all communities, and for the staff that serves them. I believe that by serving on the council, I will be able to help shape and build upon the policies and best practices of ALA, while also prioritizing the needs and concerns of its membership. I respectfully ask for your vote and the opportunity to serve on the ALA Council. 10 CA
Nick Buron Chief Librarian, Queens Library, New York, New York Public VP, Public Library Services, Queens Library, 2013-2016 Director, Community Library Services, Queens Library, 2012-2013 Associate and Assistant Director, Central Library and Community Libraries, Queens Library, 2007-2012 University of New York at Buffalo, MLS, 1993. University of New York at Albany, BA American History, 1988. LLAMA, PLA, YALSA Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) BCALA No No ALA - Committee on Legislation, Federal Legislative Advocacy Group, 2015-present - Ken Haycock Award for Promoting Librarianship, Jury Member, 2015-2016 - Councilor, 2005-2008, 2009-2015 - Constitution and Bylaws Committee, 2012-present; chair 2013-2014 - Planning and Budget Assembly, 2013-present - Nominating Committee, 2012-2013 - Publishing Committee, 2003-2007 - Graphics Advisory Committee, 2002-2005 - Major League Baseball@your Library Committee, 2002 YALSA - Fiscal Officer, 2016-2017 - 2014 Governance Nominating Committee, 2012-2013 - Executive Board of Directors, 2009-2012 - Councilor to ALA Council, 2009-2012 - Organization and By-laws committee, 2008-2009 - Board of Directors, 2005-2008 - Teen Read Week Committee, 2003-2005 - President’s Program, 2003 Annual Conference - Best Books for Young Adults 2001-2002 - Serving Young Adults in Large Urban Populations, 1999-2007 LLAMA - Library Organization and Management Section - Organizational Theory and Practice Committee, 2008-2010 - Special Conferences and Programs, 1998-2002 - System and Services Section - Nominating Committee 2001 - Programming Committee 1998-2000; co-chair 1999-2000 - Management Practices Committee, 1994-1998; chair 1996-1997 PLA - ALA Membership Promotion Task Force, Liaison, 2008-2010 New York Library Association, member, 1993-present Metropolitan Libraries/IFLA Conference, Conference Chair, May 16-20, 2011 Queens College Graduate School of Library and Information Science Advisory Board, Co-Chair, 2011 San Jose State University Library School Youth Committee, 2006-2008 New York City School Library Council, 2001-2006; chair 2004-2006; vice-chair 2002-2004 Being named the Chief Librarian of the Queens Library is a culmination of 23 years of public service, from front line young adult librarian, to manager, to Coordinator of YA Services and Assistant Director to Director of Community Libraries. Now, I am able to bring together my love for serving the public though our community libraries while being responsible for providing innovative programming that enriches the lives of our community. Contributor. “YA Q&A: Expert Advice on Tough Teen Services Questions,” Young Adult Library Services (YALS), winter 2009, page 14. Co-Author: “Measuring the Impact of Dedicated Teen Service in the Public Library,” Young Adult Library Services (YALS), spring 2006, page 47-51. Author. “Mentoring New York City’s Future Librarians,” Voice of Youth Advocates, December 2001, page 342-344. Being involved in ALA over the years has enabled me to see how our profession has embraced the best parts of our diverse society; from staff, customers, ideas and models of service. This has brought in the most committed individuals to ALA Council and debate the issues of our profession in a thoughtful and meaningful manner. The importance of this work has never been more important for our country and our Association then it is today. We, as an Association, need to take this energy and bringing out to the rest of the country and announce the importance of the values we hold dear. We have a chance, and an obligation, to impact the lives our customers and staff who work in all kinds of libraries - and the time is NOW. 24 NY
Nan B. Carmack Director, Campbell County Public Library System, Rustburg, Virginia Public Administrative Librarian, Bedford Public Library System, 2004-2007 Lynchburg College, Ed.D., Organizational Leadership, April 2016; Drexel University, M.S., Library and Information Science, June 2008; University of Virginia, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, LEAD Certification, February 2008; Lynchburg College, M.Ed., Agency Counseling, May 1993; College of William and Mary, BA, Education, May 1990. PLA Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) No No PLA Charlie Robinson Award Jury July 2016 to present ALA Portfolio Evaluator for Library Support Staff Certification program January 2013 to present Peer Reviewer, Virginia Libraries, the Journal of the Virginia Library Association, June 2016-present President, Virginia Public Library Director's Association, May 2015-present. Coordinator, Virginia Library Association's Virginia Library Leadership Academy, 2015-present Chair, Virginia Library Association's Leadership Development Forum, May 2012-2015 Program Chair, Mid-Atlantic Library Association, May 2015-present; committee member 2013-2015 Lynchburg Area Library Consortium, Convener, May 2014-2015 2016 Virginia Library Association Librarian of the Year 2015 Virginia Public Library Directors' Association Social Capital Award Completion of a $1.6 million capital campaign in the midst of recession and subsequent construction of a new library branch. Installation of early literacy centers in each of our libraries, funded solely on grants. Re-opening of a museum within one of our branches, assisting in reorganization of the collection and interior renovation. Collaboration with the local NAACP in creating a video-graphed oral history of students from the local Rosenwald Schools as well as its production, distribution, and preservation. Carmack, N. "Electronic Collections as a Basis for Advocacy & Collaboration." Virginia Libraries, 2012 https:/ Having concluded my doctoral work in organizational leadership, I am interested in the inclusion of leadership training and development in all aspects of librarianship, from library school curricula to continuing professional development. My research on perceptions of preparedness surveyed public librarians on their preparation for the workplace and found gaps in the management and leadership aspects (among others) of our professional training. Further, my belief is that not only do we all have a duty to serve our professional organizations and I stand ready to do so. I've spent a great deal of time serving on the state level and am ready to take the next step to the national level. Public librarianship, for me, is the perfect intersection of intellectual curiosity and social justice. I can think of no better way to serve both masters than by participating in the national conversation. 5 VA
Matthew P. Ciszek Head Librarian, Penn State Shenango, Sharon, Pennsylvania Academic Head of Access Services, Georgetown University Law Library, 2005-2007 Circulation Librarian, University of the District of Columbia Law Library, 2004-2005 Systems Librarian, Golden Gate University, 2003-2004 University at Buffalo-SUNY, MLS, 1996; University at Buffalo-SUNY, BA English Literature, 1994. ACRL, LLAMA Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange RT (EMIERT), Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT), Library History (LHRT), Library Research (LRRT), Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) No No ALA Council, 2011-2017; ALA Committee on Diversity, 2014-2016; ALA Constitution and Bylaws Committee, 2014-2016; LLAMA Membership Committee, 2010-2012; LLAMA Diversity Task Force, 2010-2011; GLBT Round Table, Director at Large, 2014-2018; GLBT Round Table Membership Committee Chair, 2008-2010; New Members Round Table Annual Conference Local Information Committee Chair, 2009-2010; New Members Round Table Endnotes Committee, 2009-2010; New Members Round Table, Vice-Presidential Planning Committee, 2008-2009; Intellectual Freedom Round Table, Organization and Bylaws Committee, 2016-2018. Penn State University Libraries Diversity Award, 2013; Excellence in Service Award, Georgetown Law Library, 2006. Member of the Penn State President's Commission on LGBT Equity, 2013-2016; Secretary of Penn State Shenango Faculty Senate, 2011-present; Promoted to Associate Librarian and tenured, 2013; Chair of Penn State University Libraries Faculty Organization, 2009-2010. Ciszek, M. (2014). "The Rainbow Connection: Reference Services for the LGBT Community in Academic Libraries". In Forbes, Carrie and Bowers, Jennifer (Eds.), "Rethinking Reference for Academic Libraries: Innovative Developments and Future Trends". Lanham, MA: Rowman and Littlefield. Ciszek, M. (2012). "Diversifying Diversity: Library Services for Underrepresented Groups". College & Research Libraries News, 73(9), 547-549. Ciszek, M. (2011). "Out on the Web: The Relationship between Campus Climate and GLBT-Related Web-Based Resources in Academic Libraries". Journal of Academic Librarianship. 37(5), 430-436. Librarianship is an ever-changing and continuously evolving profession. Library professionals are asked to keep abreast of these changes not only matching our patrons with the best sources of information to meet their needs, but serving as agents of change and transformation in the communities we serve. As Councilor-at-Large I will work to ensure that the American Library Association is striving to equip library professionals with the tools, training, mentoring, and support necessary to succeed in this environment of change. I have worked collaboratively with many groups, both inside and outside the Association, over the last 6 years as a Councilor-at-Large and look forward to continue this work if re-elected. I have a strong commitment to the goal of a more diverse profession that includes those from under-represented groups, and believe strongly in library advocacy on the local, state, and national levels. 9 PA
Emily E. Clasper System Operations and Training Manager, Suffolk Cooperative Library System, Bellport, New York Other - Library System Project Management Institute, Project Management Professional Certification, 2015. Long Island University, C.W. Post, MLIS, Library and Information Science, 2005. SUNY Geneseo, BA Music, 1999. LITA, LLAMA, PLA Learning RT (LearnRT, formerly CLENERT) No No ALA Council, Councilor at Large 2014-2017 LITA Nominations Committee 2016-2017 LITA Top Tech Trends Committee, Chair 2015-2016 LITA Top Tech Trends Committee, Vice Chair/Chair Elect 2014-2015 LITA Top Tech Trends Committee, Member 2013-2016 NYLA Continuing Education Committee, 2016 -present Library Journal Movers and Shakers 2012 "Project Management Skills for the Library Consultant." In, Becoming an Independent Information Professional: How to Freelance, Consult, and Contract for Fun and Profit, Ed. Melissa M. Powell. Libraries Unlimited 2017 (Forthcoming) We live in exciting and sometimes frightening times as we move into a hyperconnected era where technology changes and develops seemingly at the speed of light, traditional definitions of privacy and literacy are called into question, and we face increasing demands in demonstrating the value of libraries and information professionals. In order to succeed in serving the evolving interests and needs of the library community, ALA Council must adapt with the changes we see permeating our new, digital society and the literacies it requires, while working to preserve the core values and ethics that have long made ALA a champion for free and open access, education, privacy, and intellectual freedom. By serving as a Councilor-at-Large, I will stand by my demonstrated commitment to professional development and educational support of library workers at all levels, equipping them to face new challenges that require an ever-growing and evolving skill set. 10 NY
Peter D. Coyl Director, Montclair Public Library, Montclair, New Jersey Public Senior Librarian/Special Events, Dallas Public Library, Dallas, Texas, 2016-2017 Senior Librarian/Central Library District Manager, Dallas Public Library, 2015-2016. Senior Librarian/Southeast District Manager, Dallas Public Library, 2014-2015. Branch Manager, Dallas Public Library, 2011-2014. Drexel University, MSLIS (Youth Services concentration), 2010; Oakland University, BS Public Administration and Public Policy, 2006; Study Abroad, China Foreign Affairs University, 2005; Mandarin Chinese, Mandarin Training Center at National Taiwan Normal University, 2007-2008. LLAMA, PLA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) No No GLBTRT Executive Board: Chair-Elect (2014-15), Chair (2015-16) and Past-Chair (2016-17); Stonewall Book Awards Committee: Member (2012-13), Chair (2013-14). Texas Library Association, Member, Intellectual Freedom Committee, May 2016-May 2019. Drexel University Magazine, 2016 “40 Under 40”. Doris Keller Hossler Endowed Fellowship, Drexel University College of Information Science and Technology, 2009 Knower Award, Philadelphia Chapter of the Special Library Association During my service on the GLBT Executive Board I helped to develop June as GLBT Book Month and worked with ALA to make it an official, recognized annual event. Additionally, I collaborated to develop and produce "Open to All" a toolkit for Libraries serving the GLBT community. I also helped spearhead the development of two new awards (the Newlen-Symons Award for Excellence in Serving the GLBT Community and the GLBTRT Award for Political Activism). I also worked with ALA staff and the ALA President to issue statements regarding discriminatory legislation in Indiana, North Carolina, and Georgia. I was also honored to work with ALA staff to represent the GLBTRT at the memorial for the Pulse nightclub shootings in Orlando. When a book challenge occurred in Hood County, Texas, I represented the GLBTRT in signing a letter supporting the material and urging its retention in the library. I also attended the hearing and gave a statement to the County Commissioners reiterating the importance of intellectual freedom. Libraries are under fire more than ever due to budget cuts and competing finding priorities in states and municipalities. This can be seen in the cutting of school Librarians across major cities in the US. As this trend continues the efforts of ALA to support school librarians and promote the importance and relevance of them in a 21st century education needs to continue. The international nature of our economy and libraries cannot be understated. With the continued expansion of digital information and sharing intellectual property rights, especially across international boundaries, needs continued bolstered protection. ALA also needs to continue its hallmark championing of intellectual freedom and free expression. Our communities still look to our profession for information, education, entertainment and ways to better their lives. I’ll strive to help ALA continue this effort in all libraries for all people. 8 TX
John C. DeSantis Cataloging & Metadata Services Librarian, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire Academic Russian Cataloger, Amherst College, 1992-1995 University of Toronto, MLS, 1991 University of Toronto, MA, Slavic Languages, 1979 University of Toronto, BA (Honours), Russian, 1978 ACRL, ALCTS No No ALA Executive Board, (2016-2017) ALA Council (2004-2010, 2011-2017) Committee on Professional Ethics (2007-2009), member Committee on Organization (2010-2012), member Resolutions Committee (2012-2014), member Committee on Committees (2013-2014), member Nominating Committee (2013-2014), member International Relations Committee (2014-2016), member Planning and Budget Assembly (2015-2017), member ACRL Slavic and East European Section, Executive Board (2004-2005), member ACRL Slavic and East European Section, Automated Bibliographic Control Committee (1998-2000), member ACRL Slavic and East European Section, Nominating Committee (2013-2014), member; (2014-2016), chair ALCTS, CaMMS, Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (2011-2013), member ALCTS CaMMS, Subject Analysis Committee (2011-2015), IFLA liaison Video Round Table, Notable Videos for Adults Committee (2003-2005), member OCLC Global Council, Americas Regional Council (2011-2017), delegate OCLC Global Council, Americas Regional Council, Executive Committee (2014-2016), secretary OCLC Global Council, Americas Regional Council, Nominating Committee (2011-2013, 2016-2017), member IFLA Standing Committee on Classification and Indexing (2011-2015, 2015-2019), member Online Audio-Visual Catalogers (OLAC), Cataloging Policy Committee (1999-2001), member East Coast Consortium for Slavic Library Collections (2001- ), member; (2007-2009), chair Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies, Committee on Libraries and Information Resources, Subcommittee on Collection Development (2014-2016), member New England Library Association, Executive Board (2000-2002), member New England Technical Services Librarians, Executive Board (1998-2002), member; (2000-2001), president NETSL Award for Excellence in Library Technical Services, 2012 Launched the initiative from Dartmouth College students to change the Library of Congress subject heading "Illegal aliens." My many years of service on ALA Council, and more recently, my service on the ALA Executive Board, have cemented my familiarity with the governance of ALA and the operations of the association. I have always endeavored to advance the concerns of ALA members on issues affecting all types of libraries, whether they be social issues, literacy, intellectual freedom, or diversity and equity. I will continue to push the association toward actions which benefit its members and libraries, and toward its ongoing role as a strong voice for libraries in the national arena. 26 NH
Renee Di Pilato Deputy Director, Alexandria Library, Alexandria, Virginia Public Central Library Manager, Alexandria Library, 2011-2014 Branch Manager, Alexandria Library, 2006-2011 Adult Services Manager, Alexandria Library, 2005-2006 Simmons College, Ph.D., 2016; George Mason University, MPA, 2006; The Catholic University of America, MLS, 2002; Old Dominion University, BA History, 1999 LLAMA, PLA Learning RT (LearnRT, formerly CLENERT) No Yes ALA, Council Orientation Committee, 2016-2018; ALA Councilor-at-Large, 2015-2017; ALA, Membership Committee, 2012-2014; ALA, National Library Week Committee, 2009-2013; ALA-APA, Fundraising Committee, 2010-2012, (Chair 2011-2012); LLAMA, PR-Xchange Committee, 2008-2010 (Chair, 2009-2010); PLA, Leadership Development Committee, 2015-2017 (Chair, 2016-2017); PLA, Membership Advisory Group, 2014-2015 State Coordinator (VA), National Library Legislative Day; Virginia Library Association, Editorial Board Member, Virginia Libraries Journal, 2015-present; Virginia Library Association, Member, Leadership Development Forum, 2012-present Outstanding Achievement Award, Alexandria Library, 2013; Director's Award for Collaboration with Other Agencies, Alexandria Library, 2012 Public Library Association Leadership Academy, Selected for the 2013 Cohort; Emerging Leaders, Selected for the 2008 Cohort Author: The Life Histories of Selected Public Library Directors: An Exploration of Career and Leadership Development (Doctoral Dissertation) Co-Author: "The Future of the Federal Depository Library Program in Public Libraries," Public Libraries, Volume 51, Number 4, July/August 2012 Co-Author: "Four Futures for Children's Programming, Anytown Public Library," in Shaping the Future: Advancing the Understanding of Leadership, edited by Peter Hernon, 187-199. Libraries Unlimited, 2010 Through academic study and professional practice, I have devoted significant time to understanding leadership development in libraries. I am concerned about library science education and the need to promote the merits of library science as an appealing, respected profession. The future of librarianship depends upon the recruitment of a diverse workforce, one that is enthusiastic and prepared to meet the immense challenges facing libraries. Finally, I believe that it is critical to identify and prepare a new generation of leaders to assume positions within our libraries and professional organizations. If elected to a second term, I will dedicate my efforts to issues that address educational and professional competencies that are necessary for re-shaping the library environment. I am committed to seeing that library professionals assert themselves not only as impassioned leaders within the profession, but as leaders who offer their unique skills to serving and improving their communities. 15 VA
Emily Drabinski Coordinator of Library Instruction, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY Academic Electronic Resources & Instruction Librarian, LIU Brooklyn, 2008-2012 Reference Librarian, Sarah Lawrence Collection, 2004-2008 LIU Brooklyn, MA, Rhetoric and Composition, 2011 Syracuse University, MSLIS, 2003 Columbia University, BA, 1997 ACRL, RUSA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) No No Member, AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee, 2014-2016 ACRL Instruction section Ilene F. Rockman Instruction Publication of the Year Award, 2015 ASIS&T Elfreda A. Chatman Research Proposal Award, with Debbie Rabina, 2015 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, 2014 I am an active scholar with a commitment to making space for a range of different voices in our professional discourse. I serve on the editorial board of Radical Teacher, a journal of socialist, feminist, and anti-racist teaching practice. In 2013, I worked with the journal to move from closed to open access. I am series editor for Gender & Sexuality in Information Studies (Library Juice Press/Litwin Books), and have worked with authors and editors to bring six books into print, including Maria T. Accardi's award winning Feminist Pedagogy for Library Instruction. I have co-organized two one-day colloquia exploring issues related to gender and sexuality in the field, each of which has brought 100 scholars and practitioners together to discuss gender, sexuality, and librarianship. As Secretary of the LIUFF, I helped LIU Brooklyn faculty stand against the first lockout in the history of U.S. higher education. Drabinski, Emily and Scott Walter, "Asking Questions That Matter," College & Research Libraries, Volume 77, Number 3, 2016. Drabinski, Emily, "Becoming Librarians, Becoming Teachers: The Kairos of Professional Practice." Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, Volume 40, Number 1, 2016. Drabinski, Emily, "Toward a Kairos of Library Instruction," Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 40, Number 5, 2014. Twitter: @edrabinski Libraries function in political economies that shape the problems we identify and the solutions we can imagine. Too often, our vision is too narrow, imagining the future of libraries as separate from the maldistribution of wealth, regimes of white supremacy and patriarchy, and the impending climate disasters that threaten us all. As one of the only professions grounded in a commitment to collective ownership and shared resources, librarians have both opportunity and responsibility to position ourselves in opposition to capitalist modes of production, distribution, and consumption of knowledge and information. While I have explored these issues in my writing and teaching, in service work at my university and in the profession, serving on Council would give me the opportunity to explore ways of making big change at the institutional and organizational level. I ask for your vote! 13 NY
Megan Elizabeth Drake Implementation Consultant, Ex Libris, A ProQuest Company, Portland, Oregon Other (Vendor) Pacific University, Systems and Applications Librarian. July 2011 - August 2015 Libraries in Clackamas County, Systems Librarian, Customization and Coding Architect. March 2008 - July 2011 Cedar Mill Community Library, Adult Services Reference Librarian. October 2007 - February 2008 Emporia State University, MLS, 2007; Whitworth College, BA Education, 1999. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT); Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) No No ALA ODLOS Advisory Committee, GLBTRT Representative, 2016 ALA Diversity Council, Chair, 2013-2015; ALA Diversity Council, GLBTRT representative, 2012-2015; GLBTRT Program Planning Committee, Co-Chair, 2016 GLBTRT Program Planning Committee, Member, 2016 - 2018 GLBTRT Fundraising Committee, Member, 2016 - 2018 LITA Web Committee, Member, 2012-2014 Pacific University, Executive Board Member, Center for Gender Equity, 2012-2015 Pacific University, Vice-Chair, Library Faculty, 2013-2015 Pacific University, Library Personnel Committee, 2013- 2015 Pacific University, University Technology Committee, 2012-Current ; Chair, 2014-2015 Orbis Cascade Alliance, Chair, Discovery & Delivery Team, 2015 Orbis Cascade Alliance, Member, Systems Working Group, 2013-2015 Orbis Cascade Alliance, Member, Discovery Working Group, 2013-2015 Orbis Cascade Alliance, Member, Acquisitions Working Group, 2012-2013 As chair of Diversity Council in 2014-2015, I spearheaded the effort to elevate the representative membership of Diversity Council from a subcommittee of the Committee on Diversity. The representatives from all Diversity Council constituent groups have now been enfolded into the Advisory Committee for the Office of Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services, ensuring that all groups now have a stronger voice and representation in the governance of ALA and the Office moving forward. In 2011, the Orbis Cascade Alliance chose to migrate to a shared ILS for resource management and discovery. I led the migration at Pacific University from conception until Go Live and continued my leadership on the project within Pacific University as well as the greater consortium, Orbis Cascade Alliance. As a result of my work on the migration, I was invited to speak at multiple conferences and consortial meetings in the 2013-2014 academic year. Drake, M. Romaine, S., Spring, K: "How Is That Going to Work?: Rethinking Acquisitions in a Next-Generation ILS" Proceedings of the Charleston Conference, November 2013 The way that ALA treats the issues of diversity, equity and inclusion are vitally important to the future of the organization. I have been actively involved in these issues since I became a member of ALA, chairing Diversity Council and working closely with the Committee on Diversity and the representative members of the Diversity Council. If elected to Council, I will continue this targeted work on these critical issues. However, I will not just focus exclusively on issues relating to diversity, equity and inclusion but will instead look at all resolutions and matters of discussion before Council through the lens of diversity, equity and inclusion. I want to ensure that all voices within ALA are represented, heard, valued and respected. 5 OR
Tanya D. Finshum Professor/Librarian, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma Academic Associate Professor/Librarian, Oklahoma State University, 2004-2009 Assistant Professor/Librarian, Oklahoma State University, 1999-2004 Information Coordinator, NCRTM/Oklahoma State University, 1997-1999 Oklahoma State University, Doctorate, Family Relations and Child Development, 2003 The University of Tennessee, MSLS, Library Science, 1990 University of Cincinnati, MA, Rehabilitation Counseling, 1982 East Tennessee State University, BSW, Social Work, 1980 Library History (LHRT) No No Library History Roundtable - Donald Davis Article Award Committee 2014-2016; Phyllis Dain History Dissertation Award Committee 2013-2015; Justin Winsor Prize Essay Committee 2011-12 Government Documents Roundtable - Ad Hoc Oral History Committee, Chair, 2009-2010; State and Local Documents/Legislation Committee Liaison 2008-09; Awards Committee 2007-2009; Federal Documents Task Force/Rare and Endangered Documents Liaison 2006-07; State and Local Documents Task Force Secretary 2005-06; State and Local Documents Task Force/Cataloging Committee Liaison 2003-2005 Advisory Council for "Capturing Our Stories" an Oral History Project 2007-08 (ALA Pres. Loriene Roy) Oral History Association (National) -Local Arrangements Committee Co-chair 2012-2013; Elizabeth Mason Large and Small Projects Award Committee Chair 2011-2012; Program Planning Committee 2010-2011; Article Award Committee Chair 2009-2010 Oklahoma Library Association - Interlibrary Cooperation Committee Chair 2009-2010; Centennial Ad Hoc Committee Co-chair 2004-2008, Secretary 2003-2008, Project leader for "Focus on Libraries" 2002-2008; Government Documents Roundtable Chair 2005-06, Chair Elect 2004-05, Secretary 2001-03 Oral History Association's Elizabeth B. Mason Project Award-2013 Archie Green Fellowship (Library of Congress) - 2011/12 Big 12 Faculty Scholarship - 2007 I have conducted over 350 oral history interviews and as such am co-creator of primary resources. Through my work I have had the privilege of meeting people from all walks of life from legislators to farmers to teachers to circus performers and of just about all ages from 21 to 105. I am also co-curator in that I aid in the process of making these interviews publicly accessible. Finchum, T. & J. Nykolaiszyn: "Little Dixie's Circus Cemetery," Southern Cultures, Volume 21, Number 2, 2015. Finchum, T. & J. Nykolaiszyn: "Our Place: The One-Hundred-Year-Old Family Farm," Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 92, Number 3, 2014. Finchum, T. & A. Finchum: "Not Gone with the Winde: Oklahoma Libraries in the 1930s," Libraries & the Cultural Record, Volume 46, Number 3, 2011. Listening, not simply hearing, is not only a desired skill for an oral history librarian but also for others in the library profession. Customers speak to us through various venues and keeping that communication open and moving continues to serve us well. In the world of everything digital, I believe it is important to remember the personal dimension, the human to human connection. Over a person's life course, which is becoming longer and longer, we as librarians have opportunities to do more for and with our customers. As a Councilor-at-Large I will work to cultivate an interest in lifelong learning, in love of inquiry, in libraries, and in stories. Stories can help us make sense of the world and make information more believable. I will aim to support telling "our story" and will work to encourage conversation, asking pertinent questions, listening to answers, and having good follow-up questions. 17 OK
Katherine Furlong University Librarian and Director, Blough-Weis Library, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania Academic Director, Access and Technical Services, Lafayette College (2002-2014) Instruction Librarian, Gettysburg College (1999-2002) User Education and Electronic Resources Librarian (1997-1999) University of Pittsburgh, MLIS, 1997; University of Pittsburgh, BA, 1992 ACRL, LLAMA Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) No No ACRL 2015 Conference Panel Sessions Committee ACRL 2011 Local Chapter Preconference Committee ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute 2006 ACRL College Libraries Section Nominating Committee (2005-2006) ACRL Institute for Information Literacy, 2000 ACRL National Conference Volunteer, 2015, 2013, 2009, 2003, 2001 President, ACRL-Delaware Valley Chapter (term 2008-2009); Vice President 2006-2007; Past-President, 2009-2010 Board Member, Interlibrary Delivery Service of Pennsylvania (2010-2015); President, 2013-2014; Vice President, 2011-2012; Nominations Committee (Chair) 2012, 2011 Association of College Libraries of Central Pennsylvania (ACLCP; Board, 2014- ; Chair, Reference/Instruction Group. 2001/02) PALINET Education Advisory Board Frye Institute, 2011 I have been a professional librarian for over 20 years, working in most aspects of academic librarianship, from technical services to reference and instruction, access services and interlibrary loan. I have served as project manager for an award-winning library renovation, and worked tirelessly to improve services for patrons while promoting better pay and work conditions for library staff. I have participated in the Frye Leadership Institute (2011), the ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute (2006) and the Institute for Information Literacy. I have written and presented extensively on library administration, management and instruction. My co-edited book, Letting Go of Legacy Services: Library Case Studies, was published by ALA Press in 2014. I have served as president of the local chapter of ACRL and just completed a term as President of the Board of the Pennsylvania Interlibrary Delivery Service, where we introduced nationwide shipping to the Commonwealth. Editor of book: Letting Go of Legacy Services: Library Case Studies. With Mary Evangeliste, ALA Editions, 2014. Co-author of book chapters in: Twenty-First Century Access Services: On the Front Line of Academic Librarianship. Michael J. Krasulski, Jr. and Trevor A. Dawes, eds. (Chicago: ACRL, 2013) Author: “Demonstrating the Value of “Library as Place” with the MISO Survey” with Neal Baker et al. Proceedings of the 11th Northumbria International Conference. Forthcoming 2016. 2016 has been an extraordinary year, and following divisive national events, our Association must adapt to new challenges and opportunities. We all share the goal of working for the good of our members and our communities. Together we can move forward to proactively to promote our shared values - #ourALA. At the same time, my experiences in libraries have convinced me that organizations cannot continue innovating without closely examining and evaluating legacy services. As much as we wish to do it all, we need to know when to let go of services or programs that no longer serve the needs of our members and communities. This holds as true for #ourALA as it does for our own libraries. I look forward to the opportunity to serve as a Counsilor and to work for ALA to make it a stronger, more inclusive and responsive and values driven organization for all. 20 PA
Ed Garcia Library Director, Cranston Public Library, Cranston, Rhode Island Public Coordinator of Technology and Technical Services, Cranston Public Library, Cranston, RI, Sept. 2011-March 2012 Information Access Librarian, Cranston Public Library, Cranston, RI December 2008-Sept. 2011 Assistant Library Director, Central Falls Free Public Library, Central Falls, RI, May 2008- December 2008 University of Rhode Island, MLIS, 2008; University of Rhode Island, Information Literacy Instruction Certificate, 2008; University of Rhode Island, BA in History, 2003. LITA, LLAMA, PLA, RUSA Games & Gaming (GAMERT); Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT); Sustainability (SustainRT) REFORMA No Yes ALA Council, Councilor-at-Large, 2011-2014 & 2014-2017; ALA Committee on Committees, Member, 2016-2017; ALA Committee on Diversity, Member, 2014-2016; ALA Council Diversity Caucus, Member, 2011-2017; Spectrum Scholars Selection Jury, Member, 2013-2014; ALA Emerging Leaders Interest Group Steering Committee, Member, 2011-2013; ALA Emerging Leaders Selection Committee, Member, 2011; ALA Emerging Leaders, participant (RUSA Emerging Leader), 2010; RUSA Executive Board, Director-at-Large, 2015-2018; RUSA Name Change Task Force, Co-Chair, 2015-2016; RUSA RSS Public Relations & Marketing Committee, Chair, 2010-2011; RUSA RSS Public Relations & Marketing Committee, Member; 2007-2010; RUSA RSS Executive Board, Member, 2010-2011; RUSA RSS Nominating Committee, Member, 2011; LITA Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Member, 2016-2018. Rhode Island Library Association (RILA), Member, 2006-present; Rhode Island Library Association Legislative Action Committee, Chair, 2016-2018; Rhode Island Council of Economic Advisors, Member (Governor appointed), 2014- 2016; Library Board of Rhode Island, Member (Governor appointed), 2008-present; Representative Jim Langevin's Education Advisory Committee, Member, 2015-present; Ocean State Libraries consortium, President, 2015-2016; Library Board of Rhode Island Bylaws Revision Committee, Member, 2015; Library of Rhode Island Interlibrary Loan Standards Revision Committee, Member 2014-2015; Rhode Island Minimum Standards for Public Libraries Revision Committee, Member, 2012-2013; Ocean State Libraries consortium Strategic Planning Committee, Member, 2011-2012; University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Library and Information Studies Advisory Board, Member, 2014-present; University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Library and Information Studies Strategic Planning Committee, Member, 2015-2016 LibraryAware Community Award, Cranston Public Library, 2016; University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Library and Information Studies "Library of the Year" Award, Cranston Public Library, 2015; University of Rhode Island GSLIS Excellence Award for Leadership, Innovation & Service to the Profession Award, 2013; University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Library and Information Studies Outstanding GSLIS "50 for 50" Alumni Award for 50th anniversary of GSLIS, 2013; Library Journal Mover & Shaker, 2010; Rhode Island Coalition of Library Advocates William Bergeron Public Library Award, 2008 Seconder for ALA Council Resolution Against Mass Surveillance of the American People (2014-2015 ALA CD#42_62615); Seconder for ALA Council Resolution to Improve Member Access to ALA Unit Governing Information (2013-2014 ALA CD#35 REVISED 1/26/14); Signer for Memorial Resolution Honoring Aaron Swartz (2013 ALA Memorial#5); Signer on ALA Council Resolution Calling Upon Libraries to Build More Inclusive Communities (2015-2016 ALA CD#44_62516); Seconder for Memorial Resolution Honoring John Ganly (2016 ALA Memorial#8) I am honored to be nominated to run for a third term on ALA Council. I believe I am well suited to work with members and Councilors to improve ALA. Before I became a librarian 8 years ago, I worked for non-profits (American Diabetes Association) and large corporations (Sony Music). Those experiences taught me how to work and communicate within large organizations. During my two terms on Council I became increasingly involved and continued to learn about the rich history of ALA. I believe after two terms I am ready to make a greater impact for our profession. If elected I will work to increase the resources allocated to diversity within our association. I want to make our association a more vibrant and inclusive organization by making it more accessible to new members of our profession while still valuing the wisdom, commitment and experience of our longstanding members. 10 RI
Karen Weyher Gavigan Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina Other (School of Library and Information Science) Director, Teaching Resources Center, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2002-2010 Lead Media Specialist, Lead Instructional Technology Specialist, Rockingham County Schools, Reidsville, NC, 1999-2002 Media Specialist, Burlington Day School, Burlington, NC, 1997-1999 University of North Carolina at Greensboro, PhD, Teacher Education, 2010 University of Tennessee, MLIS, 1978 University of North Carolina, BA, Secondary Education, 1977 AASL,YALSA Library Research (LRRT) No No Member, Standing Committee, School Library Section, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2013-2017 Member, AASL Practice Committee, 2016-2017 Member, AASL Leadership Development Committee, 2016-2017 Chair, ALA Library Research Round Table Committee, 2015-2016 Chair, ALA's Educators of School Librarians Section, 2015-2016 Member, ALA Committee on Education, 2013-2015 Member, ALA Diversity Working Group, 2013-2015 Co-Chair, AASL / ALA Annual Conference Planning Committee, 2013-2015 Member, ALA Professional Ethics Committee, 2011-2013 Chair, AASL Implementation of Standards and Guidelines Task Force, 2011- 2013 Chair, AASL Research Grant Committee, 2010-2011 Co-Chair, AASL/ ALA Annual Conference Planning Committee, 2008-2011 Member of the AASL Teaching for Learning Committee, 2004-2006 Member of the AASL Institute Planning Committee, 2002-2004 Member of the Affiliate Assembly of AASL, 2000-2002 South Carolina Association of School Librarians (SCASL) - Member of the SCASL Board (2012-present) South Carolina Association of School Librarians (SCASL) Chair of the Standards and Guidelines Committee (2012-2013) North Carolina School Library Media Association (NCSLMA) - Chair of the Action Research Grant Committee, 2005-2007 North Carolina School Library Media Association (NCSLMA) Chair of the Read 2 Succeed Grant Committee, 2002-2004 North Carolina School Library Media Association (NCSLMA) - President of NCSLMA, 2000-2002 North Carolina Association of School Librarians (NCASL) - President of NCASL, 1999-2000 2014 Frances Bryant Bradburn Distinguished Service Award, North Carolina School Library Media Association 2012 Jesse H. Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research, presented by the Library Research Round Table of the American Library Association (ALA), to Pribesh, S.; Gavigan, K. & Dickinson, G. for "The Access Gap: Poverty and Characteristics of School Library Media Centers," published in The Library Quarterly 81(2): 143-160, April 2011. 2009 Youth Services Paper Award, presented by the American Library and Information Science Educators (ALISE) / Linworth Publishing, to Pribesh, S. & Gavigan, K. Beta Phi Mu – National Library Honor Society As the Chair of the Joint Committee of the International Association of School Librarianship and the School Library Standing Committee of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, I am responsible for facilitating the development of resources to implement the IFLA School Library Guidelines. The resources will be disseminated in 2017 to school librarians worldwide. As the Chair of the AASL Standards and Guidelines Implementation Task Force, I collaborated with state L4L (Learning for Life) Coordinators, and ALA Emerging Leaders to advance the L4L brand, and the AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner, nationwide. As the first president of the North Carolina School Library Media Association, I helped start a new association for school librarians in North Carolina. I conduct research on school library access issues and the use of graphic novels in K-12 schools and libraries. I am currently working with incarcerated youth to help them create a graphic novel with an anti-gang message. Gavigan, K. & Curry Lance, K. (2015, October). Everybody’s Teacher: Administrators’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of School Librarians: Findings from the South Carolina Association of School Librarian’s Impact Study. Teacher Librarian. Gavigan, K. & Albright, K. (2015, July/August). Writing from Behind the Fence: Incarcerated Youth and a Graphic Novel on HIV/AIDS. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. International Literacy Association. Moreillon, J., Kimmel, S., & Gavigan, K. (2014, October). Educating Pre-Service School Librarians for the Instructional Partner Role: An Exploration into University Curricula. School Library Research. I would like to serve as a member of ALA Council as a representative of librarians, library administrators, and library educators. I am well-qualified to serve in this capacity, since I was a public librarian (9 years), a school librarian (13 years), and the Director of a university Teaching Resources Center (8 years). Currently, I am an Associate Professor at SLIS at the University of South Carolina, where I teach future librarians. My years of practitioner experience and my leadership in numerous associations quality me to serve as a Council member. My area of concern is the question that all librarians are being asked, “Why do we need libraries anymore?” I would like to help develop strategies to communicate the impact that libraries and librarians have on the local and national level. If elected to ALA Council, I would work diligently to increase ALA membership and advocate for our profession. 27 SC
Martin J. Gomez Vice Dean (retired), University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Academic General Manager and City Librarian, Los Angeles Public Library President/CEO, Urban Libraries Council Executive Director, Brooklyn Public Library University of Arizona, MLS, 1976 University of California, Los Angeles, BA, 1975 ACRL, PLA REFORMA No No ALA Council, 1992-1996 ALA Executive Board, 1996-2002 ALA Executive Board, Finance and Audit Subcommittee ALA Endowment Trustee, 2001 PLA Board of Directors, 1991 Outstanding Alumnus, College of Behavioral Sciences, University of Arizona Doctor of Humane Letters (Honorary), St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY New York City Council Man of Hope Award Doctor of Laws (Honorary) St. Joseph's College, Brooklyn, NY Homero Rosado Leadership Award Spanish Speaking Elderly Council-RAICES Arts Award for Hispanic Leadership, Kings County (NY) District Attorney Festividad de Amigos Award, fostering educational and business Partnerships Brooklyn Friends School, NY Eileen C. Dugan Public Service Award Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, NY (Margaret E.) Monroe Library Adult Services Award Reference and User Service Association – American Library Association Provided leadership and vision for the passage of two ballot measures that resulted in new funding for the Oakland Public Library (Measure O, parcel tax) and the Los Angeles Public Library (Measure L, charter amendment). Led efforts that resulted in the creation of the African American Library and Museum of Oakland (a division of the Oakland Public Library) Organized efforts that resulted in the creation of the first bi-national conference between libraries in California and Baja California del Norte (MEX). I recently retired from my position as Vice Dean of Libraries at the University of Southern California. The majority of my experience has been in public libraries. I have used each experience to advance the mission of the organization and improve the quality of library service. As a former member of the ALA executive board, I was a leading advocate for the establishment of the Spectrum Scholarship initiative. I worked with colleagues in REFORMA to establish the Pura Belpre award. My service experience includes service on three national boards: OCLC Board of Directors, Sesame Workshop (the parent company of Sesame Street) and Poets House in New York City. My diverse work experience includes executive leadership at some of the largest urban public libraries in the United States and nonprofit organizations. If elected to Council, it is my goal to use my experience to help advance the mission of ALA. 38 CA
Rhonda K. Gould Executive Director, Walla Walla Rural Library District, Walla Walla, WA Public Consultant, By the Book Library Consulting, 2013-2016 Interim Library Services Director, Puyallup Public Library, 2015 Youth Services and Special Needs Consultant, Lakeshores Library System, 2000-2013 University of Wisconsin-Madison, MA Library and Information Studies, 1996; University of Wisconsin-Madison, BA Art History, 1986. ALSC, ASCLA, PLA Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) No No ALA member since 1998 ALSC Division Councilor, 2010-12 ALA Committee on Advocacy, 2014-18 Planning and Budget Assembly, 2014-16 Council Orientation Committee member, 2011-13 Council Committee on Committees, 2010-11 ALA Conference Planning and Coordinating Team, Chair, 2008-09 Association for Library Service to Children Chair, 2017 Randolph Caldecott Award Selection Committee, 2016-17 Priority Group Consultant, 2013-14 Candidate for President-Elect, 2013 Executive Board and Board of Directors, 2010-12 Chair, Public Awareness Committee, 2009 Caldecott Award Selection Committee, 2009 Preconference Planning Committee co-chair, 2007 Budget and Planning Committee chair, 2006 Budget and Planning Committee, 2004-05 Nominations Committee, 2004 Association for Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies Immediate Past-President, 2016-17 President, 2015-16 Budget Committee chair, 2014-15 Conference Program coordinator, 2008-13 Public Library Association Public Library Systems Committee chair, 2005-2007 Washington Library Association Member Services Committee chair, 2013-14 Marketing and Public Relations Committee, 2013-14 Wisconsin Library Association President, 2011 Board of Directors, 2010-12, 2002-03 Wisconsin Association of Public Librarians chair, 2008 Outreach Services Roundtable chair, 2006 Youth Services Section chair, 2003 Conference Planning Committee member, 2004,2006, 2011, 2012 Library Development and Legislative committee, 2007-08, 2010-12 WELead Mentor, 2004-2006 Children's Book Award committee, 2000-01 Collaborative Summer Library Program President, 2011-12 Board of Directors, 2006-2013 Diversity Committee chair, 2006-2009 National Association of Professional Women, Woman of the Year, 2012-2013 Editor of the 2016 Collaborative Summer Library Program manual for adults "Exercise Your Mind: Read" Gubernatorial appointment of Wisconsin's Council on Library and Network Development, 2012-13 Member of Wisconsin State Superintendent for Public Instruction's International Education Council, 2004-2008 The activity of ALA Council exemplifies the best of our organization. That is, the collaboration and advocacy among divisions and roundtables, the leadership of individuals, and the timely discussion of the issues ALA is facing now and in the future. I have been an active member of ALA for over a decade and I have held increasingly more responsible leadership roles within the divisions where I've found my home within ALA. I hope someday to be able to give back to ALA what I have received in terms of professional development, networking and mentoring, and opportunities for leadership and growth. A strong association unifies librarians by bringing us together and providing opportunities for learning and growth to support our libraries. We know the value of librarians who are strong advocates within their communities. I will be honored to serve all of you strong advocates on ALA Council. 18 WA
Susan F. Gregory Director, Bozeman Public Library, Bozeman, Montana Public Development Office, Pioneer Library System, Norman, OK 2009-2011 Branch Manager, Norman Public Library, Pioneer Library System, Norman, OK 1999-2009 Small Branch Coordinator, Pioneer Library System, Norman, OK 1993-1999 University of Oklahoma, MLIS, 1986; University of Oklahoma, B.A., 1977 LLAMA No No ALA Council, MT Chapter Councilor, 7/19/2013-6/31/2016; ALA Council, Councilor-at-Large, 7/1/2008-6/30/2011; ALA Committee on Committees, Elected, Member 7/1/2014-6/30/2015; ALA President Roberta Stevens Advisory Committee, Member 11/1/2009-7/1/2011; ALA APA Promotion and Fundraising Committee, Member 7/1/2010-6/30/2012; LLAMA BES Architecture for Public Libraries Committee, Member 7/1/2016-6/30/2018; LLAMA BES Architecture for Public Libraries Committee, Member 7/1/2014-7/31/2016; LLAMA Telecommunications, Member (ad hoc committee) 7/1/2011-6/30/2012; LLAMA Nominating Committee, Member 7/1/2009-6/30/2010; 7/1/1997-6/30/1998; LLAMA Board of Directors, Member 7/1/1997-6/30/1998; 7/1/1996-6/30/1997; 7/1/1993-6/30/1994; LLAMA Financial Advancement Committee, Member 7/1/2007-6/30/2009; LLAMA Cultural Diversity Grant Committee, Member 7/1/2006-6/30/2008; LLAMA/FRFDS Executive Committee, Member 7/1/2005-6/30/2007; LLAMA/FRFDS Executive Committee, Chair,7/1/1994-6/30/1995; LLAMA/FRFDS Executive Committee, Member, 7/1/1993-6/30/1994; LLAMA/FRFDS Trends, Marketing & Project Development Committee, Member 7/1/2005--6/30/2007; 7/1/2003-6/30/2005; LLAMA/FRFDS Program Committee, Member 7/1/1993-6/30/1994; 7/1/1992-6/30/1993; LLAMA/FRFDS Fund Fare Committee, Chair 7/1/1989-6/30/1990; LLAMA/FRFDS Fund Fare Committee, Member 7/1/1988-6/30/1989; Gale Research Award Committee, 9/14/2000-7/1/2001; Frontline Fundraising Task Force, Member 7/1/2010-6/30/2011; LLAMA Virtual Membership Task Force, Member 7/1/1998-6/30/2000; 7/1/1997-6/30/1998; LLAMA/FRFDS Development Officers Discussion Group, Co-Chair 7/1/1991-6/30/1992. Montana Library Association, Executive Board, 2013-2016.Library Development Study Task Force, Member, Montana State Library, 2016. Beta Phi Mu, University of Oklahoma, School of Library and Information Studies, 1986.President, Board of Directors, Transition House, Norman, OK, 2011.ELSA "Excellence in Library Service Award", Bozeman Public Library, 2014, 2015, 2016, Montana State Library. Library Journal Design Institute, May 5-6, 2016. Bozeman Public Library was chosen to host this important library design event, which drew attendees from all over the United States and Canada. Library Journal, May 24, 2016, "Safety First", by Jennifer Dixon. Created innovative partnership between the Bozeman Public Library and the Bozeman Police Department, in which police set up a substation in the Library, resulting in better Library security-at no cost- and improved community relations for the police. School Library Journal, Editorial, June 2016, "It Starts with Hello: Kindness is key to good library service." Highlights the excellent Children's Department and culture of kindness at Bozeman Public Library. Successful fundraising drive with Bozeman Library Foundation for $600,000 Library bookmobile project; service start date, January 2017. Libraries continue to face the challenges of dealing with growing transient, homeless and/or mentally ill populations. It's critical that our profession comes to terms with this reality in a positive way: we need to strengthen our partnerships with social service agencies, increase training opportunities for our staff with community colleagues such as mental health professionals and law enforcement, and - most importantly - lobby assertively with our state and national legislators regarding increased funding for mental health services. ALA can assist by increasing targeted webinars, workshops and pre-conferences; provide lobbying assistance and media alerts to members; add the topic to graduate library program curriculums and raise the conversation to a consistent national level. Libraries are community partners in this struggle: not homeless shelters, but compassionate institutions. 28 MT
Catherine Hakala-Ausperk Consultant, Trainer, Planner, Speaker, Libraries Thrive Consulting, Chagrin Falls, OH Other (Library Trainer, Speaker & Consultant) Northeast Ohio Regional Library System, Executive Director, 2011-2016 Cleveland Heights - University Heights Public Library, Deputy Director, 2003-2011 Cuyahoga County Public Library, 1984-2003 Kent State University, BA, News-Editorial Journalism, 1978 Kent State University, MLS, 1991 ALA Certified Public Library Administrator (CPLA), 2010 Career Development Facilitator (CDF), 2015 ASCLA, PLA Learning RT (LearnRT, formerly CLENERT) No No Previous member of ALA Certification Program Committee, ALA Chapter Relations Committee; ALA CPLA Review Committee; Electronic Member Public Libraries Editorial Committee Northeast Ohio Regional Library System (formerly Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System), various committee roles 2015 Alumnus of the Year - School of Library and Information Science, Kent State (OH) University Adjunct Instructor at Kent State University School of Library and Information Science (2009 - current); Author "Be a Great Boss: One Year to Success" (2011), "Build a Great Team: One Year to Success (2013), "Renew Yourself: A Six-Step Plan for More Meaningful Work (2017); national speaker, trainer, strategic planner, consultant, and coach. Be a Great Boss: One Year to Success; 2011, ALA Editions; Build a Great Team: One Year to Success, 2013, ALA Editions; Renew Yourself: A Six-Step Plan for More Meaningful Work, 2017, ALA Editions Chapters published in "Library Management 101: A Practical Guide," ALA Editions, 2013; "Children's Services: Partnerships for Success," ALA Editions, 2010; "Partnerships and Collaborations in Public Library Communities," IGI Global, 2012. Editor, "By the Book," professional review column in "Public Libraries" magazine. Libraries Thrive webpage - Facebook - Linked In - Libraries have a strong, bright future that doesn't look anything like our past! Today and for a strong future, we need to come together, streamline our professional strengths, broaden the diversity within our staff teams and focus on opportunities for ongoing learning and growth. We can only be as effective in service and in advocacy as we are prepared to be. ALA needs to lead the way in focused, productive, accessible and affordable learning opportunities that can be of value to libraries from small, rural communities to major metropolitan areas and everything in between. We talk about helping our customers transform and change with the times? We need to make sure we're doing the same for our libraries. Libraries depend on ALA for so much, but there's so much more we can do. I would be honored to be part of that future. 14 OH
Dorcas Hand retired June 2016 (hired August 1990), Annunciation Orthodox School, Houston, TX School Head Librarian, Episcopal High School, Houston (1984-1989) Youth Librarian, Houston Public Library, Looscan Branch (1983) Young Adult Librarian, Boston Public Library, Central Young Adult Room (1982-1983) Head Librarian, Episcopal High School, Houston (1984-1989) Youth Librarian, Houston Public Library, Looscan Branch (1983) Young Adult Librarian, Boston Public Library, Central Young Adult Room (1982-1983) Certified School Librarian TX 2000-2005 (lapsed) SUNY Albany, MLS, 1978 Certified School Librarian, Lifetime, MA (1978) Certified School Librarian, Lifetime, NY (1978) Wellesley College, BA, 1973 Certified Classroom Teacher, K-6, Lifetime, MA (1973) Certified Art Teacher, Lifetime, MA (1973) Certified Classroom Teacher, K-12, Lifetime NY (1973) Certified Art Teacher, Lifetime, NY (1973) AASL, ALSC, YALSA Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) No No Co-Chair Todaro Initiative School Committee, 2015-present AASL Rep to ALA Advocacy Coordinating Group, 2015-present Chair, AASL Advocacy Committee 2015-2016 Member, AASL Advocacy Committee 2011-2015 Member, YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction Award Committee 2013 Member, AASL National School Library Program of the Year 2012 Member, AASL Publications Committee, 2010-2012 AASL Board Rep from ISS 2009-2012 Chair, ISS, 2004 Member, ALA/AASL, 1978-present Member, AASL Independent Schools Section (ISS) 1978-present Member, YALSA and ALSC, 1978-present misc. committees previous to 2000 Co-Chair, TASL Legislative & Advocacy Committee, 2013-2016 Editor, TASLTalks blog ( 2013 Founding Chair, TASL Private School Discussion Group c. 2010 Member, TLA Conference Program Committee, 2012 Member, TLA Bluebonnet Program Committee c. 2005-2008 Co-Leadership of Students Need Libraries in HISD (Houston) ( 2013-present Founding Member 1980, Houston Area Independent School Library Network (HAISLN: Founding Editor, HAISLN Recommended Reading List (annual update, 1990-1997) Author: "ESSA and Your Partnerships with Administrators." KQ blog. AASL, Apr. 2016. Web. 3 July 2016. Co-author: "The New School Library: The Human Connection to Digital Resources and Academic Success," Independent School Magazine (NAIS), Summer 2013. Editor: Independent School Libraries: Perspectives in Excellence (ABC-Clio, 2010) - personal website - website accompanying 2010 book - Houston advocacy effort website My first term on Council ended in June 2016, and was enough to convince me I'd like to continue this important work. While all youth issues are important to all ALA divisions, it remains true that representatives from the youth divisions are especially important to bring these issues to the attention of the larger body. It is also important for the youth representatives to take back to their memberships concerns of ALA overall. My experience in AASL, ALSC and YALSA for the last 38 years supports my qualifications. Additionally, it is important for youth librarians to stand with all librarians in discussions of important issues facing the association, and to participate in related decisions to further our collective work supporting the free and equal access to information. 38 TX
Sam Helmick Public Services Librarian, Burlington Public Library, Burlington, Iowa Public Youth Services Assistant, Burlington Public Library, 2008-2011 Adult Services Aide, Burlington Public Library, 2007-2008 Marketing Instructor, Center of Business, Southeastern Community College, 2015-Present University of Illinois, MSLIS, 2012; Iowa Wesleyan University, B.A. in Human Services 2009 LITA, PLA, YALSA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) No Yes 2015-2017 ALA Public Awareness Committee 2015-2016 ALA Emerging Leader 2014-2016 GLBTRT Advocacy Committee 2015 Stonewall Book Awards Committee 2013-2014 Distance Learning Interest Group chair, LITA 2015-2016 YALSA representative to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Roundtable, ALA 2014-2015 YALSA Division and Membership chair 2014-Present YALSA blog blogger, Young Adult Library Services Association 2017 ILA Executive Board, ALA Councilor, Iowa Library Association 2016 ILA Conference Planning Committee member, Iowa Library Association 2015 Ad Hoc Communications Committee, Iowa Library Association 2014 Class, Leadership Institute, Iowa Library Association 2014-2016 Iowa Teen Book Award Committee 2013-2016 Public Library Forum chair, Iowa Library Association 2012 Collaborative Summer Reading Program, State of Iowa Library instructor 2011-2016 Teen Services Advisory Council, State of Iowa Library 2016 United State of Women Summit, Nominated Attendee 2015 NMRT Professional Development Grant 2014 Iowa Library Association Quality Time Award 2014 Greater Burlington Partnership, 40 Professionals Under 40 Award 2012 Greater Burlington Partnership, 40 Professionals Under 40 Award 2016 American Library Association, Emerging Leaders 2016 White House, Summit of Women, Nominated Attendee 2015 Rowman & Littlefield Press, Author Samantha Helmick. Mobile Social Marketing in Libraries. Rowman & Littlefield Press. 2015. Edited by Carol Smallwood. "The echoBOOM: Library Services for Users in the 20s & 30s." Creative Management of Small Public Libraries. Scarcrow Press: 2014. American Library Association membership reinforces the transformative work of our colleagues and profession. We build communities, sustain ambitions and imagine a brighter tomorrow together. My experience with library workers, organizations and users in the capacity of an ALA Emerging Leader, on committees and through round table work has developed a deeply passionate drive to contribute to the future of ALA, specifically in the areas of inclusion and diversity. I am eager to serve to support communication, promote collaboration, and bring greater awareness of the strength in our diversity as your Councilor. Thank you for inspiring me as a professional and for your consideration. 6 IA
Peter Hepburn Head Librarian, College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita, CA Academic Digitization Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago 2006-2013 Assistant Circulation Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago 2002-2006 Resident Librarian (Reference Department), University of Illinois at Chicago 2000-2002 McGill University, MLIS, 2000; University of Victoria, BA (Honours) Political Science, 1992. AASL, ACRL, LITA, PLA Federal and Armed Forces Libraries (FAFLRT); Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT); Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT); New Members Round Table (NMRT); Retired Members Round Table (RMRT); Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT); Sustainability (SustainRT) No No ALA Executive Board, 2014-2017; ALA Council, 2010-2017; ALA Executive Board Task Force on the Context for the Future of Accreditation, 2015-2016 (chair); ALA Conference Committee, 2015-2017; ALA Membership Meeting Committee, 2013-2015 (chair, 2013-2014); ALA Committee on Committees, 2011-2012; ALA Election Committee, 2008-2012 (chair, 2008-2009, 2010-2012); ALA Task Force on Electronic Member Participation, 2007-2009; ALA Committee on Organization 2004-2008, 2009-2013 (intern 2002-2004); ACRL 2017 National Conference Poster Session Committee, 2015-2017 (co-chair); ACRL 2015 National Conference Contributed Papers Committee, 2014-2015; Liaison from GLBTRT to the Freedom to Read Foundation, 2009-2010; Liaison from NMRT to GLBTRT, 2003-2004; NMRT Leadership Development Committee, 2003-2005 (chair, 2004-2005) Earned tenure with promotion to associate professor at previous workplace. Presented or co-presented posters, panels, and pre-conferences at various state, regional, national, and international conferences. Participation in (including chairing in some instances) numerous library and college/university committees and academic senate. Invited by National Library of Aruba to present two lectures on libraries, special collections, and the developing world. Responsible for mounting approximately two-dozen digital collections of materials at previous workplace. Hepburn, Peter. “An Opportunity for Change: college accreditation and the new library manager”. Journal of Library Administration 54 (1) (2014) pp. 57-65. Hepburn, Peter. “No Middle Ground: perceptions and realities of the distinctions between tenured librarians and their professional colleagues” in Workplace Culture in Academic Libraries, Paul L. Hrycaj and Kelly D. Blessinger, editors. Sawston, Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing, 2013. Harris, Valerie and Peter Hepburn. “Trends in Image Use by Historians and the Implications for Librarians and Archivists”. College & Research Libraries 74 (3) (May 2013) pp. 272-287. Having had the opportunity to represent a round table (GLBTRT) on Council, and then work on behalf of all ALA members as an Executive Board member, I am keen to return to Council to continue my efforts. I have good perspective on how Council and the administration of the association can balance the many interests contained within ALA. Through my work on Executive Board and Council as well as in committee work at various levels of the association, I have demonstrated that I will gladly shoulder the work that comes before us. Council wrestles with issues big and small, and I would like the opportunity to represent all members as in an at-large position to move the association forward on those issues. 16 CA
Dora T. Ho Young Adult Librarian, Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles, CA Public UCLA, MLS, 1992 with specialization in Special Libraries ALSC, LITA, PLA, YALSA International Relations (IRRT); New Members Round Table (NMRT) APALA, CALA, REFORMA No No ALA Councilor at large, 2003-2017; ALA Executive Board, 2011-2014; ALA Presidential Task Force - Graduate Dues Study, member 2007-2008; ALA Committee on Committee, member, 2004-2005; ALA Membership Committee, member 2002-2006, 2009-2010, 2014-2016; chair 2007-2008, ALA BARC 2011-2013; ALA Council Representative to the Budget Planning Assembly 2010-2012; ALA YALSA, Membership Committee, member, 1999-2004; ALA YALSA, Technology for Young Adult Committee, member 1995-1999; ALA YALSA, President Program Committee, member 2001-2002; ALA YALSA, Professional Development Committee; member 2004-2005, 2009-2010, Chair, 2005-2006, 2007-2009; ALA YALSA, Teen Tech Week Task Force, member, 2006-2007; ALA YALSA, Anime Online Discussion Forum, convener July 2006-2010; ALA YALSA, Local Arrangement Committee (Anaheim), Chair 2007-2008 ; ALA YALSA, Midwinter Institute 2009, Co-chair; ALA YALSA, Financial Advancement committee, member, 2014-2016; ALA YALSA, Teen Read Week Committee 2016-2017; New Members Round Table, President 2001-2002; California Library Association, John and Patricia Beatty Award Committee, member 2000-2001, 2015-2017; California Library Association, Edna Yelland Scholarship Committee, member 2008-2011, 2012-2014; APALA - Asian/Pacific American Award; for Literature Committee, Chair 2002-Present; APALA Treasurer, 2013-2016; APALA Vice President/President Elect, 2016-2017 CALA Treasurer, 2001-2006; CALA President, 2007-2008; JCLC 2012 Steering Committee, CALA Representative; JCLC Inc, Treasurer 2015-2019 3M/NMRT Professional Grant Recipient 1997; 2007 ALA – IRRT Bogle-Pratt International Library Travel Fund Award Recipient; CALA President’s Award Recipient 2011; I am proud to be on the CALA (CALA) Handbook Committee and creating its handbook for the association in 2010. As a member of the 2012 Steering Committee of the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color, we put on a successful conference in Kansas City. Ho, Dora T. “Positive Attitude.” The Librarian’s Career Guidebook. Ed. Priscilla K. Shontz. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2004. Ho, Dora T. “An Advocate for Teens: the Young Adult Librarian. The Library & Information Science Professional's Career Development Center. March 2002. Ho, Dora T. “K-pop Wave” YALSA, Summer 2012. Having served as a member of the ALA Executive Board from 2011-2014, provided me with great insights of our association. I will continue to bring leadership and cohesiveness to achieve the goals and missions of ALA. I will advocate for intellectual freedom, equity of access, services for youth, diversity, professional development, and literacy. I want to encourage member participation, and promote mentoring, technology and leadership development within ALA. My experience in the various leadership roles I have held will strengthen my ability to listen and foster a deeper understanding of our members’ concerns and needs. It will allow me to better serve and represent members of the association if I am elected as Councilor at Large. Thank you for your support! 26 CA
Mary Anne Hodel Director/CEO, Orange County (FL) Library System, Orlando, Florida Public Director, Ann Arbor District Library, 1995-2001 Chief, State Library Resource Center, Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1991-1995 Project Librarian, Georgetown University Law Library, 1984-1991 University of Wisconsin, Madison, BA Political Science/Economics. Catholic University, Washington D.C. MLS. University of Michigan School of Business, Manager of Managers Executive Course 1997. LITA, LLAMA, PLA No No ALA Council 2011- 2017. Local Arrangements Chair for ALA Annual 2004, ALA Golf Tournament Chair 2004. LLAMA SASS Management Practices Chair, 2007-2010, 2015-2017; LLAMA SASS Member at Large Executive Board 2007-2010; LLAMA SASS Management Practices Committee Member, 2004-2007; LLAMA SASS Management Practices Program Chair 2008 for "So You've Been Shopped...Mystery Shopper" Program; LLAMA SASS Management Practices Program Chair 2009 for "My Avatar Will Contact your AVATAR: Virtual Realities and Real Opportunities"; LLAMA SASS Management Practices Program Chair 2010 "And the Survey Says.. Strengthening Services through Surveying." LLAMA SASS Management Practices Program Chair 2016 for "Introducing Non-Librarian Digital Professionals: Challenges, Expectations and Results." PLA Presenter 2016: "Power of Partnerships: Library As Leader in Local Collaborations. PLA Nominating Committee 2015-2016. "PLA Board of Directors, Member 2008-2010. PLA Demco Award Jury 2009-2011. PLA Community of Practice Review Task Force, 2009-2010. PLA Leonard Wertheimer Award Committee 2000-2001. LLAMA BES Member Safety & Security Committee 1999-2000. PLA Chair Person, Systems Section, 1995-1996, PLA Systems Section Vice Chairperson 1994-1995. State Library of Florida, Member Florida Library Network, 2007-2015. Strategic Planning Committee 2007. FLA Legislative Committee 2014-2016. FLA Board 2010-2014. Florida Library Association, 2002-present. Florida Library Association Treasurer, 2012-2014. Florida Humanities Council Board of Directors, 2009-2015 and Florida Humanities Council Finance Committee 2009-2012 and Florida Humanities Council Strategic Planning 2016. Urban Libraries Council Member, 2009-2014, ULC Membership Committee, 2009-2011. Mentor in Sunshine State Florida Leadership Program, 2009-2010. Proquest Advisory Board, 2009-2010. Michigan Library Association, Board Member Public Library Division 1997-1998 and Vice President 1998-1999. Ann Arbor Hands On Museum Board of Directors, 1998-2000. Michigan Library Consortium, Chairperson Board of Trustees 1999-2000. Vice Chairperson, 1998-1999. Member Board of Trustees 1997-1998. Runner up for LJ Library of the Year 2015, ALA Library of the Future Award 2011. 2010 Florida Library of the Year Award. Director of Ann Arbor District Library, winner of 1997 LJ Library of the Year Award. Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting, 2003 to 2016 from Florida Government Finance Officers Association. Testified at State level for Library Planning Committee on the direction for Florida libraries 2009. Other awards include ULC Highsmith Award, Beacon Award for Diversity, and over 12 Golden Brick Awards from the Downtown Orlando Partnership, and numerous MARCOM and LLAMA awards for our highly-acclaimed newsletter. OCLS was first library to incorporate audio, video, photography, simulation and graphic arts, maker faire instruction and labs into its services. Through our Melrose Center, OCLS has provided significant technical education to the community, especially in the digital arts, as well as supported children in growing their imaginations, technical and motor skills, through our partnership with the public schools. OCLS has excelled in providing remarkable, non traditional services not anticipated in a library. Under my direction, the library has embraced new technology like Bluubeam and Vocera. I have started new services: Ready Set Go, Mystery Shopper, Citizenship Inspired, ESOL classes, Librarians as Learning leaders, Executive Edge and have raised over $5 million in donations, gifts and grants for such innovative offerings as Right Service Right Time and EPOCH. I have started new product lines, built new branches, established new outreach initiatives, set up new partnerships with community organizations, and increased market share. I have spoken at Library events like Louisville (KY) Strategic Visioning Day, New South Wales (Australia) Library Conference, at ALA and FLA. https:/ Libraries need to better demonstrate their value to their communities that fund them. In times of economic challenge, this is even more important. Increased market share, performance measures that detail organizational results that are meaningful to the community need to be shared and promulgated to our communities. To be truly effective, we should be building our capacity by training new talent, benchmarking with other community organizations that excel in creating efficient work processes, borrowing new ideas from vendors, consultants, suppliers and binding our most talented employees. ALA can and should help members with these challenges. 25 FL
Jody Howard Adjunct Professor and Library Consultant, Emporia State University, Denver, Colorado Other (Professor of Library and Information Management and Library Consultant) Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director; Darden College of Education; Old Dominion University; July 2014 to June 2016 Director and Associate Dean of College of Education, Information and Technology; Palmer School of Library and Information Science; Long Island University; Oct. 2011 to May 2014 Associate Professor; Palmer School of Library and Information Science; Long Island University; September 2010 to October 2011. Emporia State University, Ph.D. in Library and Information Management, 2008; University of Denver, MLIS, 1981; Colorado School Library State Certification, 1975; Masters of Education: Educational Media, 1975; Adams State College, Alamosa, CO, State of Colorado Professional Teacher License (Secondary), 1971; Metropolitan State College, CO, BA in English, 1971. AASL, YALSA Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) No No ALA Awards Committee: Ken Haycock Award Jury, Member, 2017; ALA Research and Statistics Committee, Member, July 2013-June 2015; ALA Education Committee, Member, June 2012-June 2013; ALA Joint Children's Book Council Committee, Member, July 2009-June 2011; AASL ESSA Vision Working Group, Member, April 2016 -June 2016; AASL Executive Committee, Member, 2016-2017; AASL Educators of School Librarians' Section (ESLS) Liaison to the AASL Board of Directors, 2015-2017; AASL Board, Member-at-Large, 2013-2015; AASL Research and Statistics Committee, Chairperson, June 2012-June 2013; ESLS, Outgoing Chair, June 2012-June 2013; ESLS, Chairperson, June 2011-June 2012; AASL School Library Program of the Year Award Committee, Member, June 2011-June 2012; ESLS, Chairperson Elect, June 2010-June 2012; AASL Taskforce Assessment Rubric, Member, 2009; AASL School Library Media Research Editorial Board, Member, July 2009-June 2012. NY City Schools School Library Council, Member, 2010-2014; ODU Friends, Member, 2014-2016; CO Association of Libraries (CAL), Immediate Past President, 2009-2010; CAL, President, 2008-2009; CAL, President Elect, 2007-2008; CO Power Library Board, Member, 2000-2010; CO Library Advisory Board, 2004-2006; CAL Representative for the AASL Vision Summit, Dec. 2006; CAL Legislative Committee, Member, 2001-2010; 2016 to present; Colorado Association of School Libraries (CASL) Higher Education Board Representative, 2003-2007; Emporia State University, Doctoral Steering Committee, Ph.D. Student Representative, 2006-2007; School of Library and Information Management Committee, Emporia State University, Ph.D. Student Representative, 2006-2007. 2015, Received Junior Faculty Research Mentoring grant from Old Dominion University; 2013, Received a $353,760 Laura Bush Grant in collaboration with three universities to create the NxtWave: Leaders for 21st Century School Librarians Program; 2011, Ph.D. dissertation article included in LIRTs top Twenty Library Instruction articles; 2008, Invited to join the Honor Society, Phi Kappa Phi; 2007, Received a $25,000 LSTA Grant honoring CO Principals; 2007, Received a $2000 Dissertation Research Fellowship; 2007, Invited to attend Library Research Seminar IV; 2004, Recognition award, CO State Library; 2002, CAL Distinguished Services Award; 1971, Graduated Summa Cum Laude from Metropolitan State College. One of my major accomplishments was working with three different universities: Palmer School of Library and Information Science, Long Island University, Old Dominion University, and the University of Nebraska at Omaha to apply for and receive a Laura Bush grant: NxtWave, Leaders for 21st Century School Librarians. This grant for $353,760.00 provided the funds to develop four Doctoral classes addressing the curriculum doctoral students preparing for district level positions or higher education positions working in the school library area, need to prepare themselves for these positions. The grant also provided 16 doctoral students with mentoring as they progressed through their programs. Kimmel, S. C., Howard, J. K. & Ruzzi, B. "Educating School Library Leaders for Radical Change through Community Service," Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, Volume 57, Number 2, 2016. Burns, E. A., Howard, J. K. & Kimmel, S. C. "Development of Communities of Practice in School Library Education," Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, Volume 52, Number 2, 2016. Howard, J. K. "The Evolution of NxtWave: Leaders for 21st Century Libraries." Knowledge Quest, Volume 3, Number 4. 2015. My personal website is: In today's world, we are faced with many challenges in the library and information science field. One of these challenges is providing all people with skills to harness information making it their own. This process should begin at birth and continue as we journey through life. Students are involved in K-12 education for many years, and should be transformed as learners during those years. However, today we find that many school districts are eliminating school library positions and replacing school librarians with clerks or volunteers. We need to explore various ways to reinstate school librarians so that they can work with the youth of today. Another challenge we face is working in personal silos. As a profession we need to network, collaborate, and support each other regardless of the type of information organization we work for. It is only together that we can fulfill our roles as information professionals. 20 CO
Cinthya Ippoliti Associate Dean for Research and Learning Services, Oklahoma State University Libraries, Stillwater, OK Academic Head, Teaching and Learning Services University of Maryland 2011-2014 Librarian/Library Chair Maricopa Community Colleges, Mesa and Paradise Valley Community Colleges 2004-2011 Librarian, University of California Los Angeles 2001-2004 University of California, Santa Barbara B.A English, 1997; University of California, Los Angeles MLIS, 2000 ACRL, LITA, LLAMA Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) No No Chair, ACRL Libraries Transform Taskforce; Chair, LIRT Teaching, Learning and Technology Committee; Chair, RSS Marketing and Public Relations for Reference Services Committee; Co-convener, Digital Badges Interest Group; Member, ACRL Value of Libraries Committee; Member, ULS Future of Libraries Committee Chair, Community of Oklahoma Instruction Librarians, 2017 1. 2016 Leading Change Institute Fellow2. 2013 Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians Fellow 3. 2002 Graduate of the ACRL Immersion Institute Restructured the Research and Learning Services Division at Oklahoma State University to undergo a major transformation that shifts focus away from traditional reference and collection activities and provides comprehensive research support for faculty and students in the areas of design thinking and prototyping, digital scholarship, open access, author rights, and research impact (altmetrics). Managed the University of Maryland Libraries’ First Year Information Literacy programs, including coordinating the scheduling of classes, assessment and curriculum development. Administered staffing, spaces and services provided through the Terrapin Learning Commons. As chair of the Buxton Library at Paradise Valley Community College, managed a budget of approximately $1 million and supervised four full-time faculty librarians, five adjunct faculty librarians and five professional staff. Led and organized annual and 3-5 year strategic and operational planning for the library. Assisted with coordination of library exhibits involving topics such as Native American education, the Holocaust, and various course-related student projects. Ippoliti, C., & Gammons, R. (2016). User-Centered Design for First Year Instruction Programs. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited. Ippoliti, C. (2015). If you build it will they come? The learning commons helps engage students out of class. In Bonnand, S. & Hansen, M. (Eds.) Innovative Solutions for Building Community in Academic Libraries. Hershey: IGI Global. Ippoliti, C. (2014). Are you being served? Designing the Customer Service Curriculum. Public Services Quarterly, 10(3), 177-192. Libraries have undergone significant changes in the last few years, shifting from repositories to learning spaces, from places to experiences paving the way for truly transformative thinking and doing. New models are expanding our notions of what it means to create and how these intellectual products are shared and accessed in a digital environment. We must therefore build communities of practice that anticipate future capacity rather than simply improving upon the status quo. In order for these opportunities to materialize at a broad scale, we must foster organizational commitment to change by leveraging shared resources that will empower us to evolve system-level partnerships that drive policy while still enabling individual stories to emerge. I am passionate about getting involved on a national level where we can leverage collaborative resources and partnerships, redefine what it means to provide access to information, and engage our communities across all types of libraries. 16 OK
Grace M. Jackson-Brown Library Faculty, Associate Professor, Missouri State University Libraries, Research & Instructional Services, Springfield, Missouri Academic Campus Library Head, Weil Journalism Library, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2002-2007 Campus Library Head, Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center Library, IU-Bloomington, 1994-2007 Reference Librarian, Herman B Wells Library, IU-Bloomington, 1989-1994 Indiana University-Bloomington, School of Journalism, PhD Mass Communication, 2005; Emporia State University, School of Library & Information Management, MLS,1983; University of Missouri-Kansas City, BA English/Journalism, 1981 ACRL BCALA No No ALA Council, Publishing Committee, 2009-2013; ALA, Member, 1987-present; AASL/ACRL Inter-divisional Committee on Information Literacy, Member 2013-2015; AASL, Member 2010-2015; AASL Educators of Library Media Specialists Section, Member, 2010-2015; ACRL/AFAS Member-at-Large, 2014-2016; ACRL/AFAS Publications and Research Committee, 2013-2014; ACRL/Women's Studies Section (WSS), V.P &Pres. Elect, 1994-96; ACRL/WSS Secretary, 1993-94; ACRL/WSS Publications Committee, 1992-93; ACRL, Member, 1987-present; ALA Black Caucus (BCALA), Literary Awards Committee, 2016-2018; ALA BCALA International Relations Committee, 2006-2008; ALA BCALA Affiliates Committee, 2002-2007 Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication(AEJMC), Member, 2005-present; AEJMC Publications Committee,2007-2009; Missouri Library Association (MLA), Member, 2008-present; MLA Membership Committee, Member, 2009-2011; NAACP Springfield, Missouri Chapter, Member, 2009-Present; NAACP Springfield, Missouri, Education Committee, Member, 2009-present; Springfield, Missouri, African-American Read-In Committee, Chairperson, 2009-present; Indiana Black Librarians Network(IBLN), Co-Founder, 2000; IBLN President, 2003-2004; IBLN Member, 2000-2007; Indiana Library Federation (ILF), Member, 1988-2000; ILF Membership Committee, Co-Chairperson, 1996-98; ILF Executive Board, Member-at-Large,1993-96; ILF Women in Indiana Libraries Division, Past Pres. Exec. Board,1990-91; Vice Pres./Pres. Elect,1988-89 Zora Neale Hurston Award, ALA/RUSA & Harper Perennial, 2014; Roy Wilkins Education Partnership Award, NAACP Chapter Springfield, Missouri, 2014; Missouri Humanities Council Award to Springfield African American Read-In, Springfield, Missouri NAACP Chapter, Principal Author, Grace Jackson-Brown, 2012; Missouri State University, Public Affairs Grant, Dr. Sabrina Brinson and Dr. Grace Jackson-Brown, Co-Authors, 2010; Inter-Disciplinary Ventures Grant, Indiana University, Grace Jackson-Brown, Author, 2007 "Two Universities Celebrate the African American Read-In and Build Campus-Community Partnerships," Grace M. Jackson-Brown and Gloria Tibbs, co-authors, College and Research Libraries News, vol. 4, no. 7, July 2013. "Content Analysis Study of Librarian Blogs: Professional Development and Other Uses," First Monday: Peer-Reviewed Journal of the Internet, vol. 18, no. 2-4, 2013. "Building a 'Town and Gown' Collaborative Partnership to Promote Diversity and Literacy," ACRL Conference Proceedings, Philadelphia, PA, 2011. Librarians are committed to literacy, intellectual freedom, and information-sharing. Librarians are an invaluable asset to libraries; we are the human engine that make libraries strong, thriving social institutions. The American Library Association, unites us as social and cultural leaders who uphold the principles and values of our profession. As a Councilor-at-Large, I will continue to help build ALA as an organization, a dynamic entity that empowers its members to meet professional challenges and to serve our diverse communities. I acknowledge, too, the impact that the Internet has on librarianship. Librarians must utilize the Internet, guarding against potential threats such as its use to invade our privacy, and yet embracing its benefits such as its powers for social networking and broadening of communication. I ask my fellow librarians to vote for me, giving me the opportunity to increase my service to the profession, promoting libraries and librarians. 21 MO
Susan L. Jennings Dean of Library Services, Chattanooga State Community College -- Kolwyck Library & Information Commons, Chattanooga, TN Academic Lead Librarian for Desk Services, Appalachian State University, 2008-2012 Periodicals Desk Manager, Appalachian State University, 2005-2008 Archival Assistant, International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention University of Tennessee, MSIS- Library & Information Sciences, 2007; Appalachian State University, MA Southern Religious History, 1998; Appalachian State University, BA European History, 1987, Western Piedmont Community College, AA - College Transfer, 1985. ACRL, LLAMA Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT), Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) No Yes ALA Council: New Members Roundtable (NMRT) Councilor, 2013-2015; Councilor at Large, 2015-2017 ALA Resolutions Committee, Member, 2013-2015 ALA Emerging Leaders, Class of 2010 Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), Member, Committee on Committees, 2013-14 NMRT Executive Board, Member as NMRT Councilor, 2013- 2015 NMRT 3M/NMRT Grant Committee, Member 2009-2010, Chair 2010-11. NMRT Resume Review Committee, Member 2010-11 NMRT Mentoring Committee, Member 2009-2010 Tennessee Library Association (TLA): TLA Past President, 2016-2017 TLA Strategic Planning Committee, Co-Chair, 2016-2017 TLA Scholarship Committee, Member, 2016-2017 TLA AdHoc Committee on Diversity & Inclusion, Member, 2016-2017 TLA President, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 TLA Vice-President/President Elect, 2013-2014 TLA Membership Committee, Co-Chair, 2010-11 TLA Scholarship Committee, Member, 2010-11 Tennessee State Library & Archives (TSLA) Tennessee Advisory Council on Libraries, Member, 2014-2016 University of Tennessee (UTK) Student Chapter, Distance Education Liaison, 2006-2007 2011 Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Immersion Class (“Intentional Teaching”) 2010 American Library Association Emerging Leaders Class of 2010 2007 SIS Outstanding Service Award 2006 Gary R. Purcell Scholarship Recipient 1997 Lynn May Research Grant recipient (Southern Baptist Convention Library and Archives) In only 6 months of assuming my first job as a Library Dean, I successfully managed the planning and complete renovation (down to the concrete) of our 22,000 square foot facility in a record time of 6 months (Dec - May - planning, June - Oct - construction). Working with interior designers, we have created a space that is user centered, inviting, and attractive. Led the Tennessee Library Association in considering a major restructuring of our association in order to make sure that everyone (librarians, library staff, and patrons) have a "place at the table" and that our association is reflective to the changing needs of our libraries and our association's members With Ken Johnson, “Ending the Turf War: Circulation, Reference, and Instruction on One Team," Journal of Access Services 8, no.3 (2011): 107-124. Jennings, Susan L. "Creating a User Centered Environment... What Do Our Patron Want?" Tennessee Libraries 59, no. 2 (2009): 1. Jennings, Susan L. " Traditional Values...Changing Times." Tennessee Libraries 59, no. 2, 1. Former Reporting Blog for NMRT Constituents Serving as an ALA Councilor has been the perfect way for me to give back to the profession and the organization that has given so much to me. Having served on ALA Council for the past 6 years, I am passionate about the work we do. I seek election to Council again because, as a mid-career librarian, I have been especially concerned about the future of librarianship and the support and guidance that those new to or considering the profession receive. My passion is to help new and aspiring librarians find their voice and place of service within ALA. This support starts with providing opportunities for professional development, mentoring, and a seamless path for them to serve, learn and grow in the profession. NMRT allowed me that opportunity and was a stepping stone for my places to serve. Making this connection is vital to the future success of ALA. 11 TN
Kyla M. Johnson Librarian Teacher, Farmington High School, Farmington Municipal Schools, Inc., Farmington, New Mexico School Librarian Teacher, Central Consolidated Schools, Inc. 1999-2008 Librarian Teacher, Northwest High School, Shiprock Alternative Schools, Inc. Teacher, Librarian Teacher, Rock Point Community School, 1985-1997 National Board Certified Teacher, Library Media, 2013; Eastern New Mexico University, TESOL Certificate, 2005; Doane College, MEd Curriculum & Instruction, 1997; University of Arizona, MLIS, 1996; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, BS Agriculture, 1981. AASL, LITA, YALSA International Relations (IRRT) No No ALA Awards Committee Member 2015-2016; ALA Awards Committee Intern 2013-2015; YALSA Organizing & By-Laws Committee Member 2015-2017; AASL Publications Advisory Group Member 2014-2016; YALSA Mentoring Task Force Member 2014-2015. ALA Awards Committee Member 2015-2016; ALA Awards Committee Intern 2013-2015; YALSA Organizing & By-Laws Committee Member 2015-2017; AASL Publications Advisory Group Member 2014-2016; YALSA Mentoring Task Force Member 2014-2015. New Mexico State Library Association Advocacy for School Libraries Special Interest Group Leadership Team Member 2015-2016. Selected to serve as Improvement Lead for Four Corners area (four school districts) on Network To Transform Teaching Grant for New Mexico, part of a Federal grant from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Network 2016-2018; Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching 2014-2015; Beta Phi Mu 1997-lifetime member; Selected to serve on State of New Mexico's Education Department Content Advisory Board for Library Media 2006. Being chosen for the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching 2014-2015 to Sheffield, England. My area of focus was Information Literacy in secondary school libraries in the United Kingdom. Collaborating with my peers across my district to implement programs of Information Literacy vertically and horizontally in all our schools by providing training on the resources available to staff and students. Achieving National Board Certifcation in 2013 which inspired me to form a program of support groups for candidates locally where none existed previously. This program has doubled in size each year since it has been offered. Author. "Vegetative Key to Major and Rare Plant Species of the Air National Nature Reserve," translated and published with World Wildlife Fund, ICUN, 1984. Author. "Lexicon to Plants of the Air & Tenere National Nature Reserve," Translated and published by World Wildlife Fund, 1984. Author. "Catalog of Plant Species Collected in the Eastern Air and Western Tenere," published with World Wildlife Fund, 1984. My focus is on giving our students the tools they need to be thoughtful, global citizens. In order to achieve this, students must have access to qualified, certified librarians in every school and at every level. It is not enough to give them the resources if we don't provide the education on how to use those tools. School librarians are in an ideal position because they are often leaders in their schools, collaborating with teachers because of the nature of their jobs. They have the opportunity to build relationships with the community outside the school by collaborating with the public library. I have seen the differences in schools with qualified librarians and those without and there is a vast difference in the education the students receive. As a council member I will use my position to lobby for certified school librarians in every school. Thank you for your support. 8 NM
kYmberly Mieshia Dionne Keeton Academic Librarian, Assistant Professor of Library Science, Arts Library Coordinator, Lincoln University, Inman E. Page Library, Jefferson City, Missouri Academic Student Coordinator, Student Coordinator, Department of Library and Information Sciences, University of North Texas Houston, Texas, May 2012 - May 2014 Art Library Practicum Student, The Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Hirsch Library, March 2014 - May 2014 Writer, kreative Young Millionaire, Inc., Indefinite University of North Texas, MLS, 2014, Graduate Certificate in Digital Content Management; University of Houston, BA English Creative Writing, Minor in African American Studies, 2008; University of Houston, Graduate Certificate in African American Studies, 2009 ACRL, LLAMA New Members Round Table (NMRT) No Yes Committee Member, ALA Committee on Memberships June 2016 - June 2018 Participant, ALA Emerging Leaders, January 2015 - June 2016, ALA Committee on Memberships July 2016 - June 2018; Member, ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services, June 2014 - July 2016 ACRL Information Literacy Advisory Board, Fall 2016 - Summer 2017 IFLA Annual Congress Fellowship Committee Recipient (2017); ALA Emerging Leaders Participant (2016); ACRL AiA Assessment In Action Grant Recipient (2015); Introduction to UNIX/Linux Study of Completion (2014); (GSTEP) University of North Texas Graduate Student Excellence Program Graduate, 2014; San Antonio Library Association Literary Tour Award (2014); University of North Texas Herman Totten Academic Scholarship (2013); Texas Black Caucus Round Table/ Texas Library Association Scholarship (2013)' Dallas Morning News Minority Scholarship (2013); The Black Caucus of the American Library Association Appreciation Award (2013) Created the first Hip Hop Information Literacy course, libguide, and curriculum offered under the university library minor at Lincoln University Missouri Editorial Board Member, (RCL) Resources for College Libraries Editorial BoardFaculty Senate Secretary at Lincoln University Missouri, 2015 - Present Faculty Senate Secretary at Lincoln University Missouri, 2015 - Present 2017 IFLA General Conference and Assembly National Committee Grant Recipient ACRL (AiA) Assessment in Action: Academic Libraries and Student Success Program, Alumni 2016 Keeton’s poetry was exhibited in an African American art exhibition at Tarrant County College-South Art Gallery in Arlington, Texas, October 2015 Fellow of the Univeristy of North Texas' UNT Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Program, 2013-2014 Member of Beta Phi Mu International Library & Information Studies Honor Society Member of the University of the Houston’s Honors College Publisher of ART_library deco, an online African American Art Journal kYmberly Keeton: "The Special Library Express - “An open dialogue about library-express stations being created in local community centers and cultural arts complexes in the United States,” Texas Library Conference - Conference Research Proceedings, 2014 kYmberly Keeton: "A Personal Assessment – The African-American Librarian in the 21st Century," University of Houston African American Studies Alumni Newsletter, Issue 7, 2013 Website: Blog: Scholarly Work: Academic Course Art Librarianship There is a major lack of diversity within the field of librarianship. In order for this to be addressed there needs to be more initiatives created as it pertains to recruiting minorities in the profession and discussions that result in action plans to train new talent for higher level positions in public, academic, special, and school libraries. Additionally, there is a major digital divide in urban communities and academia, in a new agenda needs to be set in place with regard to academic libraries having the opportunity to obtain funding to provide new technology, training, and programming for urban (academic) communities. 3 MO
Rebekah D. Kilzer Director, Member Education, OCLC, Dublin, OH Other (Membership Cooperative) Library Director, Shawnee State University, 2013-2014 Head, Learning Engagement, Drexel University, 2011-2013 Emerging Technologies Librarian, Drexel University, 2008-2011 Drexel University, MLS/IS, 2004; Otterbein University, BA Psychology, 1998. ACRL Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) No No Convener, ACRL/ULS Campus Administration and Leadership Discussion Group, 2015-2016 Appointed Member, ACRL/ULS Campus Administration and Leadership Discussion Group, 2014-2016 Appointed Member, LITA International Relations Committee, 2006-2008 Member, American Library Association, ACRL, 2007-present Member, American Library Association, LITA, 2006-2010 United Way Pride Leadership program, 2016. As a leader in various library organizations, I have been a champion for libraries, and the evolving needs of our users. Working with stakeholders at all levels, I've been able to develop and implement forward-thinking, user-centered services, integrating and leveraging appropriate tools and technology for the positive benefit of libraries and the communities we serve. Rebekah Kilzer: “Information Audit: Keys for Understanding the Academic Library,” Technical Services Quarterly, Volume 29, Number 3, 2012. Rebekah Kilzer: "Reference as Service, Reference as Place: A View of Reference in the Academic Library," Reference Librarian, Volume 52, Number 4, 2011. In an environment of increasing change, the field of librarianship is challenged to rethink existing processes and structures to find new paths toward relevancy, authenticity and inclusivity for our communities and our profession. With a shared commitment for service to those in the library field and the patrons we serve, innovation in information sharing is a passion I cultivate and strive to develop in others. This passion is an inspiration that energizes my connections with colleagues to collaboratively act to make a meaningful difference in our world. Serving as ALA Councilor is an opportunity to give back to my community and to the field of librarianship. 8 OH
Anita Kinney Program Analyst, US Access Board, Washington, DC Other (Government - records manager) Data Analyst, PGCMLS, 2014-2015 Archival Science Student Trainee, National Archives and Records Administration, 2014 Librarian, DC Department of Transportation, 2013-2014 Catholic University of America, MSLIS, 2015 Portland State University, BA English, 2013 ASCLA Federal and Armed Forces Libraries (FAFLRT), Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), Government Documents (GODORT) No Yes ALA Emerging Leader 2015 DC Library Association, Membership Director, 2016-present Special Libraries Association, Government Information Division secretary, 2015-2016; CUA student chapter president, 2015 DC Library Association - Ruth Fine Memorial Student Loan awardee National Science Foundation - Research Experiences for Undergraduates fellowship As the first in-house Data Analyst for the Prince George's County Memorial Library System (2014-15), I overhauled reporting procedures at an 18-branch public library system using free online tools and implemented daily collection of library use statistics, significantly increasing our system's numbers through more effective data capture. Prior to library school, I was among the first undergraduate students to be awarded a fellowship for applied social science research by the National Science Foundation. I worked at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) in Portland, Oregon to improve the educational experiences of Hispanic and Spanish-speaking museum visitors. This included contributing to the creation of the museum's first Hispanic community advisory panel. I'm running for ALA Councilor-at-Large because I'm concerned that my peers are allowing their ALA memberships to lapse after leaving library school. As a library school student, I worked to provide career development opportunities for MLS students interested in "nontraditional" careers, and as a Councilor, I'd work to persuade MLS graduates working in knowledge management, records management, and project management positions that ALA is for them, too. I've maintained my ALA affiliation while establishing my career as a government records manager, and I am well-positioned to advocate for the needs and interests of new graduates and other librarians who value ALA as an institutional home where we can continue to refine our skills and professional identities 3 DC
Em Claire Knowles Assistant Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, Simmons College - School of Library and Information Science, Boston, Massachusetts Other (School of Library and Information Studies) Reference Coordinator, Shields Library, University of California, 1975-1988 Simmons College, Doctor of Arts, 1988; University of California, Berkeley, Master's in Librarianship, 1974; California State University, Sacramento, Master of Public Administration, 1986; University of California, Davis, International Relations, 1973. ACRL Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange RT (EMIERT) AILA, APALA, BCALA, CALA REFORMA No No ALA Council, 2001 to present; past ALA Executive Board member, 2008-2011; ALA Tellers Committee, 2010; ALA Resolutions Committee, 2010-2013, 2003-2005, 1993; ALA Committee of Committees, 2007-2008 and 2003- 2004; ALA Resolutions, 2007-2009;Inaugural Spectrum Advisory Committee, 2003-2005; Committee on Education, IRT- Bogle Pratt Travel Award Committee, 2003-2004; Minority Concerns, 1991;ACRL-Racial and Ethnic Diversity Founding Committee, 1989-1991; LAMA- Admin com, 1990; EMIE/RT, 1984-1988.1986-1992. Black Caucus of the American Library Association, member (1979+) and secretary (1992-1994), member of the first, second, fourth and fifth National Conference of African American Librarians planning teams, 1992 to 2006. Massachusetts Library Association, member, New England Library Association representative, 1999-2001; Massachusetts Black Librarians Network, Inc., member and officer, 1988 to present, member and officer, 1990+;Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioner (and chair), 2001-2011; Reforma-NE, MA-Coordinator, 2000; California Library Association, councilor, 1978-1980; CA Black Librarians Caucus, member and officer, 1976-1988; Librarians of the University of CA (LAUC-D), president, 1985;California Governor's Conference on Library and Information Services, planning committee member, 1979; Freedom to Read Foundation (FtRF), trustee and vice president and, chair, of FtRF's Developing Issues and Conable Scholar committees, 2014-2017. Beta Phi Mu, international LIS honor society, Director, 2016-2018. Beta Phi Mu-Beta Beta chapter advisor, 1998 to present. Joint Conference of Librarians of Color, steering committee, 2016-2018.Women's National Book Association - Boston Chapter, advisory board member, 1991-1999; IFLA-Boston, 2001, co-chair, Volunteers Task Force, 1998-2002. Beta Phi Mu, 1975; HEA Title II-B fellow, 1975, 1982; African American Firsts in Science an Technology, entrant, 1999. Who's Who, 2000 +. BCALA awards Service to the Organization, 2006 and Professional Achievement, 2013. 2015 Sojourner Truth Award for Meritorious Service from the Boston Chapter of the National Association of the Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. Joined the Legacy Society of ALA to designate a planned gift for Spectrum Scholarships. Life member of ALA and BCALA. Morales, Knowles, and Bourg, "Diversity and Social Justice and the Future of Academic Libraries", Portal: Libraries and the Academy, v14, no.3, pp 439-451, July, 2014 Knowles and Linda Jolivet, "Recruiting the Underrepresented: Collaborative Efforts between Library Educators and Library Practitioners", Library Administration,fall, 1991: 189-193, Knowles and Jolivet, "How to Manage in the Eurocentric Workplace: a Diverse Perspective", Reference Librarian, no. 54 winter, 1996, pp. 103-114. As an administrator in a LIS program, I have the delightful opportunity to meet and connect with a variety of librarians who contribute to the profession to improve the quality of information resources and services. I strive to work with all library staff and the ALA leadership to play a significant role in support for current issues such as support for active recruitment for the profession; support for pro-literacy efforts; pay equity for all library staff; diversity and equality in the profession; promotion of the value of the profession; increasing awareness of the important and dynamic role that libraries and librarians play through improved legislation at the local and global levels which should come from ALA. I am confident that I can work effectively with diverse groups to achieve this great success. 32 MA
Paula S.W. Laurita Executive Director, Athens-Limestone Public Library, Athens, Alabama Public Assit. Director/Coordinator of Public Services, Athens-Limestone Public Library, 2007-2010 School Librarian/Assist. Principal, St. John the Baptist Catholic School, Madison, AL, 1996-2006 University of Alabama, MLIS, 1997; Georgian Court University, BA, 1986. LLAMA, PLA No No LLAMA-PRMS Education and Training Committee, member, 2012-Present. Alabama Library Association, Past President, 2016-Present. Alabama Library Association, Legislative Chair, 2016-Present Alabama Library Association, President, 2015-2016. Alabama Library Association, President-Elect, 2014-2015. Alabama Library Association, Chair, Convention Planning Committee, 2012-2014. Alabama Library Association, Member-At-Large (North), 2013-2014. Alabama Library Association, Secretary, 2012-2013. Alabama Holocaust Commission, Regional Education Coordinator, 2005-2009. Lerner Teacher Fellow, Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, 2004-Present. Advanced Teacher Fellow, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2001-Present. Beta Phi Mu, 1998-Present The American Library Association plays a key role in representing libraries under one organization, providing a common voice for those who fulfill crucial library services. Libraries are the only entities that provide equal access information and education to everyone in their communities. Whether that community is a city, school, university, or other organization libraries are vital. Libraries are not a frill but essential to our society. We must expand our visibility and promote what we do in order to demonstrate our importance to all of our stakeholders. The work each of us does is crucial to the success of our libraries. The essence of librarianship is service. I believe service to our profession is equally important as service to library users. As an ALA Councilor I will bring the voice of our members to the Council. 12 AL
Sam A. Leif SysAdmin - Assistant Director of Operations, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada Academic Librarian II, Department of Corrections, 2/14-1/15 Solo-Librarian, IADT, 1/12-2/14 Instructor, Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, 8/11-11/12 San José State University, Master of Library and Information Science, 2011 University of Nevada, Las Vegas, BS - Human Services, Counseling, 2009 University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Bachelor of Social Work, 2007 Federal and Armed Forces Libraries (FAFLRT), Games & Gaming (GAMERT), Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), New Members Round Table (NMRT), Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) No No ALA Committee on Diversity 2014-2016 Literacy and Outreach Services Advisory Committee 2014-2016 New Members Round Table - Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award Committee Member 2016-2017 New Members Round Table - Membership, Promotion, Diversity and Recruitment Committee Member 2012-2013 New Members Round Table - Annual Conference Local Information Committee 2013-2014 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Round Table - Membership Promotion Committee Member 2012-Current Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Round Table - Social for ALA Annual Conference Planning Committee 2013-2014 Gay, Lesiban, Bisexual & Transgender Round Table - Buddy Program Participant 2012-2016 Games and Gaming Round Table - ALAplay Committee 2013-2015 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013 Highly Commended Award Winner. ALA RSS Research and Statistics Committee Reference Research Review for 2012 Employee of the Month, 2016, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Focus Award, 2013, IADT Excellent Student Service Award, 2012, IADT Outstanding Student Involvement, 2009, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Outstanding Student Leader, 2007, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Ethnic Student Council Certificate of Recognition, 2005, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Singularly organized 4 group outings to Pulse Orlando during ALA Annual to grieve as a group and facilitate ongoing conversations and share community volunteer opportunities. Research and present innovative ways to recognize and appreciate staff and volunteers in every workplace. No one should feel their contributions aren't appreciated. Created a Student Ambassador program on campus, and chaired the Committee for 2 years. After leaving, the committee is still going strong with the foundation I put in to place. Nominated and served as Class Representative during Basic Training. Have been a Habitat for Humanity volunteer for 7+ years. Leif, Sam A.; Del Bosque, Darcy; Skarl, Susie. (2012). Libraries Atwitter: Trends in Academic Library Tweeting. Reference Services Review, 40(2), pp. 199-213 Leif, Sam. (2011). Web Reviews: Blogs for Library School Students. Footnotes, 40(4). American Library Association New Members Round Table. Leif, Sam. (2011). ACRL Conference: A First-timer's Report. Nevada Libraries. 48(2). Nevada Library Association I would like to continue serving ALA. Through my work on the Committee on Diversity I was exposed to ALA Council and saw a place where I could make a difference. Working to craft and pass resolutions is how we as ALA members help to develop our professional policy and what we support. I want to help craft and pass resolutions that will move our organization forward - focusing on issues of diversity, equality, and recruitment of the disillusioned among us. Having worked in a variety of non-traditional library roles - from Corrections Librarian to Solo-Librarian to Professor - I bring to the table a unique perspective in how our professional organization needs to continue to shape to fit the changing definitions of Librarian. 7 NV
Dennis LeLoup School Librarian, Avon Intermediate School East, Avon, Indiana School Indiana Department of Education, Office of Learning Resources, Indianapolis, IN, December 1989 - August 1995. Vigo County School Corporation, Terre Haute, IN, August 1978 - December 1989. Northern Community Schools of Tipton County, Sharpsville, IN, August 1975 - June 1976. Indiana State University, MS Educational Media, 1988; Indiana State University, MLS Library Science, 1977; Indiana State University, BA English & School Library Services, 1975. AASL, ALSC No No ALA Council, 2010-2013, 2006-2009, 2002-2005; ALA Resolutions Committee, 2011-2015; ALA Planning & Budget Assembly, 2007-2008; ALA Graduated Dues Study Reactor Panel, 2006-2008; ALA Council Orientation Committee, 2004-2007; ALA National Library Week Committee, 1993-1997, 1999-2000; AASL Awards Subcommittee: Roald Dahl Miss Honey Social Justice Award, 2015-2016; AASL Presidential Initiative Task Force, 2014-2015; AASL External Relations Task Force, 2014-2015; AASL Nominating Committee, 2012-2013, 2001-2002; AASL School Library Media Month Committee, 2011-2014; AASL Parent Outreach Task Force, 2007-2009; AASL Board Liaison to ALA Annual Conference Committee, 2008; AASL Board of Directors, 1997-2001; AASL Legislation Committee, 1999-2006; AASL Recruitment Task Force Committee, 1991-1993; ALSC Special Collections and Bechtel Fellowship Committee, 2016-Present; ALSC Oral History Committee, 2015-Present; ALSC Caldecott Committee, 2012-2014; ALSC Liaison With National Organizations Serving Children & Youth, 2007-2010; ALSC Research & Development Committee, 1997-2000; ASCLA Americans With Disabilities Act Assembly, 1998-2002. ALSC Liaisons With National Organizations Serving Children and Youth Co-Chair, 2009-2010; AASL Legislation Committee Co-Chair, 2001-2005; AASL Knowledge Quest Editorial Board, 2000-2003; Indiana Library Federation, Young Hoosier Book Award Committee, 2015-Present; Indiana Library Federation President, 2012 (President-Elect and Conference Chair, 2011 & Past-President, 2013); Association of Indiana Media Educators (AIME) [now Association for Indiana School Library Educators (AISLE)] President, 1995-1996 (President-Elect and Conference Chair, 1994-1995 and Past-President, 1996-1997); AIME Vice-President for District Programs, 1988-1990; AIME District 7 Director, 1986-1988; AIME District 7 Membership Chair, 1984-1986. AASL Board Member-at-Large, 2009-2011; AASL Treasurer, 2005-2008; AASL Region 3 Director-Elect/Director, 1997-2001; ALSC Caldecott Committee, 2012-2014; Author and recipient of several grants for funding innovative school library programs, 1997-2001; North Central Association Accreditation Committee, Dale, Indiana, 1997 and Madison, Indiana, 1988; Indiana National Library Week Chair and Promotion of School Library Media Month, 1990-1995; Indiana State University Graduate Assistantships, 1988 and 1976-1977; Indiana State University Academic Scholarships, 1971-1975; Blue Key National Honor Fraternity, 1970-1971; Phi Delta Kappa, 1970-1971. Linworth Publishing Company Reviewer, 2008-2016; Linworth Publishing Company Advisory Board, 1994-1999; Library Talk Reviewer, 1994-2000; Media & Methods Reviewer, 1999-2002; Indiana Media Journal Advertising Editor, 1996-1998; Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Conference Planning Task Force, 1996; Indiana Department of Education Program Coordinator, Read-Alouds Too Good to Miss and Reading Is Fundamental, 1991-1995; National Association of State Educational Media Professionals (NASTEMP), 1990-1996; Indiana Media Journal Photographer and Associate Editor, 1989-1994; Developer and organizer for a Curriculum Materials Center within the Education Department of DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, Summer 1987; numerous ALA, AASL, ALSC, and AIME/AISLE committees. Author: "The Many Fibers of Reading!" (Featured Article), Library Media Connection, March/April 2009. Author: "Saddle Up, Race, and Hang Out: Ideas for the Development of a Winning Reading Program," Media Spectrum, official state publication of MAME (Michigan Association for Media in Education), April/May 2007. Author: "Information Power in Region 3: Student Achievement is Always the Bottom Line," Knowledge Quest v. 28, #4, March/April 2000. See the webpage for Avon Intermediate East School library: I'm very passionate about libraries and would love the opportunity to serve again as ALA Councilor-at-Large. Although, a school librarian, my professional and work relationships have put me in regular contact with all types of libraries and librarians. Throughout my career I've been privileged to serve all types of libraries in a variety of capacities and on a variety of committees, both in Indiana and nationally. I've attended ALA Legislative Days in Washington, D.C. numerous times; advocating for libraries is both a passion and a privilege for me. I firmly believe in the importance of libraries and communicate this passion through email, on Facebook, and in verbal communication with my colleagues. I would love the opportunity to serve on ALA Council again! 28 IN
Karen Anne Liston Librarian Liaison, Modern Languages & International Programs, Wayne State University, Libraries System, Detroit, MI Academic Head, Resource Access, University of Washington Libraries (Seattle, WA), 1997-2003 Team Leader, Information Access, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1994-1997 Coordinator, Illinois Research & Reference Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1989-1994 Wayne State University, PhD Applicant - Learning Design & Technology - College of Education, 2013-present; University of Michigan, AMLS Academic Reference, 1985; University of Michigan, AB English Literature, 1983. ACRL, LLAMA No No RUSA Board, 1995-1998 (Member-at-Large); RUSA National Institute Program Planning Committee, 1997-1998, Chair; MOPSS (now STARS), 1992-1994, (Chair); Interlibrary Loan Committee, 1991-1993, 2000-2004 (Member); MOUSS (now STARS) 2004-2005 (Chair), Organization Committee, 1994-1997 (Member); RSS, 2005-2009, 2013-2014 (Member); LLAMA HR, 2016-, (Member) LLAMA LOMS, 2013-2014, 2016- (Member); LLAMA MEAS, 2013-2014, 2016-, (Member); LLAMA SAS, 2016- (Member); ACRL AAMES, 2006-2009, 2014-2014, 2016-, (Member); ACRL DLS Research Committee, 2000-2003, (Member); ACRL EBSS, 2016-, (Member); ACRL IS, 1989-2007, 2008-2009, 2013-2014, 2016-, (Member); ACRL IS Conference Program Planning Committee, 1998-1999, (Member); ACRL SEES, 2013-2014, 2016-, (Member); ACRL STS, 1988-1998, 2016-, (Member); ACRL ULS, 1989-2003, 2016-, (Member); ACRL WESS, 2013-2014, 2016-, (Member); ACRL WGS, 2016-, (Member); ASCLA, 1998, 1990-1998, (Member): ASCLA Multi-LINCS Planning Committee, 1992-1996, (Member); ASLA Multi-LINCS Publications Committee, 1992-1992, (Member). International Collections Librarians' Roundtable (ICLR, Southeastern Michigan), 2006-, (Member); National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), 2013-2014, (Member); OCLC CJK Users Group, 2011-2014, (Member); Association for Talent Development (formerly ASTD), 2014-2015, (Member); International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI), 2015-2015, (Member); Michigan Chapter, ISPI, 2014-2015, (Member). Hopwood Award for Creative Writing - Poetry, University of Michigan, 1984. Presentations: "User-Centered Service: Redesign and Continual Process Improvement," Workshop at the 3rd National RUSA Institute: Serving 21st Century Users: Opportunities and Challenges," Baltimore, MD October 12-14, 2000 (with Jennifer Evans and Nancy Huling); "Turbo-Charge Your Coaching Skills," Preconference, ACRL's 9th National Conference, Detroit, MI, April 8, 1999 (with Kathryn Deiss, ARL); "Process Improvement for Customer-Centered User Services," Workshop at the 2nd National RUSA Institute: "Serving Users in the New Millennium: Planning, Delivering, Evaluating," Indianapolis, IN, October 29-31, 1998 (with Kathryn Deiss, ARL). Sheble, Mary Ann (Recorder), Martinez, J. & Liston, K.: "Planning and Budgeting the Transition to a Digital Tomorrow," Serials Librarian (Haworth Press), Volume 34, Number 3/4, 1998. Dols, L., Liston, K., & Veldof, J.: "A Process Improvement Approach to Interlibrary Loan," Arizona Libraries: Books to Bytes (Arizona Library Association Annual Conference), Phoenix, AZ, 1995. Sandore, B., Block, J. Burger, R., Chaplan, M. Kluegel, K., Liston, K., Romero, L., & Stenstrom, P.: The Effect of Expanded Electronic Access to Periodical Literature on Library Users, Collections, and Operations," (Final Report of the Subcommittee on Measurement and Evaluation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library); ERIC Document ED 360987, 1993. My professional concerns center on libraries' value to the communities they serve. We must continue to exercise creativity in our outreach and liaison efforts, and continually improve our processes and service provision as well as our planning and evaluation processes. It is particularly critical in the current political climate that we advocate for and defend individuals' access to multicultural materials and non-English languages. I am running for ALA Council to contribute my expertise in process improvement, learning design, evidence-based decision-making, and evaluation in order to maximize librarians' impact on the communities they serve and on society in general. 25 MI
Jennifer L. Longee Librarian, Durham Academy, Durham, North Carolina School Culbreth Middle School, Chapel Hill, NC School Media Specialist, 2001-2003 Glaxo Smithkline, Research Triangle Park, NC Reference Specialist, 1998-2001 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, MLS, May 2001 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, BA in History and Minor in Middle Eastern Studies, December 1997 AASL, ALSC, YALSA No No YALSA's Excellence in Nonfiction Award, 2016-2017 ALSC’s Theodore Seuss Geisel Award for Best Beginning Reader Book, 2014-2015 Children’s Book Council-ALA Joint Committee, 2014-2016 ALSC’s Liaison to National Organizations Committee, 2014-2016 ALA's Public and Cultural Programming Committee, 2008-2012 ALA's Sara Jaffarian Selection Committee for best library humanities program for children, 2008-2012 YALSA’s School Library Engagement Task Force, 2014 YALSA’s Fabulous Films for Young Adults Committee, 2010-2012 Phi Beta Kappa, 1997 Spotlight on Teaching Award, Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools, 2003 Two Kenan Grants for international study, 2005 and 2014 Developed a comprehensive reading encouragement plan at Durham Academy that included author visits, reading contests, book clubs, summer reading programs, and booktalking to language arts classes. Worked with librarians at different divisions of Durham Academy to develop a scope and sequence for information skills k-12. Developed a foreign language tutoring program that pairs successful eighth graders with struggling fifth graders to review vocabulary, study skills, and pronunciation once a week. Developed an analytical writing curriculum for 8th grade. Coached a successful Battle of the Books program for the past fifteen years. Traveled to China with a delegation of librarians from the American Library Association to discuss intellectual freedom and librarianship. Provided after-school writing workshops to assist students in writing research papers. Presented a program on library programming, Programs that Pack the Place, at the 2010 American Library Association's annual conference. Helped to establish an organic vegetable garden on the Durham Academy campus that is maintained by our students. As a councilor, I want support and strengthen ALA's efforts in diversity, literacy, access, and intellectual freedom. I believe that libraries must serve as defenders of democracy, providing access to accurate information for all members of our communities. In the current political climate, it is crucial for ALA's leadership to stay true to our core values. We must champion tolerance, understanding and inclusivity. I am also running for Council to support the needs of school libraries. I want to continue the excellent work ALA has done to champion school libraries as a strong foundation to a child's education. 15 NC
Lisa L. Longmire Adult Services Librarian, Kitsap Regional Library, 8/2015-Present, Kitsap Regional Library, Bremerton, Washington Public Acquisitions Specialist, Kitsap Regional Library, 4/2001-11/2015 Technical Services Specialist, Kitsap Regional Library, 8/1997-4/2001 Library Assistant, Kitsap Regional Library, 12/1992-8/1997 Bachelor of Arts, History from Grand Canyon University, 2009 Library and Information Science (MLIS), from University of Washington, 2015 Yes No Cynthia Lord Harrison Scholarship 2012-2014LITA / OCLC Minority Scholarship in Library and Information Technology 2014UW iSchool Scholarship 2013Spectrum Scholarship/OCLC Scholar 2013-2014Star Team Award 2012Star Team Award 2015Star Employee Award 2015 Established a special collection at Kitsap Regional Library for Adult Graphic Novels 2015 Library funding, diversity within the profession, intellectual freedom, access and the digital divide, and how technology is impacting libraries are my areas of interest. 4 WA
David Lopez Librarian, Santa Ana Public Library, Santa Ana, CA Public Adjunct Librarian, Santa Ana College, Santa Ana, CA August 2015-present San José State University, MLIS, 2012; University of California, Riverside, MFA Creative Writing & Writing for Performing Arts, 2010; Chapman University, BA Screenwriting, 2007. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) REFORMA No No REFORMA National - Public Relations Committee Chair (2014-present) Orange County Chapter of REFORMA - Historian (2016-present) REFORMA National - Children in Crisis Task Force member (2014-present) Orange County Chapter of REFORMA - President (2014-2016) REFORMA National Conference V - Evaluations Committee Chair (2014-2015) American Library Association - Member (2012-present) Orange County Chapter of REFORMA - Member (2009-present) IFLA National Committee Fellowship Grant (2016) - American Library Association I Love My Librarian Award (2014) - Carnegie Corporation of New York, New York Times, American Library Association Top 100 Most Influential in Orange County (2014) - The Orange County Register Everyday Hero (2014) - The Orange County Register Outstanding Service Award (August 2014) - City of Santa Ana Employee of the Month (February 2014) - Santa Ana Unified School District Recipient of the 2014 I Love My Librarian Award awarded by Carnegie Corporation of New York, New York Times, American Library Association; Named one of the Top 100 Most Influential in Orange County (CA) by the Orange County Register in 2014; Orange County Chapter of REFORMA past president (2014-2016) David Lopez: "Library of My Heart: Building Community Through Diversity,", May 2016 David Lopez: "Life in the Golden City" (Column), The Santa Ana Register (The Orange County Register), June 2013-November 2014 David Lopez: "Annual Library Conference Takes Over Anaheim," The Orange County Register, June 2012 Access to information and resources is a global issue. As library organizations we must work toward the recruitment and retention of diverse library professionals in order to expand our reach to deeply impoverished, at-risk, and other under-served communities. ALA plays a vital role in the continued support of diversity, in and out of libraries, and as part of ALA Council I aspire to contribute to these missions. I hope to bring my experience working with immigrant populations to assist in making cross-cultural and borderless connections. Additionally, I think it is gravely important to focus on the advancement of technology and the role it plays in our communities. It is crucial to continue to bridge the digital divide so that non-native technology users as well as native users will learn how to navigate technology effectively. 4 CA
Jennifer Rose Leutkemeyer Assistant Professor, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC Other (I do not work in a library. I am an assistant professor of library science). Doctoral Candidate, Florida State University, 6/2013-8/2016 School Librarian, Orange Park Junior High School, 7/2006-5/2013 Florida State University, Ph.D., Information, 8/6/16; Florida State University, M.S., Library and Information Studies, 5/3/13; University of North Florida, B.S., Sociology, 12/4/04 AASL, YALSA Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT), Library Research (LRRT) No No YALS/YALSAblog Editorial Advisory Board Member - 7/1/2016-6/30/2018; AASL Publications Advisory Group Member - 7/1/2016-6/30/2018 2015 Takeshi Murofushi Research Award Luetkemeyer, J.R., & Mardis, M. A. Applying the Quadratic Usage Framework to Research on K–12 STEM Digital Learning Resources. School Library Research, Volume 19. Elkins, A., Luetkemeyer (Wood), J. & Mardis, M. (2015) School librarians’ roles: Preliminary results of a national survey of priorities, performance, and evaluation in the context of professional guidelines. Paper presented at the 2015 IASL Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, June 28-July 2, 2015. My main professional priority is that every child is provided with a quality K-12 education, which I believe is facilitated by school and public libraries alike. If elected, I will use my position on the council to ensure that the interests and concerns of school librarians, and librarians who serve our country's youth, are heard and addressed. I will work with other members of the council in order to facilitate seamless partnerships between public and school libraries. It is my position that partnerships of this nature are integral to the success of the nation's students, and to their attainment and internalization of the 21st century skill set that they need in order to become functioning members of our global society. I will also work to make sure that marginalized populations' issues are represented in council meetings and their voices heard, where it is appropriate for me to do so. 4 NC
Andrew Paul Mangels Director, Westlake Porter Public Library, Westlake, OH Public Branch Manager, Johnson County Library, 8/1998 - 11/2006 Assistant Branch Manager, Johnson County Library, 1/1997 - 1/1998 Government Documents Library Assistant II, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 8/1993 - 12/1996 University of Missouri, MLS, 1996; University of Missouri-Kansas City, BA Education, 1993 PLA No No ALA Awards Committee, 2015-current Ohio Library Council, Vice President/President-Elect Ohio Library Council, Board Member, 2012-current Ohio Library Council, Government Relations Committee 2011-currentOhio Library Council, Education Committee, Chair 2009-2011 Chair, 2011- 2013 Ohio Library Council, Library Development Committee, 2008-2009 Ohio Library Council, Local Arrangements Chair for 2011 OLC Convention and Expo Connecting for Kids 2015 Board Member of the Year West Shore Chamber of Commerce 2012 Hugh L. Dawson Service Award I feel my biggest accomplishment has been Westlake Porter Public Library's partnership with Connecting for Kids, a non profit that assists families with concerns about their child's development. As part of this initiative, we created a professional level position, Special Needs Resource Librarian, that liaisons with non-profits in the community, works with individual library patrons, selects special needs related materials and provides programming such as Sensory Storytime and Sensation Stations. Westlake Porter Library and Connecting for Kids have reached over 1,000 families and our reach continues to grow. My concerns about the future of public libraries have recently been outlined in ALA's Libraries Transform campaign. Increasing awareness and support for libraries is critical. Shifting perception that libraries "are still around" and "who goes to a library anymore" is essential. I am excited that this is a multi-year campaign and I believe being on ALA Council will allow me to be more involved in helping to change attitudes and perceptions about public libraries. 10 OH
Stephen L. Matthews Librarian, Foxcroft School, Middleburg, VA School Connecticut College, MAT, 1977; The University of Michigan School of Information,1973; Hiram College, BA, 1971, Additional graduate course work at George Mason University, NVCC, Kent State University, Un. of Pittsburgh, Un. of Connecticut, Un. of Rhode Island, Oberlin College, Penn State Un., Mountain Empire Com. College, 1982-2015. AASL, ACRL, YALSA Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) No No ALA Executive Board, 2009-12; ALA Councilor-at-large 1985-1993; 2008-9; 2013-2016. Chair, ALA Nominating Committee, 2014; Chair, ALA Conference Committee, 2010-2012; Chair, ALA COO 2008-09, Member 2007-09; Chair, ALA Policy Monitoring Com., 2002-2006, Member 1991-93. ALA Committee on Committees, 2015-16, 2006-07, 2000-01; ALA Core Values Task Force II, 2002-04; ALA Committee on Accreditation, 1998-2002; Chair, ALA Committee on Accreditation Strategic Planning Sub-committee 2001-02; On-site External Review Panel Member for Masters programs at Queens College, 2004 and The University of Tennessee, 2016 AASL/ISS Special Data Committee, 2005-07; AASL Board of Directors, 1989-91; AASL/ISS Chair, 1983-84. YALSA Michael L. Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature Committee, 2014; YALSA Excellence in Non-fiction for Young Adults Committee, 2010; RUSA/YALSA Joint Taskforce on Guidelines for Library Services to Teens, 2004-06. Member The Freedom to Read Foundation Member of Virginia Library Association since 1975. President 1991-92; Secretary 1986-88; Chair Nominating Com., 1993. Chair, School Section 2000-02. Member of VEMA, MWISLA and Vice-President of the ISMS Media Cooperative, 1997-2004. Member, SACS/VAIS Accreditation Teams for Madeira School, North Cross School, Collegiate School, Eastern Mennonite High School, and Hampton Roads Academy. Adjunct Instructor, Catholic University, SLIS 1989-95, 2004-06. National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Scholar at Oberlin College The Anna Greenway Griswold Chair for Educational Leadership, 2000- Member, Cum Laude Society 1998- I have never believed more in the power and importance of libraries, but I have never been more fearful that the leaders of our nation are clueless and even hostile to the central mission and values of libraries. ALA, as our national organization, must be more vocal and forceful in protecting the rights of our community members to free access regardless of who they are, where they come from, what they believe, or who they love. I expect there to be new and organized attacks on intellectual freedom, increased attempts to isolate and marginalize "certain" members of our society, and the techniques will be pernicious and pervasive. It is essential that we speak and act boldly in support of our core values which center on Access, Diversity, Intellectual Freedom, and the Public Good. In this age of "fake news," libraries and librarians are the real deal and WE WILL PREVAIL. 39 VA
Bryan J. McCormick Library Director, Hedberg Public Library, Janesville, WI Public Library Director, Martin County Library, 2002-2007 Library Director, Muehl Public Library, 1999-2002 University of Wisconsin-Extension, CPM (Certified Public Manager), 2012; University of Phoenix, MBA, 2007; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, MLIS, 2002; Cornell College, BA, Education, 1993 LLAMA, PLA International Relations (IRRT) No No ALA-APA CPLA Certification Committee, Chair, 2012-current; LLAMA, Continuing Education Committee, 2014-2016; LLAMA, Buildings and Equipment, Safety and Security of Buildings, 2014-2016; ALSC, Website Advisory Committee, Co-Chair, 2012-2013; ALSC, Early Childhood Literacy Committee, Member, 2010-2012; PLA, Highsmith Innovation Award Jury, Member 2010-2012 Council on Library and Network Development, State of Wisconsin, Vice-Chair, 2013-current I believe that libraries are currently at a significant crossroads. There are many changes happening in society and in our communities, and one place where people feel comfortable is in their neighborhood library. Whether it’s providing programming, encouraging children to read and explore, helping people with the newest gadget or technology, or simply Building Community by connecting people with similar interests, the library has an important role in the community. As members of ALA I believe it is in our best interest to provide support, resources and new ideas to help our members achieve new levels of service in our communities. 13 WI
Sarah Marie McHone-Chase Head of User Services, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois Academic Head of User Services, Northern Illinois University, 2012-present Information Delivery Services Librarian, Northern Illinois University, 2005-2012 University of Illinois, MSLIS, 2005; Illinois State University, MA English, 2002; Illinois State University, BA English and Writing, 2000. ACRL, LLAMA, RUSA No Yes ALA Committee on Legislation (Intern), 2012-2014; ALA Committee on Legislation, Subcommittee on Copyright, 2012-2015 (chair, 2014-2015); ALA Poster Committee (editor), 2011-2016; RUSA Access to Information Committee (member), 2007-2011; RUSA Access to Information (2016-2018, RUSA STARS Representative 2016-2017, Legislation Assembly Representative, 2016-2017); RUSA STARS Organization Committee (chair), 2011-2012; RUSA STARS Legislation and Licensing Committee, 2006-2010 (chair 2008-2009, 2009-2010); RUSA STARS Task Force on Resource Sharing Response to Natural Disasters 2005-2007 (chair, 2007); ACRL/LLAMA Interdivisional Committee on Building Resources (member), 2016-2017; LLAMA SASS/RUSA STARS: Consortial Borrowing Joint Committee (member), 2014-2018; RUSA STARS Interlibrary Loan Committee (member), 2015-2017; RUSA STARS Section Review Committee (member), 2011-2014; RUSA STARS Research and Statistics Committee (member), 2011-2015; RUSA STARS Rethinking Resource Sharing Committee (member), 2011-2013; RUSA STARS Rethinking Resource Sharing (member), 2008-2010. CARLI I-Share Users’ Group, 2007-2010 (chair 2010); CARLI I-Share Resource Sharing Team, liaison, 2007-2008 Synergy: The Illinois Leadership Library Leadership Initiative, 2015; CARLI Collections Enhancement Awards Program, 2010; Accepted into ALA’s first Emerging Leaders program, 2007; Illinois State Library Training Grant, State of Illinois, 2003 Achieved tenure, 2011. Became department head, 2012. Restructured unit, 2014. I've worked extensively on my library's disaster plan and strategic plan. McHone-Chase, Sarah and Lynne Thomas. “Maintaining Academic Library Services During the Zombie Apocalpyse: a case study.” Braaaiiinnnsss: From Academics to Zombies. 2011. University of Ottawa Press. McHone-Chase, Sarah. “Examining Change within Interlibrary Loan.” Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve. 20.3 (2010): 201-206. McHone-Chase, Sarah. “The Role of Interlibrary Loan in Disaster Preparedness and Recovery.” Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve. 20.1 (2010): 53-60. My guiding professional principle is my service ethic: how best I can serve the students and patrons of my institution, how best I can serve my colleagues, and now, in my council nomination, how best I can serve my profession. I am excited by this prospect, and thankful for the opportunity. I am acutely interested in issues of fair and equal access for patrons, freedom of information, legislation and copyright issues, interlibrary loan and consortial access, public services, and although I am very active in my academic community, I also strive to understand the issues that public libraries/librarians face as I feel that we must all support each other. 11 IL
Chulin Meng Director of Library Technology, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA Academic Head of Library Systems, Loyola University Chicago, 2006 – 2013. Peking University, MS in Library and Information Science (2000), BS in Library and Information Science (1997). LITA CALA No No LITA International Relations Committee, 2007-2011; LITA Membership Development Committee, 2015-2017 PALCI Technology Strategy and Infrastructure Task Force, 2015-Present My work at both Lehigh University and Loyola University Chicago has provided me with extensive experience with selection and deployment of library systems, implementation of new technology infrastructure and applications, and developing technology and content strategy. In 2014, I directed the implementation of Kuali Open Library Environment (OLE) at Lehigh, the first university in the nation to implement the open-source, community-based library management system. Migration to Kuali Open Library Environment: An Early Adopter’s Experience, presented at LITA Forum in Albuquerque, 2014. An Executable Big Data Storage Strategy, presented at EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in Orlando, 2014. Just as libraries are striving to make library services engaging to patrons, ALA is in a period of transition to redefine its relevance and engage library professionals. To promote membership in ALA and attract new members, it is important to make it easier for members, particularly early-career librarians and MLIS students, to participate in ALA governance and activities. If elected, I will work with my colleagues to ensure that the association develops programs and services that focus on helping library professionals to broaden knowledge, stay connected in the profession, and reach their professional goals. I think ALA should continue its effort to use information technology to make its services, such as committee meetings, conference events, and other career development programs, more accessible. 11 PA
Joe Mocnik University Librarian, Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA Academic Bowling Green State University, PhD, History, 2008 University College London, MA, Library and Information Studies, 1999 Newbold College, BA Hons, Humanities, 1998 ACRL, LLAMA International Relations (IRRT) ALA External Review Panelist Resources for College Libraries Editorial Board, 2016-2018 ALA Training, Orientation and Leadership Development, 2016-2018 LLAMA Membership Committee, 2015-2017 ACRL Liaisons Training & Development Committee, 2015-2017 ACRL Virtual Conference Committee, 2015-2017 ACRL President’s Program Planning Committee, 2015-2016 ACRL 75th Anniversary Celebration Task Force, 2013-2015 Resources for College Libraries Subject Editor, 2012- International Relations Committee, Europe Subcommittee, 2008-2010 International Relations Committee, 2006-2008 GALILEO Steering Committee, member-at-large Regents Academic Committee on Libraries, Executive Committee Affordable Learning Georgia Coordinator and Peer Reviewer Georgia Library Quarterly Reviewer Fulbright Scholarship Program, University of Rijeka, Croatia, 2013-2014Distinguished Dissertation Award, Graduate College, Bowling Green State University, 2008 UCL Entrance Exhibition, School of Library, Archive, and Information Studies, University College London, London, UK, 1999 Dr. Mocnik has developed academic leadership skills while serving as a library administrator at private and public universities where he provided budgetary and personnel management, transformational leadership, and participated in the institutional administration. He was elected to serve as chair of the University Senate and the Senate Executive Committee, two major representative leadership bodies of the institution. As a Fulbright Scholar he has merged his library leadership experience with a passion for international collaboration, teaching, and research. This experience resulted in a memorandum of understanding to further student and faculty exchanges and introduce more intentional internationalization efforts. Having earned a doctorate in history and master’s degree in library and information studies, Dr. Mocnik also teaches courses or conducts independent studies to further the research and teaching agendas, support the curriculum, and to keep in touch with students. Appropriate utilization of new technologies, library outreach, and the development of new programs that align with effective learning styles and future workforce projections are some of the main foci of my professional work that will provide a framework for my efforts as ALA Councilor. 10 GA
Larry Neal Library Director, Clinton-Macomb Public Library, Clinton Township, MI Public Assistant Director, Clinton-Macomb Public Library (1999-2005) Head of Technical Systems (facilities/technology), Rochester Hills Public Library (1997-99) Various, Rochester Hills Public Library (1982-1997) University of Michigan, MSI-LIS, 2001 Oakland University, MBA, 1991 Oakland University, BA, 1987 UNITED, LLAMA, PLA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), International Relations (IRRT) No No ALA Election Process Task Force (2016) ALA 2016 Nominating Committee (chair 2015-16) ALA Emerging Leaders Task Force (2008-11) ALA General Scholarships and Study Grants Committee (2006-08) ALA Recruitment Assembly (2003-2012) LITA Engaging Public Libraries in LITA Task Force (2004-05) PLA President (2014-15; elect 2013-14; past 2015-16) PLA Positioning Advisory Team (2015-16) PLA 2016 Conference Committee (2014-16) PLA 2014 National Conference Committee (chair 2012-14) PLA Technology Committee (2011-13) PLA Continuing Education Advisory Committee (2010-14, chair 2010-12) PLA Nominating Committee (2010, chair 2016) PLA 2010 National Conference Program Subcommittee (2008-10) PLA Board of Directors (2006-09) PLA Recruitment of Public Librarians Committee (chair 2003-05) PLA 2006 National Conference Program Subcommittee (2004-06) PLA Institutional Scholarship Task Force (2005) PLA Leadership Development Committee (2004-05) PLA 2004 National Conference Program Subcommittee (2002-04) PLA Publications, Monographs Subcommittee (chair 2001-03) Michigan Library Association (MLA) President (2009-10; elect 2008-09; past 2010-11) MLA Legislative Committee (2011-14, chair 2012-13) MLA Nominating Committee (chair 2010, 2014) MLA Restructuring Work Group (2007) MLA Web Advisory Committee (2003-06, chair 2003-05) MLA Newsletter Task Force (2004) MLA Library Technology Division (2001-04, chair 2002-03) MLA Executive Board (2002-03) Librarian of the Year, Michigan Library Association (2013) Birmingham (MI) Eccentric First Citizen of the Year Award (2011) University of Michigan School of Information Alumni Early Achievement Award (2010) Library Journal Mover & Shaker (2007) Walter H. Kaiser Award, Michigan Library Association (2004) Leading an ad-hoc group of local public libraries to participate in the ConnectED Library Challenge to ensure every K-12 student has a virtual public library card for electronic access; 30,000 students in three school districts complete to date (2015- ) Helped secure a 40% millage increase for the library system where I work (2014) Oversaw the design and construction of a new, 20,000 sf branch building (2014) Secured public library service for the city where I live after leading three ballot initiatives (2009, 2010, 2011, renewed 2014) Led a protest as MLA president at the state capitol against proposed cuts to library funding (2009) Helped obtain funding for five PLA SPECTRUM Scholars, all of whom are still in libraries, three in public libraries (2005) Spearheaded the ALA Recruitment Assembly's efforts to develop, a site for helping the general public understand library career options and paths in jargon-free terms (2004) Coded a database-driven website with a digitized collection of local history post cards and photos (1998) President’s columns, Public Libraries Magazine, 2014-15 “Allowing access to all libraries a form of tax evasion,” Macomb Daily, June 7, 2007 Much of my satisfaction and success in my career can be attributed to being actively involved in professional associations. While I strongly believe in the necessity for libraries to continue to transform and evolve to best meet the changing needs of the communities they serve, I also believe that ALA must do the same. I am concerned about the long-term sustainability of our association and the need for a reality check both on the parts of ALA's administration and of ALA's member leaders. I believe that the resources and talent of the ALA Council should be focused on achieving the goals of the ALA Strategic Directions plan. I am not afraid to ask difficult questions, but promise to do so in a positive, respectful and productive way if given the opportunity to serve as an ALA Councilor. 18 MI
Robbie Nickel Librarian, Sage Elementary School, Spring Creek, Nevada School Librarian, Wells Combined School, 1991-1993 Library Director, Meeker Public Library, 1984-1990 Sierra Nevada College, Teacher Education Certification Program, 1996-1999; University of Wisconsin - Madison, MLS, 1974; University of Wisconsin - Madison, BA English, 1971-1973; Northeastern Oklahoma A&M Junior College, AA Communication, 1969-1971. AASL, ALSC, YALSA No No ALA Constitution and Bylaws, Member. 2009-2012; Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award, Chair, 2010-2011; AASL Treasurer, 2014-present; AASL Member-At-Large 2012-2014; AASL Board of Directors, Region VII Regional Director-elect/Regional Director, 2005-2009; AASL Appointments Committee, Chair, 2010-2012; AASL National Institute, Member, 2008-2009; AASL Bylaws and Organization Committee, Member, 2007-2010. Nevada Library Association, Nevada Young Reader Award Committee, Chair, 2009; Nevada Library Association, Nevada School and Children's Section, Chair, 2003; Nevada Library Association, Awards Committee, Chair, 1997. STARS Award, Elko County School District, Staff & Teachers Achieving Results with Students, 2008; Special Recognition Certificate, Nevada Library Association, 2006; Elko County Classroom Teachers Association Honor Roll, 2002. Representing school librarians by serving in AASL and ALA in various positions has allowed me to serve my colleagues, advocate for libraries of all types, and gain invaluable leadership experience. Author: "Solo Librarians Working Collaboratively", Knowledge Quest, Volume 40, No. 2, November/December 2011. Assistant Editor: Assessing Student Learning in the School Library Media Center. Chicago: American Association of School Librarians, 2007. As a long time member of the American Library Association, I have followed the efforts of librarians in working for the support of all types of libraries. At this critical time for both school libraries and other types of libraries I would like to continue to directly participate in the work of the American Library Association. My goal in running for ALA Councilor is to help continue the work of ALA for the promotion and improvement of library services for everyone. I feel strongly that ALA is main organization to continue to advocate for equity in access to libraries and information. 31 NV
Juliana Nykolaiszyn Associate Professor/Librarian, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK Academic Assistant Professor/Librarian, Oklahoma State University, 2010-2014 Visiting Assistant Professor/Librarian, Oklahoma State University, 2007-2010 Librarian, Lincoln College of Technology/Florida Culinary Institute, 2006-2007 Emporia State University, PhD, Library and Information Management, 2016-present (in progress); Oklahoma State University, MS, Mass Communications, 2013; Florida State University, MSLIS, 2005; Florida State University, BA, Communication, 1998 ACRL, LLAMA Library Research (LRRT), Video Round Table (VRT) No No Video Round Table Program Committee, Member, 2009-2011; New Members Round Table Marshall Cavendish Committee, Member, 2009 Oral History Association, Chair, Martha Ross Teaching Award Committee, 2015; Oral History Association, Chair - Workshops, Annual Meeting Program Committee, 2014-2015; Oral History Association, Member, Postsecondary Teaching Award Committee, 2012-2014; Amigos Library Services, Chair, Fellowship and Opportunity Award Selection Committee, 2012-2013; Amigos Library Services, Member, Fellowship and Opportunity Award Selection Committee, 2011-2012 Oral History Association Elizabeth Mason Project Award, 2013; Oklahoma State University Library Faculty Award for Notable Achievement, 2012. Over the years, I have been able to record, preserve, and make accessible a large body of oral history interviews documenting the rich history and culture of Oklahoma. My work has led to many amazing opportunities, from producing public radio segments to speaking at national and international conferences. Nykolaiszyn, J. & Finchum, T. (2013). D.R. Miller: A man who brought the circus to town. The Chronicles of Oklahoma, 91(4), 388-403. Nykolaiszyn, J. (2012). Oral history and social networks: from promotion to relationship building. In D. Boyd, S. Cohen, B. Rakerd, & D. Rehberger (Eds.), Oral history in the digital age. Institute of Library and Museum Services. Retrieved from Nykolaiszyn, J. (2012). Preserving born-digital oral histories. In C. Smallwood & E. Williams (Eds.), Preserving Local Writers, Genealogy, Photographs, Newspapers and Related Materials. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. As the library landscape continues to change, so does the way we translate our value. Being thoughtful about the many ways we are able to frame messages and connect with constituencies beyond the physical building are just some of my areas of interest. If elected to Council, I hope to work with others in developing strategies which help libraries better communicate impact at the local, state, and national levels. This is also applicable to ALA in a time when communicating the association’s value, in addition to retaining and attracting new membership is vital. 2007 OK
Gina Persichini Technology & Access Services Consultant, Idaho Commission for Libraries, Boise, ID Other (State Library Agency) Assistant Director/Member Services Consultant, Northeast Florida Library Information Network, 1998-2001 Member Services Coordinator, Central Florida Library Cooperative, 1995-1998 Librarian, Valencia Community College, 1997-1998 University of South Florida, MSLIS, 1994; Florida Atlantic University, BA, 1991; Valencia Community College, AA, 1990 ASCLA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), Learning RT (LearnRT, formerly CLENERT), New Members Round Table (NMRT) No No ALA Executive Board 2014-2017; ALA Council 2006-present; ALA BARC 2015-present; ALA Committee on Organization 2012-2014; ALA Council Orientation Committee 2013-2015; Task Force on Electronic Member Participation 2007-2008; Chapter Relations Committee 2008-2010; ASCLA 1998-present; ASCLA State Library Agencies Section/Interest Group (Chair) 1998-present; ASCLA Board 2010-2012; GLBT Round Table member 2011-present; GLBT Round Table Bylaws Committee Chair 2016-2018; LearnRT 1998-present; New Members Round Table Member 2011-present. Idaho Library Association: Member 2001-present, ALA Chapter Councilor 2006-2015, Academic & Special Libraries Division Chair 2002-2003; Florida Libraries Association, Member 1995-2001, Board Intern 1998-1999; Association of Library and Information Science Student at the University of South Florida, President 1994-1995 2nd Place, 2016 Idaho Writer's Guild Contest (Non Fiction) My primary professional concern for the Association is communication and transparency. With an extended membership reflecting varied interests, priorities, and communication styles, it is imperative that we communicate clearly, efficiently, and frequently among volunteer leadership, staff, and all members and stakeholders. As an association representing a huge profession, we must stand behind our core principles for safe and trusted library service in all types of libraries. 21 ID
Liz Philippi School Program Coordinator, Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Austin, Texas Other (State Library) Manager of Library Media Services, Houston ISD, Sept. 2011 to Oct. 2016 District Library Systems Administrator, Spring Branch ISD, July 2000 to July 2011 School Librarian, Memorial High School, Spring Branch ISD, January 1999 to June 2000 University of North Texas, Certificate of Advanced Management in Libraries, 2007; University of North Texas, MSLIS, 2003; University of New Orleans, BA Education and School Libraries, 1983 AASL, YALSA Games & Gaming (GAMERT) No No ALA Council 2014-2015, AASL Affiliate Assembly Regional Representative Region 4 2014, AASL Affiliate Assembly Region 4 2013-2016, AASL Information Technology Pathfinder Award Committee 2010 Texas Association of School Librarians Councilor 2013 - 2016, Texas Library Association Conference Local Arrangements Committee 2016 and 2006, TLA Conference Program Committee 2011 and 2003, TLA Texas Media Awards Committee Chair 2010 and 2011 - committee member 2009 and 2008, TLA TASL Legislative and Advocacy Committee Co-chair 2016 to present, TLA Professional Issues and Ethics Committee member 2016 to present, Tx Association of School Library Administrators President 2007, Texas State School Library Standards Revision Committee member 2015 to present Using EBooks – TLA Conference 2003, Using EBooks – TASLA Conference 2003, Student Book Reviews and Podcasting – SBISD Parent U Oct. 2007, Building Relationships – SBISD Staff Dev. Aug. 2007, Using MARC Magician and MARC Wizard – SBISD Staff Dev. 2005, Mar. 2006, Using Teaching Books – SBISD Staff Dev. Spring 2007, Library 2 Play – Online Professional Development using 23 Things Model, Teen Health and Wellness – Region 12 Fall 2007, Podcasting – Region 4 Education Service Center June 2008, Guest Presenter at UNT Houston Cohort meeting – April 2010, How to Use Online Tools for Curruiculum Enhancement at Region 12 Virtual Conference Using Elluminate – 2009, 2010, Bookless Libraries – TLA Conference 2014, Houston Real Men Read – Scholastic FACE Conference 2014, What Every New Librarian Needs to Know to Get Hired – TLA Conference 2015, Content Management and eBooks – Computers in Libraries Conference 2015, Summer Reading Programs – TASLA Conference 2015, Need More Positive Male Role Models? – Points of Light Conference 2015 As a librarian I would like to see an increase in cooperation between different types of libraries. I believe that as funding sources decrease we will need to work together to stretch our funds and possibly combine what we have and do to provide the most for our patrons. Working together and cooperation can make that happen. I also believe that we need to work more on advocacy through connecting with other organizations and making what we do and offer known throughout communities that are not library related. I am passionate about what we all do for our children and students whether it is in a school library or a public library! Libraries are the great equalizer, the solution for ignorance, and answer to community needs and I would love to work to make that known and happen. If elected I will work to further all libraries. 18 TX
Abigail Leigh Phillips Post Doctoral Fellow, Utah State University, Logan, Utah (UT) Other (I am currently a post-doctoral fellow at Utah State University) Previous Position(s): Adjunct Professor, School of Information, Florida State University, May - August 2016 Adjunct Professor, School of Library and Information Studies, Valdosta State University, January - May 2016 Doctoral Student, School of Information, Florida State University, August 2012 - May 2016 Florida State University, PhD, 2016 Florida State University, SLIS, 2014 Florida State University, MLIS, 2008 University of Georgia, BA, 2006 AASL, YALSA Library Research (LRRT), New Members Round Table (NMRT) No No Committee Member, YALSA Competencies Update Taskforce, 2014-2015, American Library Association Committee Member, YALSA Midwinter Paper Presentation Committee, 2014-2016, American Library Association Member-At-Large, Library Research Round Table, 2015-2018, American Library Association YALSA Board Fellow, Young Adult Library Services Association, 2015-2016, American Library Association Committee Member, ALA 2016 Local Arrangements Committee, Young Adult Library Services Association, 2015-2016, American Library Association Committee Member, Nominating Committee, New Members Round Table, 2016-2017, American Library Association Committee Member, Governance Nominating Committee, Young Adult Library Services Association, 2016-2017, American Library Association Committee Member, Governance Committee, New Members Round Table, 2015-2017, American Library Association Chair, ALA 2017 Local Arrangements Committee, Young Adult Library Services Association, 2016-2017, American Library Association Committee Member, Governance Committee, Young Adult Library Services, 2016-2017, American Library Association YALSA Representative, ALA Conference Program Coordinating Team (CPCT), 2016-2017, American Library Association Committee Member, ALA Committee on Professional Ethics, 2016-2017, American Library Association Committee Member, President's Program Committee, New Members Round Table, 2016-2017, American Library Association Mentor, NMRT Mentoring Program 2016-2017 Mentor, YALSA Mentoring Program 2016-2017 Blogger, YALSA Blog, 2015-Present Library Representative, Leadership Lee, 2008-2009, Lee County, Georgia Library Representative, Lee County Family Connection, 2009-2012, Lee County, Georgia Board Member, Lee County Family Connection, 2010-2012, Lee County, Georgia Committee Member, Academic Affairs Committee, 2013-2014, School of Information, Florida State University Committee Member, Development, Outreach, and Recruitment Committee, 2013-2016, School of Information, Florida State University Co-Convener, Doctoral Student Special Interest Group, 2014-2015, Association of Library and Information Science Education Chair, Doctoral Student Special Interest Group, 2015-2016, Association of Library and Information Science Education Jury Member, Florida Book Award, 2016-2017 Dissertation Research Grant, Florida State University, 2015-2016 Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute (SSLLI) participant, 2015-2016 YALSA Board Fellowship, America Library Association, 2015-2016 Congress of Graduate Students (COGS) Travel Grant, Florida State University 2015 NASA Space Apps Challenge, 1st Place, Making Awesome, Tallahassee, FL 2015 NASA Space Apps Challenge, 2nd Place, Making Awesome, Tallahassee, FL 2014 Congress of Graduate Students (COGS) Travel Grant, Florida State University 2014 ALA Annual Student-to-Staff Scholarship, American Library Association 2013 Graduate Student Grant, Florida State University, 2012- 2015 Georgia Hope Scholarship, 2002-2006 Two major accomplishments that have had a significant impact on me have been graduating with my MLIS in 2008 and my work from 2012 - 2016 to complete a PhD. After receiving my MLIS, I began to contribute to librarianship through my work as a librarian in a small, rural library system. As a rural librarian, I helped nurture strong relationships within the community, particularly with our local teens. During my doctoral program, I contributed to librarianship thorough publications and research relating to library and information studies. My dissertation focuses on both underresearched rural libraries and empathy as an important aspect of library work. Completing my dissertation, "The Empathetic Librarian: Rural Librarians as a Source of Support for Cyberbullied Rural Young Adults", has been a long but worthwhile journey. A more recent accomplishment is my current position as a Post Doctoral Fellow, which enables me, among other activities, to participate on an IMLS grant that focuses on Makerpaces in rural libraries. Phillips, A.: "More than just books: Librarians as a source of support for cyberbullied young adults". Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults, 4(1), 2014. Phillips, A.: "Systematic marketing facilitates optimal customer service: The marketing audit of a rural public library system. Public Library Quarterly, 33(3), 2014 Phillips, A.: "What do we mean by library leadership? Leadership in LIS education". Journal of Education in Library and Information Science, 55(4), 2014. My website: The image of the American library had been transformed through services such as outreach to the homeless, natural disaster relief, and employment assistance. While librarians have provided these services since the very beginning of libraries, the public is only now recognizing this important “third space”. In this safe haven, patrons with a range of information needs can find solace and compassion. As demand for these social services has increased, there is a greater need for research into how these services are offered and how they can be improved. Librarians are in need of more training on empathy, assistance in accumulating appropriate resources empathetic resources, and support for social justice initiatives. As an ALA council member, I pledge to leverage my experience as an LIS researcher and practitioner to expand the knowledge of these overlooked but critical services. 5 UT
Scott Piepenburg Head of Cataloging, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA Academic Coordinator of Cataloging -- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, August 2011-January 2014 Library System Administrator -- Dallas Independent School District, February 2007 to July 2011 Assistant Director of Technical Services -- Hampton University, January 2003 - January 2007 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, MLIS, 1986 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, MA American history 1986 Concordia College-Wisconsin, BA Theological Languages, December, 1983 ALCTS, LITA No No ALA Next Generation Catalog Interest Group, 2012-2016 ALA FRBR Interest Group Chair Elect/Chair 2013-2015 ALA Authority Control Interest Group Chair elect 2014-2016 Wisconsin Library Association, Chair, salary evaluation study, 1996 Member, Cataloging Competencies Task Force, 2014-2015 Member, OLAC DVD and Blu-ray best practices group Member, Texas Library Association Local Arrangements Committee 4 times Author "Digitizing audiovisual and non-print materials, September 2015 Author, Easy MARC, 5th edition, January 2008 Author, MARC authority records made easy, 2000 ALA is the largest professional organization of libraries in the United States. As such, it is the "only game in town" to speak for libraries on a national platform. As such, it is my goal to be a voice for those areas of the profession that are under-represented and who may have an opinion that is not consistent with the direction ALA has taken on many issues. ALA has, at times, drifted away from being a professional organization to being a social-change instrument; my goal is to point out when this is happening and urge ALA to re-focus on the good of the profession, and its members, even if those opinions and viewpoints are not politically or socially correct. 31 GA
Brenda Pruitt-Annisette Assistant Professor & Coordinator of School Library Programs, Chicago State University, Chicago, IL Academic Coordinator K-12 Media Services, Fulton County Schools, Atlanta, GA, 1997-2012 Elementary School Librarian, Atlanta Public Schools, Atlanta, GA 1992-1997 High School Librarian, New York City Schools, Brooklyn, NY, 1986-1991 CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY, Ed.D., Education Leadership 05/2008 GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY, Ed.S., Administration and Supervision, 12/1998 NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY, M.L.S., Library and Information Science, 5/1985 NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY, B.A., French Minor: Education, 5/1975 AASL, ACRL, ALSC, YALSA Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange RT (EMIERT), Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) BCALA No No Councilor-at-Large (2014-2017) – Governing Body of the American Library Association (ALA) – 3rd Term Councilor-at-Large (2011-2014) – Governing Body of the American Library Association (ALA) – 2nd Term Councilor-at-Large (2007-2010) – Governing Body of the American Library Association (ALA) – 1st Term Nominations: Treasurer - American Association of School Librarians (AASL) – July 2013 Appointments: (July 2016-August 2017) - Chair: Poster Committee – 10th National Conference of African American Librarians, August 9-13, 2017, Atlanta, GA. (July 2013-Present) – Site Leader for CAEP/NCATE (11/2011-Present) Board of Examiners (BOE) -National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education –NCATE (2012-2015) – Editorial Staff - American Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association (2009-2012) – Public Awareness Committee – American Library Association (2001-Present) – SPA Member - American Library Association/NCATE (2006-2008) – American Library Association Presidential Task Force on Graduate Education Programs Chair (2016-2017) – Special Interest Group (SIG) for School Librarians – Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Co-Chair (2015-2016) – Specialist Interest Group (SIG) for School Librarians – Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Teacher of the Year, Bethune Elementary School - Atlanta Public Schools, 1995-1996 People to Peoples’ Conference Attendee to Barcelona, Spain - Atlanta Public Schools, 1996 DeWitt Wallace Reader’s Digest National Library Power Media Specialist and Media Program- Atlanta Public Schools, 1993-1997 Guadalajara Book Festival Attendee – ALA Sponsorship, 2005-2008 Hong Kong International Book Fair Attendee – ALA Sponsorship, 2009 Elected - Teacher of the Year, 1995-96 Selected - Recipient of the DeWitt Wallace Reader's Digest National Library Power Media Specialist and Media Program Award, 1993-97 Appointed - Training Supervisor for Library Specialists - edTPA (2013 - Present) Pruitt-Annisette, Brenda: Highly qualified school library media specialists: Perceptions of teacher preparation training requirements and the impact on P-12 student achievement. Chicago: ProQuest-UMI. (2008) (Digital Commons @Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center ( Pruitt-Annisette, Brenda: Brenda’s Adventure. (2010). Media Matters. Georgia: Georgia Department of Education. Pg. 12. As large (and small) public schools (and local communities) transition from majority to minority populations, graduate level teacher/library specialist preparation programs may need to assess curricula and on-the-job performance of recent graduates. To this end, the American Library Association must continue to do its part to support all types of libraries while celebrating diversity of library professionals and the communities we serve! 22 IL
Raymond Pun First Year Student Success Librarian, California State University, Fresno, California Academic Reference and Research Services Librarian, New York University Shanghai, 2013-2015 Reference Librarian, The New York Public Library: Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, 2006-2013 St. John’s University, MA East Asian Studies, 2013; City University of New York Queens College, MLS, 2010 St. John's University, BA History, 2007 ACRL International Relations (IRRT) APALA, CALA, REFORMA No Yes ACRL Spectrum Scholar Mentor (2016 - 2017) ALA / NEH Bridging Cultures Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys – Reviewed over 50 proposals, made recommendations and selections for programs to be funded (2010) Library History Roundtable, 2009-2013 New Members Round Table (Resume Reviewer, ALA Annual 2014 and 2015) International Relations Round Table, 2015-Present RUSA Business Reference And Services Section, 2014-2016 BRASS New Librarian Members Group, 2014-2016 Asian Pacific American Librarian Association (APALA), 2012-Present Contributing Member, Newsletter, 2013-Present Publications Committee, 2015-Present Mentor to New Members, January-June 2015 Mentoring Committee, June 2016-Present Member at Large, Executive Board, June 2016-Present Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 2009-Present ACRL New Publications Advisory Board, 2013-2016 Instructional Services, 2014-Present University Libraries Section, 2009-Present College Libraries Section, 2014-Present Asian, African and Middle Eastern Studies Section, 2009-Present Nominee Committee, July 2010 - July 2011 Publications Committee, July 2010 - July 2011 Chinese American Library Association (CALA), 2012-Present Fundraising Committee, 2013-2014 Public Relations Committee, 2013-2014 Co-Chair, Mentoring Committee, June 2015-Present Finance Committee, June 2015-Present CALA Next Generation Task Force, June 2015-Present International Federation of Libraries Association (IFLA), 2016-Present Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL), 2016-Present CPDWL Workshop Planning Team, May 2016 - August 2016 Special Library Association (SLA), 2015-Present Leadership and Management Division (LMD), May 2016-Present College and University Business Libraries Section, 2015-Present Business and Finance Division (B&F), 2015-Present B&F Awards Committee, June 2015-June 2016 Professional Awards: Chinese American Librarians' Association (CALA) President’s Recognition Award, June 2016 Special Libraries Association (SLA), Rising Star Award, June 2016 Special Libraries Association (SLA), Business & Finance Section: Achievement in Academic Business Librarianship, June 2015 The Library Journal’s Mover and Shaker Profile: Change Agent Category, March 2012 Project and Travel Grants: Institute of Research Design Librarianship (IRDL) Scholar, June 2016 ALA Emerging Leaders Program (CALA sponsorship), January and June 2014 ACRL E-Learning Scholarship for Online Information Literacy Program, Fall 2010 IFLA National Committee Fellowship Grant, August 2016 Guangzhou Public Library Conference Travel Support, May 2014 Confucius Institute Scholarship for Studying Chinese Librarianship Abroad, University of Rhode Island, Summer 200 Raymond Pun is the first year student success librarian in California State University, Fresno. Raymond has delivered over hundreds of presentations, webinars and workshops on various topics in librarianship and in conferences such as ALA, SLA, IFLA, and UKSG. He has been invited to present in over 10 countries. Some of his recognitions include The Library Journal’s Mover and Shaker profile (2012), ALA's Emerging Leader (2014), SLA's Achievement in Academic Business Librarianship (2015) and SLA's Rising Star Award (2016). He is the recipient of numerous grants from organizations such as the Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF), AILA (AILA), North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Resources (NCC), FLAS, IFLA and ACRL. His essays and reviews have appeared in The Huffington Post, The Library Journal, College and Research Library News, Library Hi-Tech, Reference Services Review and among others. Raymond is an active member of ALA, ACRL, APALA, IFLA, SLA and CALA. He is also and has been on project advisory boards including Artstor and ABC-CLIO and Gale-Cengage. Davis Erin Anderson and Raymond Pun eds. "Career Transitions for Librarians: Proven Strategies for Moving to Another Type of Library." 2016 (Rowman & Littlefield) Pun, Raymond. "The Value of Intellectual Freedom in Twenty-First-Century China: Changes, Challenges, and Progress." Library Trends 64.3 (2016): 556-571. Carey, Elaine, and Raymond Pun. "Doing history A teaching collaboration between St. John’s University and the New York Public Library." College & Research Libraries News 73.3 (2012): 138-141. Personal Site: LinkedIN Page: I am interested in running for the ALA Councilor position because I know that I am able to make a difference in serving ALA and its members based on my extensive experiences in collaborating with librarians and community partners in building new opportunities to support libraries and its communities. As an ALA Councilor candidate, I am interested in growing new cross-cultural and cross-institutional collaborations; to strengthen communications between ALA and our members; to continue identifying and building relationships with our members and community partners. I am an effective communicator, collaborator and coalition builder. My experiences in various committees and associations in and outside of ALA has provided me unique insights on how to develop and sustain viable goals, priorities and expectations. Serving as an ALA Councilor would be a great opportunity for me to contribute my expertise and service to ALA's mission in the 21st century. 6 CA
Karen Quash Branch Manager, District of Columbia Public Library, Washington, DC Public Librarian, District of Columbia Public Library, 2010-2013 Library Associate, District of Columbia Public Library, 2006-2010 Teacher/Librarian, Community Academy Public Charter School, 2000-2005 The Catholic University of America, MSLIS, May 2010. Harvard University, Ed.M. Education, May 1995. Yale University, BA Psychology 197 PLA BCALA No No ALA ALA, National Library Legislative Day, Attendee, 2016. ALA, Committee on Diversity, Member, 2015-2017. ALA-APA, Member, 2015-2017. BCALA, Member, International Relations Committee 2015-present. BCALA, Member, 2014-present. PLA PLA Boot Camp, Intensive Management Training, August 2013. District of Columbia Library Association, Director, Professional Development, 2012-2013. Harvard University Graduate School of Education, scholarship, 1994-1995 When I was an elementary school teacher, I was assigned to work in the school library a few hours a week. Those hours spent in the school library made me realize that I was meant to be a librarian. While employed at this school, I was the chairperson of the Diversity Committee. I successfully lobbied for more teachers of color to join the faculty. I also worked to bring awareness about diversity in its many forms to the faculty, staff and students. In these uncertain political times, ALA advocacy in the areas of funding, equitable access, literacy, intellectual freedom and diversity is more important than ever. Libraries must continue to be a source for access to verifiable information. We must also continue to be a place where all people are safe and are welcomed. ALA has historically been a voice for the disenfranchised and the marginalized and our voice needs to be loud and clear during the next four years--libraries are essential. If elected to Council, I will use my diversity and advocacy experience to promote diversity, intellectual freedom and library funding on a national and local level. 4 DC
Renna Tuten Redd Interlibrary Loan Librarian, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina Academic Information Technology Librarian, Anderson University, September 2013 - March 2015 Public Services Coordinator, University of Georgia, Russell Special Collections Libraries, October 2011 - September 2013 Processing Archivist, University of Georgia, Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, December 2007 - October 2011 University of South Carolina, MLIS, 2007; University of Mississippi, MA Southern Studies, 2006; University of Georgia, BA Art History, 2003 ACRL, RUSA No No Professional Development Committee, Reference and User Services Association, 2016-2017, Member STARS Atlas Systems Mentoring Award Committee, Reference and User Services Association, 2015-2017, Member Christian Larew Scholarship Committee, Library and Information Technology Association, 2014-2015, Member Membership and Professional Development Committee, Rare Book and Manuscripts Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, 2010-2012, Member PALMCOP (Palmetto Archives, Libraries, and Museums Council on Preservation): District 3 Representative, 2015 - 2016 Southeastern Library Association: Reviewer, 2015-present South Carolina Archival Association: Chair, Membership Committee, 2015-2016 Society of American Archivists: Member, Peterson Award Committee, 2012-2014 (Chair 2014); Member, Security Roundtable, Bylaws and Website Committee, 2013; Member, Security Roundtable, RBMS Security Guidelines Endorsement Ad Hoc Committee, 2012; Member, Manuscripts Section Steering Committee, 2010-2012 Society of Georgia Archivists: Member, Provenance Editorial Board, 2014-2018; Chair, Tri-State Annual Meeting Local Arrangements Committee, 2013; Chair, Annual Meeting Program Committee, 2012; Chair, Education Committee, 2010; Chair, Mentoring Committee, 2010 University of Georgia Libraries Best Large Committee or Group Collaboration, 2013, nominee University of Georgia Foundations of Leadership and Management Program, 2009 University of Georgia Libraries Extra Mile/Above and Beyond Award, 2008, nominee University of Georgia Libraries Classified Staff Newcomer of the Year, 2007, recipient In 2010 I chaired a Society of Georgia Archivists ad hoc committee that created a mentoring program for new archivists and students in the state; this program is still going strong today. In 2011 I led the implementation of the Aeon software system at the University of Georgia Special Collections Libraries. This entailed working with systems personnel, catalogers, and archivists to create a custom cross-walk that imported data from finding aids (in EAD) into Aeon (an SQL database) and then sent pertinent information to software used in a high-density storage facility for paging. We were the first repository in the country to create this specific automated workflow and it is still in service today. My current projects include chairing a library committee to implement a Diversity Fellows Program and establishing a Women’s Faculty Organization on my campus. The most valuable aspect of ALA is that it represents multiple facets of librarianship and the most exciting element of this is the possibility of “cross-pollination” when professionals from all walks of life meet to share and discuss new ideas and policies. My work (both currently as a Resource Sharing Librarian and previously as an archivist) centers on access to material in both physical and digital form and I am passionate about its equity. My goal as an ALA Councilor would be to foster communication and collaboration among different sections of the organization so that our patrons can benefit from more uniform access standards. 9 SC
Stevo Roksandic Regional Director Library Services, Mount Carmel Health System, Columbus, Ohio Other (health sciences/hospital, academic, corporate, public) Regional Director of Library Services, Mount Carmel Health System, Columbus, OH 2006-present Librarian – Library Outreach and Service Marketing, Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library, Columbus, OH 2003-2006 Library Assistant, Franklin University Library, Columbus, OH, 2000-2003 Harvard Graduate School of Education, Building Inner Strengths of Leaders, 2015. Harvard Graduate School of Education, Library Leadership in a Digital age, 2013. Harvard Graduate School of Education, Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians, 2010. Kent State University, MLIS, 2008. Franklin University, MBA, Leadership Emphasis, 2005. Franklin University. BS Human Resources, 2003. Mount Carmel Health System, Six Sigma Green Belt Guide Certification, 2002. ACRL, LLAMA No No EBSCO Health Advisory Board, Member, 2016-present OhioNET Boar of Trustees, Member, 2013-present MLA Midwest Chapter Professional Practice Committee, Member, 2015-present Ohio Health Sciences Library Association (OHSLA), Organizational Evaluation Task Force Leader, 2016-present OHSLA, Nominating Committee Chair, 2015 OHSLA, President, 2013 Recognized by Library Journal as a Mover & Shaker 2015 in category Advocates. Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP), Senior Level, received from MLA January 2015 The Consumer Health Information Specialization Program (CHIS), Level II Designation, received from MLA January 2014 Received Professional Development Grant, NNLM/GMR, 2017 Received Technology Improvement Grant, NNLM/GMR, 2013 Received MCHS Foundation Library Services Project Grant, MCHS, 2012,.2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Built and continue to lead a cohesive, collaborative, and dedicated work team of Library and Information Service Professionals Positioned, structured and established MCHS Library Services (MCHSLS) as a central hub, within a multisite operating Health System which includes Health Sciences Library, Consumer Health Library (CHL) and Corporate Library Services Designed MCHSLS website as a custom-oriented innovative information and services portal(s) Established “Library-On-Demand” Services as a pivotal anchor in supporting all client informational and service needs at 7 operating sites and online education Maintain MCHSL continual growth and increased staffing Redesigned Main HSL location creating integral changeable exhibit of Historic artifacts and mural timeline honoring more than 110 years of Nursing Education at MCHS Led and created the design of CHLs within MCHS as ‘Libraries Without Shelves’ Mentored 18 Kent State MLIS practicum students by creating, assigning and supervising completion of their graduate projects Established partnerships in Community to provide CHL Information and Education Services Created, administered, analyzed annual survey, and organized and led Organizational Evaluation Task Force to redefine OHSLA values, mission and vision Roksandic, S. (2014). Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library Services: Health sciences librarianship gains momentum. Ohio Libraries Quarterly, 3(2), 14-15. Detmar, N. (2014). Where to start an assessment: case study consumer health library needs assessment work for a new location. In N. Spatz (Ed.), The medical library association guide to providing consumer and patient health information (1st ed., pp. 19-22) Rowman & Littlefield. Roksandic, S., Pearson, D. (2013). Moving beyond the bookshelves: Implementation of a federated search in a multi-hospital system. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 101(4), 249-243 Twitter: @StevoRok LinkedIn: Stevo Roksandic Keynote Speaker: ALA Strategic Directions, Goals and Strategies are focused on Advocacy, Information Policy and Professional and Leadership Development. Those areas are strongly embedded in my everyday work and continuing professional development. I am confident that engaging in capacity of Councilor-at-large, based on my experiences and accomplishments, I can greatly contribute to diverse Key Action Areas. Coming from special and quite unique Library setting (academic, health sciences, corporate and public), my strengths, passion and greatest interest are advocacy, diversity, commitment to organizational excellence, education, lifelong learning, and innovative, inspirational and visionary leadership. As demonstrated through my accomplishments and recognition, I continuously strive to improve and diversify Library services focusing on health sciences. I have established strong foundations to share my knowledge, expertise and practices in serving our respective institutions as well as the general population. With great enthusiasm, I seek and will highly honor your vote to join ALA’s Council. 7 OH
John C. Sandstrom Associate Professor College Faculty/Acquisitions Librarian, New Mexico State University – Library, Las Cruces, New Mexico Academic Head, Acquisitions and Collection Development, El Paso Public Library, 2003-2010 Consultant, LSSI, 2001 - 2003 Senior Collection Development Librarian, Baker & Taylor, 1998-2001 New Mexico State University, EdD Educational Leadership and Administration, 2017 (in process); University of Texas - El Paso, MPA Leadership, 2010; University of Oklahoma, MLIS, 1987; University of Tulsa, BA, History, 1984. ACRL, ALCTS Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), International Relations (IRRT) AILA No No Councilor-at-Large, ALA, 2012-2015; Member, ALA Award Committee, 2016-2018. ALA Search Committee, Director, Office of Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services, 2015; ALA, Office of Outreach and Literacy Services (OLOS) Advisory Committee, 2011-2016 (Chair 2012 and 2014); American Libraries Advisory Committee, ALA, 2009-2011; ALA Council, Committee on Committees, 2009-2010; ALA, Publications Advisory Committee, 2004-2006; College, and Research Libraries (ACRL), Government Relations Committee, 2015-2018; ALA, Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA), Publications Committee, 2006-2008; Roundtable Councilor (GLBRT), ALA, 2007-2010; Chair, Excellence in Library Programming Award, 2015-2016; Member, ABC-CLIO Greenwood Award for the Best Book in Library Literature Jury, 2011-2012; Member, Sullivan Award for Public Library Administrators Supporting Services to Children Jury, 2012-2013; Member, ALA Equality Award Jury, 2013-2014; Member, ALA – APA, Publishing Committee, 2006-2011. New Mexico Library Association: Program Planning Committee – 2016- present; Site Selection Committee 2012-13; Local Arrangements 2012. Border Regional Library Association (BRLA): Board Member, 2005-2015; Chair, Library Appreciation Subcommittee, 2005-2007; ?Chair, Dia de los Ninos/Dia de los Libros Subcommittee, 2008-2010; Chair, Publicity/Advocacy Subcommittee, 2010-current; Elected Vice President-President Elect, 2012-2013; President, 2013-2014; Immediate Past President 2014-2015 REFORMA: National Board, 2011-2012; Member, Vice President-President Elect (El Paso Chapter), 2010-2012; REFORMA National Conference III Planning Committee, 2007-2008 (Chair Exhibits Committee) Outcomes Assessment Committee for Co-Curriculum, Administration and Operations Excellence in Assessment Award, 2015; NMSU Library Team Award, 2013; BRLA Librarian of the Year, 2007. I Chaired the ALA Presidential Task Force on Council Electronic Communications. I began the process of merging the advisory structures of OLOS and the Office of Diversity. I am completing my dissertation for an EdD in Educational Leadership and Administration. Co-author: _Fundamentals of Technical Services_, ALA/Neal Schumann, 2015 ALA needs to have an awareness of the bigger picture many libraries work in to maintain their local and state support. Both from ALA and Council must acknowledge that policies which bring more support to libraries in some parts of the country can and will hurt libraries in other areas. As Counselor, I will work to balance the needs and ethics of our association with the needs and political realities of our libraries. While our finances have stabilized from the roller-coaster of the past decade, they are still fragile. ALA must recognize that the organization must develop greater flexibility to allow it to be an organization that can support and be supported by librarians of all types. As a Counselor, I will work towards increasing member participation. I will also work to improve the infrastructure of the organization so it can be more responsive to the members. 16 NM
Lindsay C. Sarin Director of Academic Programs, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, MD Other (Library School) MLIS Program Manager, University of Maryland, 2015-2016 MLIS Program Coordinator, University of Maryland, 2012-2015 E-Reference Librarian, University of the District of Columbia 2011-2012 University of Maryland, College Park, MLS, 2011; Eastern Michigan University, BS English, 2008. ACRL No No Chair, Membership Coordinating Committee, ACRL, 2013-2014 Member, University Libraries Section, Future of Academic Libraries Committee, ACRL, 2012-2013 Vice-Chair, Membership Coordinating Committee, ACRL 2012-2013 Co-Leader, New Members Discussion Group, ACRL, 2011-2012 Ex-Officio Member, Membership Coordinating Committee, 2011-2012 Co-Chair, Student and Student Chapter Outreach Committee, NMRT, 2011-2012 Member, Student and Student Chapter Outreach Committee, NMRT, 2010-2011 Maryland Library Association, Member, Maryland Library Leadership Institute (MiLLI) Task Force, 2015-2017. Maryland Library Association, Reviewer/Panelist, Professional Development Panel, 2015-2016. Maryland Library Association, Chair, New Members Interest Group, 2013-2015 Maryland Library Association, Member, Conference Committee, 2012-2015 Maryland Library Association, Advisor, Strategic Planning Taskforce, 2013-2014. Maryland Library Association, Assistant Conference Director, 2013 Maryland Library Association, Chair-Elect, New Members Interest Group, 2012-2013 William G. Wilson Staff Excellence Award, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland College Park 2015 Inducted, Beta Phi Mu Iota Chapter (International Honor Society for Library & Information Science), 2012 Organizer and strategic planner for “Re-Envisioning the MLS” initiative at University of Maryland. Advisor and Mentor for LIS students and new librarians. Multiple national-publications including the book: Public Libraries, Public Policies, and Political Processes: Serving and Transforming Communities in Times of Economic and Political Constraint. Editor, The Political Librarian. Served on the Board of Directors for EveryLibrary. Reviews Editor for Library Quarterly and International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion. Multiple national and state-level conference presentations on library, marketing, advocacy, diversity, and new librarian issues. Sarin, L.C., Percell, J., Jaeger, P.T., & Bertot, J.C. (eds.). (in press). Re-Envisioning the MLS: Perspectives on the future of library and information science Education. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Bertot, J.C., & Sarin, L.C. (2015). Re-Envisioning the MLS: The Future of Librarian Education.” Public Libraries, 54(6), 23-33. Bertot, J.C., & Sarin, L.C. (2015). The future of the MLS. American Libraries, 46(3/4), 40-42. As a manager of MLIS Program, I had the opportunity to mentor the future of the library profession. That experience has informed my current role as Director of Academic Programs at an iSchool. More than ever, I see the need for stronger connections among disciplines with LIS. From political science, to education, to design, to data science; we must broaden our curriculum and the skills of practicing librarians to address the current and future needs of our communities. As an ALA Councilor, I will set an example for my students and bring issues of LIS education, inclusion, and the future of the profession to the forefront. I will seek to bring these issues to the table and take action not just discussion. 8 MD
Karen G. Schneider Dean, University Library, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA Academic University Librarian, Holy Names University 2009-2014 Community Librarian, Equinox Software, 2008-2009 Report Analyst, College Center for Library Automation, 2007-2008 Simmons College, PhD, in work University of San Francisco, MFA in Writing, 2006 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, MSLIS, 1992 Barnard College, BA, 1982 ACRL, LITA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) No No • Chair, Nominating Committee, Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), 2014-2015 • Member, Library Education Subgroup, ALA (American Library Association) Digital Content Working Group, 2012-2013 • Member, Nominating Committee, ALA, 2012-2013 • Member, Nominating Committee, LITA, 2012 • Councilor, American Library Association, 1997-2001, 2002-2004, 2004-2006, 2012-2015 • Interim Secretary, GLBTRT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table of the American Library Association), 2011-2012 • Member, GLBTRT Bylaws Task Force, 2009-2011 • Member, LITA Forum 2009 Committee, 2008-2009 • LITA Internet Resources Interest Group, “Ultimate Debate” panelist, 2008-2010 • Member, Jim Rettig ALA Presidential Implementation Task Force, 2006-2008 • Member, ALA Special Task Force on Member Participation, 2006-2009 • Founding co–chair, LITA Blogging/Wiki Interest Group (BIGWIG), 2005-2006 • Trend Expert, LITA Top Technology Trends panel, 2004-2010 • Member, ALA Web Advisory Committee; Chair, Design Subcommittee, 2003-2005 • Member, LITA Internet Room Steering Committee, 1993-1996; this group worked with vendors and ALA staff to organize the first Internet cafes at ALA conferences Secretary, Council of Library Deans, California State University Libraries, 2016 - Board member, Project Information Literacy, 2009-2016 Founding chair, Resource Sharing Committee, SCELC (Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium), a licensing and resource-sharing consortium for over 100 private libraries in California and Texas, 2013-2014 Chair, California Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee, 2002-2003; collaborated with Sacramento Bee and California ACLU on series about Patriot Act Chair, New York Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee, 2000; revised manual, reinvigorated committee Founding member, New Jersey Library Association Gay and Lesbian Roundtable, 1993 Co–moderator, PUBLIB, discussion list for public librarians, 1996-2011 2014 Elizabeth Futas Catalyst for Change Award, American Library Association April, 2013: awarded 33-credit scholarship for Simmons doctoral program in managerial leadership in the information professions (Ph.D./MLIP) 2011 “Above and Beyond” award for exemplary service, Holy Names University Literary essay, “Falling In,” nominated by Kore Press for a Pushcart Prize, 2008 2000: accepted Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award “on behalf of librarians everywhere” 1998 Leadership Award, University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science Article, “Tao of Internet Costs,” selected as one of the best of the year, The Bottom Line, 1998 Air Force Commendation Medal As a managerial leader in the information professions, I have led change initiatives for over two decades, introducing new technologies and services, restructuring workforces to better align with user need, and helping libraries move from I am particularly proud to have led an early investigation of Internet filtering software, served as a expert witness for the crucial Mainstream Loudoun filtering lawsuit, reinvigorated two state association intellectual freedom committees, served as a founding member of an early LGBTQ group in a state chapter, and participated in launching two resource-sharing networks. I wrote a monthly technology column for American Libraries for seven years back when the Internet was newfangled, and I continue to stay current on leading library issues, such as open access and digital libraries, and active in my profession. Schneider, K. G. (2016). To Be Real: Antecedents and Consequences of Sexual Identity Disclosure by Academic Library Directors. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42(6), 719-731. A Practical Guide to Internet Filters, Neal Schuman, 1997 The Internet Access Cookbook, Neal Schuman, 1996 I blog at, tweet as @kgs, and my LinkedIn page is at We are in an urgent historic moment, and the members elected to ALA's governing bodies need the right balance of experience, integrity, leadership, and courage. I am a career-long advocate and activist on behalf of free speech and information as a public good. I have also tirelessly advocated for better information management and dissemination within the American Library Association; for adoption of emerging technologies and new pedagogies; for LGBTQ services and scholarship, not only about users and collections, but about librarians and library leaders. I have kept my professional focus activist and ecumenical. I have worked in public and special libraries as well as consortial, and now hang my hat in higher education, but my heart is with all libraries and library workers everywhere. If elected I will work hard on behalf of ALA's core values and its membership. 26 CA
Jessica J. Schomberg Department Chair, Media Cataloger, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Mankato, Minnesota Academic Cataloger, Hunterdon County Library (Flemington NJ), 2001-2003 Cataloging Librarian, Baker & Taylor, 2000-2003 Minnesota State University Mankato, MA English (Teaching English as a Second Language), 2007; University of Washington Seattle, MLIS, 2000; University of Minnesota Morris, BA French, 1997. ACRL, ALCTS, LLAMA No No ALCTS CMS Collection Development Librarians of Academic Libraries IG, vice chair, 2016-2017; ALCTS Outstanding Collaboration Citation Jury, 2014-2015 MnPALS Aleph Authorities/Indexing Task Force, chair, 2016-present; MnPALS Aleph Authorities Task Force, co-chair, 2007-2014; MnPALS Aleph Validation Task Force, co-chair, 2005-2007; OLAC-CAPC (Online Audiovisual Catalogers-Cataloging Policy Committee), Joint MLA/OLAC Task Force on Playaways, Recording Accessibility Features Best Practices Task Force, Realia and Other Funny Formats Task Force, member, 2014-present. One activity with which I have been actively engaged is live-Tweeting information about the research I'm reading. As part of this, I also keep an online blog to highlight recent research on cataloging assessment and social justice issues in cataloging. While my live-Tweeting is too informal to have useful analytics, the blog -- despite being on fairly niche topics -- has received almost 6,000 hits in the past three years. I have found that this is a powerful way of opening the discussion to people whose libraries can’t afford library research databases but who may be interested in and affected by what’s going on in the field. To me, this activity epitomizes what I love most about librarianship: sharing information and fostering learning opportunities. Bergman B., Schomberg J., and Kurtz, D. "Survey of Classification and Organization of Videorecordings." Library Resources & Technical Services, Volume 60, Number 3, 2016. Turner, J. and Schomberg, J. "Inclusivity, Gestalt principles, and Plain Language in Document Design." In the Library with the Lead Pipe. 2016. Schomberg, J. "Examination of Cataloging Assessment Values Using the Q Sort method." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Volume 54, Number 1, 2016. Over the past few years I have become increasingly engaged in learning about and advocating for the needs of the diverse members of my profession and my community. I speak and write openly about being a person with disabilities, and how that influences my work. I have made reason and compassion guiding forces in how I support inclusivity at my library, in my local community, and in my research. I have experience working in academic and public libraries, primarily as a cataloger but also as collection developer, instructor, and supervisor. As a member of Council, I anticipate continuing those efforts on a broader scale, and in a way that may influence how the library profession responds to diversity issues. 10 MN
Joel D. Shoemaker Library Director, Oakwood Public Library District, Oakwood, Illinois Public Library Manager, Von Steuben Middle School, 2012-2015 Circulation Staff, Bloomington Public Library, 2010-2011 Dominican University, MSLIS, 2016; Eureka College, BS Elementary Education, 2006 PLA, YALSA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) No No 2018 Stonewall Book Awards Committee Member; 2017 Stonewall Book Awards Committee Member; 2017 YALSA Annual Conference Marketing & Local Arrangements Committee Member; 2016 Innovate Reading Grant Committee Member Senior of the Year, Eureka College, 2006 Award-winning magician, 25 years Author: "An Electrifying Piece of Historical Fiction," The News Gazette, 31 July, 2016. Author. "Sharing Secrets of the Three-Ring Rascals," The News Gazette, 19 June, 2016. Author. "Library Patrons Should Decide," The Commercial-News, 1 May, 2016. As soon as I became a masters student, I became a member of the American Library Association. I believe in the organization and am very proud of its accomplishments. I would love nothing more than to assist in carrying out its mission and vision. If elected, I will work hard to advocate for our profession in every way that I am able so that, in general, patrons might better understand the needs for diversity in both literature and the programs and services we provide for their children. 4 IL
Jahala Simuel Medical Librarian, Howard University, Washington, DC Other (Health Sciences Library) Medical Librarian Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library Howard University July 2016 Reference Librarian/Adjunct Professor Shaw University November 2004-July 2016 North Carolina Central University MLS 2004; North Carolina Central University MIS 2001; Saint Augustine's University BS Business Administration 1995 LLAMA BCALA No No ALA Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship Member ( 6/15-6/18); ALA-APA LSSC Certification Review Committee Member (6/15-6/18) ALA-APA Salaries & Standing Committee Member (7/16-6/18) NCLA Board Member for WILR (Women's Issues in Libraries Roundtable) 2014-2016 Recipient of the APA Travel Scholarship 2016; Recipient of NYU Faculty Resource Network Seminar 2015; ALA Leadership Institute 2014 Brannon, RaShauna and Jahala Simuel. "Beyond the Spectrum: Examining Black Recruitment Efforts in Libraries in the New Millennium". The 21st Century Black Librarian in America. ( Rowan &Littlefield, 2012), pp.207-210 Libraries are important and I want to be a part of the voice that will advocate for life long learning, equity of access, diversity, sustainability, and freedom of information. 7 DC
Daniella Smith Associate Professor, University of North Texas, Department of Library and Information Sciences, Denton, Texas Other (Library and Information Science University Faculty) Assistant Professor, University of North Texas, August 2010- May 2016 Research Program Coordinator, (PALM) Partnerships Advancing Library Media Center, Florida State University, 2009-2010 School Librarian, Leon County School Board, 2007-2008 Florida State University, Doctor of Philosophy, Information Studies, 2009; Florida State University, Specialist Degree, Library and Information Studies, 2003 Florida State University, MLIS, 2001; Florida State University, BS, Political Science and Social Science, 2000; Florida State University, Certificate, Public Administration, 2000; Florida Department of Education, Certificate, Educational Media Specialist (K-12), 2004- 2015; Florida Department of Education, Certificate, Prekindergarten/Primary Education (Prek-3), 2007-2015; AASL, ALSC, YALSA BCALA No No Councilor At-Large, 2014-Present; AASL National School Library Program of the year Award (NSLPY) Subcommittee, 2016-Present; AASL Knowledge Quest Journal Blogger, 2015-Present, Committee Member, AASL Professional Development Advisory Group, 2015-Present; Vice-Chair, AASL Essential Links Committee, 2013-2014; Committee Member, AASL School Library Month Committee, 2010-2014; Committee Member, AASL Essential Links Committee, 2011-2013; Committee Member, AASL Leadership Development Task Force, 2011-2012; Judge, AASL School Library Month Video Contest, 2011, 2012, 2014; Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries Advisory Committee, 2014-PresentTexas Library Association (TLA) Committee Member, Partnerships Task Force, 2016-Present Committee Member, Nominating Committee, 2016-Present Chair, TASL Shirley Igo Award Committee, 2015-2016 Committee Member, TASL Shirley Igo Award Committee, 2014-2015 District 7 Immediate Past Chair, TLA, 2014- 2015 District 7 Chair, TLA, 2013-2014 District 7 Chair Elect/ Vice Chair, TLA, 2012- 2013Florida Association for Media in Education (FAME) Chairperson, FAME Region 1 Jim Harbin Student Film Festival, 2007-2010 Committee Member, FAME Sunshine State Young Readers Award, 2009 Reader, FAME Sunshine State Young Readers Award, 2009Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Member School Library SIG, 2010-Present Committee Member, LMC Paper Award Committee, 2013 Reviewer, Garfield Dissertation Competition, 2012 Judge, Jean Tague Sutcliffe Doctoral Poster Session, 2012 Conference Mentor, 2012 Selected AASL “Causality: School Libraries and Student Success” (CLASS) Summit II Participant, 2016 Honored Faculty Member, UNT Honors Day, 2015, 2012 Selected AASL CLASS Summit Participant, 2014 UNT Commendations Thank a Teacher Program, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 AASL Research Grant, 2012 ALA Diversity Grant, 2011 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Outstanding Virtual Presentation Award, E-Learn Conference, 2011 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Florida State University, 2008 Project Athena Scholarship, Florida State University, College of Information, 2007 Project LEAD Doctoral Fellowship, Florida State University, College of Information, 2006-2009 Army Achievement Medal, 1998 National Defense Service Medal, 1995 My three greatest accomplishments are my family, the completion of my PhD, and my ability to use my skills to make a positive impact on the lives of other people. I have been married for over 20 years to an amazing husband. We have three wonderful children. As a teenager, I did not envision earning a PhD. After serving in the military, being a teacher, and a librarian (public youth services and K-12), my family encouraged me to go back to school. I have always wanted to have an impact on education. My career has afforded me the opportunity to improve education for our youth, while training the professionals that teach them. Now I am a librarian, educator, and a researcher who uses multiple perspectives to provide empowering knowledge for evidence based practice. I gladly accept my duty to continue to be an advocate for our profession, our youth who need the skills that we teach, and the adults that rely upon the services that we offer. Smith, D. (2015). Thriving in the digital age: Conquests, challenges, and thoughts on school libraries. In D. Baker & W. Evans (Eds.), Digital Information Strategies: From Applications and Content to Libraries and People (pp. 201 – 213). Waltham, MA: Chandos Publishing. Smith, D. (2016). Embracing mutual interests: Strategies for collaborating with public librarians. School Library Connection, 1(6), pp. 11-13. Smith, D. (2015). School district support structures: A mixed methods study of the leadership development of pre-service school librarians. School Libraries Worldwide, 21(2) 58-72. Daniella Smith's AASL Knowledge Quest Blog Archive: Daniella Smith's Personal Website: I believe that the work of a librarian is a calling that enables one to impact issues affecting the well-being of society. Whether a librarian is a quiet supporter of literacy, an advocate for access to technology, or an outspoken defender of intellectual freedom, their presence reinforces the meaning of democracy. I have always felt privileged to be a librarian and LIS educator. I know the work that I complete every day, makes a difference in society. That is why I believe libraries are educational pillars that require stable funding. If re-elected to the ALA Council, I will continue to advocate for matters that emphasize the importance of libraries in society. I will be a champion for the leadership development of new and experienced librarians, the education of youth, programs that emphasize collaborative activities between various types of librarians to teach information literacy skills, and equal access to information. 2007 TX
Steven Escar Smith Dean, University of Tennessee Libraries, Knoxville, TN Academic Exectuive Associate Dean, Texas A&M University Libraries, 2010-2011 Associate Dean, Texas A&M University Libraries, 2001-2010 Librarian, Texas A&M University Libraries, 1990-2001 University of South Carolina, BA, English, 1987 University of South Carolina, MA, English, 1990 University of South Carolina, ML, Librarianship, 1990 Texas A&M University, PhD, English, 2001 ACRL, ALCTS Library History (LHRT) No No Chair, Chief Collection Development Officers Interest Group, ALCTS, ALA, 2010-2011 Chair-elect, same as above, 2009 Member, same as above, 2007-2011 Chair, 2011 Rare Book and Manuscript Section Pre-conference program, ALA, Baton Roughe, LA, 2009-2011 Editorial Board, Libraries and the Cultural Record, 2004-2014 Sponsor and Mentor, Leadership and Career Development Program, ALA/ARL, 2012- Board of Directors, Association of Research Libraries, 2016- Secretary, Tenn-Share Resource Sharing Consortium, 2015- Member, Tennessee State Library and Archives Advisory Board, 2012- Board of Directors, Association of Southeastern Research Libraries, 2013-201Member, review panel, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Laura Bush 21st Century Library Leadership Grant Program, 2010 and 2012 Member, Board of Directors, Antiquarian Book Seminar Foundation, 2009-2015 Member, Board of Trustees, American Printing History Association, 2006-2009 Member, Board of Directors, Texas Digital Library, 2010-2011 Texas A&M Distinguished Faculty Lecture, 2007 ARL Research Library Leadership Fellow, 2004-2006 Philosophical Society of Texas, elected 2004 Grolier Club Library Research Fellowship, 2004 Texas A&M Diversity Award, 2001/2002 C. Clifford Wendler Professor, Texas A&M University Libraries, 2001-2011 Big XII Faculty Fellowship, 1999/2000 Distinguished Librarianship Award, Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University, 1997 Whitney-Carnegie Award, American Library Association, 1991 Kenneth E. Toombs Fellowship in Library Science, 1989 Baker and Taylor Grassroots Award, 1989 Chair, University of Tennessee Strategic Plan Milestone Review Committee, 2015-2016 “Thoughts on the AHA Statement on Embargoes and Dissertations,” Against the Grain, December 2013/January 2014, vol. 25, #6, 52. “Avoiding the Path to Obsolescence: Riches-to-Rags Tales in the Retail Business Hold Lessons for Libraries,” American Libraries, September/October 2011, 40-43. With Carmelita Pickett. “It’s the Content, Stupid: Peer Review, Validation, and Scholarly Publication in the Digital Age.” American Libraries (January/February 2010) 48-51. With Holly Mercer. If elected I will make three areas the focus of my concern: 1) I will support and strengthen ALA's broad and deep commitment to diversity in its programs, membership, and activities; 2) I will work to continue ALA's commitment to Open Access initiatives to remove barriers to all types of information for all people; 3) I will seek and create new partnerships with organizations and individuals of all kinds for the advancement of the Association and the causes it serves 18 TN
Amy Steinbaur Children's Librarian, District of Columbia Public Library, Washington, D.C. Public Early Childhood Outreach Librarian, Beaumont Library District, January 2014 to March 2016 Part-time Teacher, Kahala Elementary School, January to May 2013. Substitute Teacher/Long Term School Library Substitute, South Orange/Maplewood School District, February 2009 to June 2012. University of Hawaii at Manoa, MLIS, 2013; Muhlenberg College, BA English with writing concentration, 2006. ALSC Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT), New Members Round Table (NMRT) No No ALA Public Awareness Committee, 2015-2017; NMRT Student & Student Chapter Outreach Committee, 2015-2016, Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS) Board Member at Large, 2015-2017. ALSC Mentor, Fall 2016. Office of Intellectual Freedom Blogger 2015-2016. California Library Leadership Institute, 2016; Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship from the Freedom to Read Foundation, 2015; Head Start Volunteer Award, 2014; The Robert and Rita Memorial Award for student showing most promise in providing library service to youth and young adults, 2013; Golden Key Honor Society, 2013; H.W. Wilson Achievement Scholarship, 2012; University of Hawaii at Manoa Departmental Achievement Scholarships, 2011 & 2012. Presented at ALA Annual Conference 2016 "Storytime Live! Improv Techniques to Improve Your Storytime" Orlando, FL. Presented at Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services Annual Conference 2014 "Little Early Literacy Community Connections" San Diego, CA. Executed Baby and Toddler Storytime for 120 attendees. Volunteered at Sing, Talk, and Read Annual Festival (STAR) in D.C. with over 1,000 attendees, and performed an early literacy storytime. Won the Conable Conference Scholarship from the Freedom to Read Foundation that paid for me to attend the ALA Annual Conference in 2015, which solidified my work for intellectual freedom in libraries. Selected for California Library Leadership Institute in Spring 2016, an immersive and selective leadership learning opportunity. ALA Student Chapter President: University of Hawaii, 2012-2013. Captain of Web Team: University of Hawaii, 2012-2013. Amy Steinbauer: "A Creativity Boost" ALSC Blog. July 14, 2015. Amy Steinbauer: "I Am A Banned Book" Office of Intellectual Freedom Blog. August 9, 2016 Amy Steinbauer: "Resume Missteps & Solutions" March 20, 2015. The library is all about the community it serves. As we move forward in the world, people continue to seek out the library as a place for shelter and a place to learn, freely. Outreach is my passion, and I try to find people where they are and bring the library to them. The library is both a place, and a person, and that ideology helps me provide excellent customer service. It only takes one person to create a pathway to understanding and connection, I try to embody this and create accessibility for all. I would love the opportunity to give back to the professional force that continues to inspire me to do more, and channel my best for ALA. 3 DC
James K. Teliha Director of the Library & Learning Commons, Utica College, Utica, New York Academic Associate University Librarian for Public Services, Idaho State University, 2008-2011 Head of Access Services, University of Rhode Island, 2000-2007 Access Services Librarian, Oregon Institute of Technology, 1998-2000 University of Oklahoma, MLIS, 1997; University of Colorado, MA US History, 1993; University of Colorado, BA History & Political Science, 1982 ACRL, LLAMA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) No No Committee on Legislation member 2015-present, Membership Committee member 2011-2015, Membership Promotion Task Force member 2011-2015, Intellectual Freedom Committee Privacy Subcommittee member 2007-2012, American Libraries Advisory Committee member 2009-2011, Intellectual Freedom Committee member 2005-2009, Impact of Media Concentration on Libraries Subcommittee member 2006-2007, ACRL Committee on Professional Values member 2013-2015, ACRL Liaison to IFC, IFRT, FTRF, and OIF 2013-2015, ACRL Committee on the Status of Librarians member 2005-2009, LLAMA Liaison to IFC, IFRT, FTRF, and OIF 2009-2013, IFRT Director-at-Large 2012-2014, Chair, Eli M. Oboler Award Committee 2010-2012, Program Committee member 2002-2007, ProQuest/SIRS State and Local Intellectual Freedom Award Committee member 2003-2004, John Phillip Imroth Memorial Award Committee member 2002-2004, Publications Committee member 1999-2001 Participant in ALA Law for Librarians Program April 20062006 Idaho Library Association State Intellectual Freedom Committee Chair 2009-2011, Libraries of Rhode Island Interlibrary Loan Working Group Chair 2002-2004 member Phi Alpha Theta I have presented at State, National, and International gatherings: “The Current Surveillance State: Repercussions to Academic Librarianship.” Association of College & Research Libraries Committee on Professional Values program, American Library Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV June 29, 2014. Invited speaker, “Western Trends in Academic Library Reference: Valuable Services for Students, Faculty, and Researchers.” International Round Table: Current Trends in University Libraries Development – Experience, Problems, and Perspectives. Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of L. Gumilev. Eurasia National University, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 27, 2012. Invited speaker, “Current Issues and Future Trends in Academic Library Reference.” State Academic Library, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 25, 2012. Invited speaker, “Current Trends in Academic Librarianship”, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 23-27, 2012. “Professional Networking Among Librarians: Unnatural Acts.” Presentation for the Idaho Library Association Region 2 Meeting, College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID February 9, 2011. “Privacy and Confidentiality in the Library.” Presentation to the librarians of the HELIN Consortium, Bryant University, North Smithfield, RI, March 23, 2007. “Librarians’ Response to Technological Change: Keep Calm and Carry On,” Library Leadership & Management, v. 27, no.3, May 2013. Fighting for, defending, preserving, and promoting Intellectual Freedom is the main reason I've worked in libraries for over 30 years as both a paraprofessional and professional. It is the main reason I became a librarian. I believe that Intellectual Freedom is THE core value of our profession. Serving on a variety of committees has allowed me to become familiar with ALA's bureaucracy and its inner workings. My experience and past committee service has prepared me to be of great value to my colleagues, and my profession as a Councilor-at-Large. If elected, I will work tirelessly to promote our profession's ethics and ideals, and make sure Librarians' voices are heard by all. 20 NY
Lettycia Terrones Education Librarian, California State University, Fullerton, Los Angeles, CA Academic Reference and Instruction, Librarian, California State University, Los Angeles, 2011-2013 Floater Librarian, Boston Public Library, 2010 Senior Librarian, New York Public Library, 2008-2009 UCLA, MLIS, 2008; UC Berkeley, BA English, 1998; Single-Subject English Credential, Los Angeles Unified School District, Intern Program, 2001. ACRL, ALSC Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange RT (EMIERT) REFORMA Yes No ALSC/REFORMA Pura Belpre Award Selection Committee, 2016-2017. REFORMA National Conference 2015 (Keynote Speaker Committee member) California Academic & Research Libraries (CARL), 2012-Present Immediate Past Chair, and current Co-Secretary, California Academic Reference Librarians Discussion Interest Group South (CARLDIG-S), 2015. President, REFORMA Los Angeles Chapter 2015-2016. Chair, REFORMA Los Angeles Chapter, Elizabeth Martinez & Dr. Karin Durán annual scholarship fundraiser and awards luncheon, planning committee. Book to Action Grant, supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and the California State Library. Pollak Library and Titan Dreamers Resource Center, Undocumented and Unafraid, student-led book discussion series and community service learning project. 2016. Spectrum Travel Grant ALISE 2016, supported by the American Library Association /Association for Library and Information Science Education. 2016. Harriet G. Eddy Award, UCLA Student Governing Board, Graduate School of Education & Information Science, Standout Public Library Student, 2008. Spectrum Scholarship Award, 2006. UCLA Graduate Opportunity Fellowship, 2006. My dedication and commitment to empower students to successfully achieve their educational goals lies at the heart of my service philosophy as a librarian educator. To this aim, I mentor undergraduate and graduate students in retention initiatives and scholarship programs. As the education librarian at Cal State Fullerton, I liaise with the undocumented student center to provide research support and collection development. I design, teach, and assess information literacy instruction for graduate and undergraduates in education, humanities, and social sciences. As coordinator for the Pollak Library Donoghue Children’s Literature Center, I manage collection development of notable children’s literature, plan annual author talks with award-winning children’s literature authors/illustrators, and curate an ongoing exhibit of multicultural and diverse children’s literature. My research area examines cultural representation and visual aesthetics found in Chicanx picturebooks to support critical literacy practices in elementary and early literacy education. I also serve as a member of the Cal State Fullerton Academic Senate Diversity & Inclusion Committee, and am developing a LIS course oriented in critical information literacy, social justice, and service learning. Terrones, L. (2015). Técnica con/safos: Visual iconography in Latino picture books as a tool for cultural affirmation. In E. R. Clark, H. L. Smith, B. B. Flores, & D. A. González (Eds.), Multicultural Literature for Latino Bilingual Children: Their words, their worlds,(pp. 241-264). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Terrones, L. (2016). Book Review: Bad Hair Does Not Exist! = ¡Pelo Malo No Existe! BCALA News, 43(2), 30–32. Terrones, L. (2016). Twenty years in the making: Latino firsts at the 2016 Youth Media Awards began with Pura Belpré. School Library Journal, 62(3), 56-58. California State University, Fullerton --Faculty Profile I am in support of consistent and courageous measures that welcome diversity into all levels and aspects of our work as library and information science professionals. As an ALA Council Member, I would like to participate in resolutions to effect change in pejorative and non-inclusive language (e.g. Resolution on Replacing the LCSH "Illegal Aliens" with "Undocumented Immigrants"). As a recipient and active Spectrum member, I champion ALA’s efforts to provide operational support to ensure effective operational structure and Spectrum funding. I would also advocate for inclusive and systemic measures that ALA Council can move forward to ensure access to diverse literature for children and teens. Increasing the number of underrepresented librarians is essential to the sustainability and growth of our profession. Increasing the number of students of color in higher education is another issue that I would strongly advocate for if I had the privilege to serve on ALA Council. 8 CA
Sarah J. Thornberry Teacher-Librarian at Springboro Jr. High School, Springboro Community City Schools, Springboro, OH School Kent State University, MLIS, Academic Librarianship, 2014; Wright State University, M.Ed., Library Media, 2003; Miami University (of Ohio), 2001 BS in Secondary Social Studies Education, 2001. AASL, YALSA Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) No No AASL Board of Directors Regional Director Region 3 - 2013-2015; AASL Director-Elect Region 3 - 2011-2013; AASL Affiliate Assembly 2009-2010; AASL Board Liaison to AASL Best Apps Committee 2013-2015; AASL Board Liaison to AASL Best Websites – 2013-2014. Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA) – Advocacy Chair - 2015; OELMA – Past-President and Midwinter Conference Chair - 2011; OELMA – President - 2010; OELMA – President-Elect and Annual Conference Chair – 2009; OELMA – Regional Director - 2004-2008; Springboro Education Association – Treasurer & Membership Chair – 2005-2014, Building Representative – 2003-2004 & 2016-2017; State Library of Ohio LSTA Advisory Committee – 2015-2016; Library Leadership Ohio – 2012; Library Leadership Ohio Advisory Council – 2015. Ohio Outstanding School Librarian of the Year – 2015 - OELMA; Leadership in Action Award – 2014 - OELMA; Walter E. Brahm & John Rebenack Ohio Library Foundation Scholarship for Leadership Potential & Academic Achievement – 2014 ($5,000). As a school librarian in Ohio, I have been in the same position for my entire career. I have been able to take a library that was not automated and scarcely used to an automated and connected library that truly is the hub of the school. I have been able to lead our district in transitioning our libraries from a warehouse to a connected learning space. I also have been able to lead our state in creating the discussion that led our state to provide funding for licensed school librarians. Unfortunately, elections matter and this plan was eliminated under our current governor. I have also created relationships with other library groups in our state, so that we can advocate for each other as we can understand all issues that impact libraries. All types of libraries are important (academic, public, school, & special) and we need to continue to advocate, so that our communities have access to each type at their moment of need. I would like to represent the school library community on ALA Council. Ohio, like many other states, are seeing a death of the school library profession as positions are not replaced or eliminated. Even when positions are not cut, we see that funding for material budgets are slashed. I am very happy that ALA has recognized the issues that school librarians are facing and they have stepped up to the plate as evidenced with the advocacy that ended with school library funding in ESSA. Through advocacy, I feel that I would give a strong voice not only for school libraries, but the need for relationships between the divisions of our association. As someone that has experience with building relationships with all types of libraries and has worked at the local, state, and national library levels, I feel that I would be a strong candidate for this position. 13 OH
Gail Tobin Branch Coordinator, Schaumburg Township District Library, Hanover Park Branch, Hanover Park, Illinois Public Preschool Services Coordinator, Schaumburg Township District Library, 1999-2000 Youth Services Librarian, Schaumburg Township District Library, 1992-1999 Dominican University, MLIS, 1992; University of Illinois, BA English, 1990 ALSC, PLA, YALSA No No ALA Councilor-At-Large, 2009-2012; YALSA Director-At-Large, 2009-2014; YALSA National Guidelines Oversight Committee chair, 2016-present; YALSA Governance Nominating Committee member, 2015-2016; YALSA Mentoring Task Force chair, 2013-2016; YALSA Teen Tech Week Evaluation Task Force member, 2013-2014; YALSA Board Standing Committee: Member Recruitment & Retention member, 2014; YALSA Ad-Hoc Committee on creating a Strategic Planning Manual member, 2013-2014; YALSA Advocacy Task Force member, 2009-2010; YALSA 2009 William C. Morris YA Debut Award Committee member, 2008-2009; YALSA Strategic Planning Committee member, 2007-2009; YALSA 2007 & 2008 Great Graphic Novels for Teens Committee member, 2005-2008; YALSA Publishers Liaison Committee chair, 2006-2007, YALSA Publishers Liaison Committee member 2005-2006; YALSA 2005 Margaret A. Edwards Award Committee member, 2003-2005; YALSA Legislation Committee chair, 2002-2004; YALSA Legislation Committee member, 2000-2004; YALSA Local Arrangements Committee co-chair, 2005; YALSA Local Arrangements Committee member, 1999; PLA Branch Libraries Committee member, 2006-2008 LACONI/YSS (Library Administrators' Conference of Northern Illinois/Youth Services Section), President, 1999-2000; LACONI/YSS, Vice-President, 1998-1999; LACONI/YSS, Treasurer, 1998 Golden Key National Honor Society, 1988 I have served on ALA council, YALSA Board and on process and award committees. Each experience has taught me and inspired me to give back to the profession. A few highlights include: as chair of YALSA’s Strategic Planning Committee I helped coordinate the first "Support Teen Literature Day” in Chicago and emceed the media event. I presented on graphic novels twice at Reaching Forward, the Illinois conference for support staff. I had the honor of being on the committee that gave Francesca Lia Block the Edwards Award. I have been a member of two award committees their first year: Great Graphic Novels and Morris. I think local partnerships and involvement are important and I represent the library at various community activities. Through my position I became involved in the Village’s CONECT Committee, the economic development committee, and serve as chairperson. We created the Hanover Park Chamber and I was a founding board member. We recently expanded by merging with our neighboring Chamber and I continue on the Bartlett Area Chamber board as the library's representative. Libraries are changing and evolving. We need to stay relevant in our communities. We are competing with many other worthwhile services for economic support and we must advocate at the local and national level to ensure that people of all ages and economic levels understand the value of the library in their community. If I am elected I will be a strong advocate for libraries of all sizes and uphold ALA’s mission at every opportunity. 23 IL
Cecilia N. Tovar Principal Librarian Branch & Public Services, Santa Monica Public Library, Santa Monica, CA Public Branch Manager- Santa Monica Public Library 12/13-1/15 Branch Manager- Yuma County Library District 10/09-11/13 Information & Media Specialist- Make Way For Books- Non-profit Organization 5/08-10/09 University of Arizona, MLS-Information Science, 2007; Northern Arizona University, M.Ed. 2005; University of Arizona, B.A. in Spanish, 1999. PLA REFORMA No No ALA-Student Chapter-Arizona Library Student Organization-Vice President 06/2007-12/2007 Library Journal-Movers & Shakers-2015 ALA New Members Roundtable Student Chapter of the Year Award-2007 As a bilingual and bicultural librarian, I am aware of the challenges that our field is facing in the areas of cultural awareness, collection and staff. I believe in inclusion and my goal as a Council-At-Large is to work with other council members to ensure ALA is taking the necessary steps to take action in issues that underrepresented populations face in today's society. In addition to cultural awareness and inclusion, I want libraries to keep up with new trends and stay relevant in today's changing world by continuing to promote information literacy and create spaces that represent its community with equal access. 8 CA
Tammy Renee Turner High School Library Media Specialist, Centennial High School, Frisco ISD, Frisco, TX School Library Media Specialist, Scoggins Middle School, Frisco ISD, 08/2008-06/2012 University of North Texas, Master in Library Science, 2009; University of Texas at Dallas, Master of Arts in Teaching Literary Studies, 2007; University of Texas at Dallas, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Secondary English Certification 6-12, 2002; PK-12 Librarian certification; Secondary English 6-12 certification AASL, YALSA No No ALA Councilor-at-Large, 2014-present Texas Computer Education Agency Library Media Specialist of the Year Recipient, 2014; Texas Computer Education Agency Library Media Specialist of the Year Finalist, 2012 In 2012 I accepted a position as a high school librarian. Over the next four years, I worked on revitalizing the library, turning it from a location few students entered into the hub of the school. The transformation included a facelift (new furniture, mural, new technology) as well as an emphasis on collaboration with the teachers and an addition of a MakerSpace and was featured in Library Media Connection in 2013. The majority of the transformation was funded via grants I wrote and received. In total, over my 8 years as a library media specialist, I have been awarded 22 grants and presented over 20 professional development sessions as well. Turner, Tammy. “Wait a Year before Making Big Library Changes?,” Library Media Connection, August/September 2013. Multiple reviews of books in School Library Journal. Library Website:; Personal Twitter: @TammyTurner03; Library Twitter: @CHSTitanLibrary; Library Instagram: @cen10titanlibrary; Library Facebook: @chstitanlibrary As a member of ALA Council, it is my charge to promote ALA's mission of transforming libraries. The activities I have participated in within my own library can attest to my belief in and active participation in this mission. Furthermore, I am a strong proponent of the freedom of information, technology integration within the school library and classrooms, and collaboration between school and public libraries. I strongly believe libraries and librarians are more relevant now than ever. We are a safe haven, source of information, and teachers of digital literacy. 5 TX
Julia Warga Director for Research and Instruction, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio Academic Associate Director for Research and Instruction, Kenyon College, 2014-2015 Social Sciences Librarian, Kenyon College, 2010-2014 Librarian and Technology Consultant, Kenyon College, 2004-2010 University of Illinois, MSLIS, 2003; Kenyon College, BA Anthropology, 1996. ACRL, LLAMA, RUSA Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT), International Relations (IRRT), Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) No No ALA Melville Dewey Awards Jury, 2015-2017, member; ALA Scholastic Library Publishing Award Jury, chair, 2014-2015; ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee, LLAMA liaison, 2013-2015; LLAMA, PRMS Education & Training Committee, member, 2015-2017; ACRL, Conference Coordinating Committee, Cyber Zed Shed Committee, member, 2007-2009; IFRT, Executive Committee, Director at Large, 2015-2017; IFRT Merritt Promotions Committee, chair, 2014-2015; IFRT Nominating Committee, chair, 2013-2014; IFRT Executive Committee, Chair, 2012-2013; IFRT Executive Committee, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, 2011-2012; IFRT Program Committee, chair, 2010-2011; IFRT Bylaws and Organization Committee, chair, 2009-2010; IFRT Nominating Committee, member, 2007-2008; IFRT Executive Committee, treasurer, 2005-2007; IFRT Program Committee, member, 2004-2006; IFRT John Philip Immroth Memorial Award Committee, member, 2004-2005; IFRT Proquest-SIRS State and Regional Intellectual Freedom Achievement Award Committee, member, 2004-2005; IRRT Nominating Committee, member, 2016-2017; IRRT Nominating Committee, chair, 2015-2016; IRRT Nominating Committee, member, 2014-2015; IRRT International Connections Committee, member, 2006-2011; LIRT Liaisons Committee, chair, 2012-2015; LIRT Liaison to Freedom to Read Foundation, 2010-2015; LIRT Liaisons Committee, member, 2010-2012; NMRT, Liaison to IFRT, 2007-2010; NMRT, Liaison to Freedom to Read Foundation; 2007-2010. Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF), Trustee, 2015-2017; FTRF Krug Education Committee, member, 2016-2017; FTRF Nominating Committee, member, 2016-2017; FTRF Gordon M. Conable Scholarship Committee, chair, 2015-2017; FTRF Fundraising Committee, member, 2015-2016; FTRF Roll of Honor Committee, member, 2015-2016; FTRF Gordon M. Conable Scholarship Committee, member 2010-2015; FTRF Membership and Fundraising Committees, member 2007-2012, 2014-2016; Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO), Research and Publications committee, member, 2005-2007, 2010-2015. ACRL Mid-Career Librarian Scholarship, 2015; Harvard University, Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians, 2013; Thinking Outside the Borders Library Leadership Institute, 2006. Through my membership in ALA, I have been able to actively support core areas of librarianship such as intellectual freedom, privacy, and access to information. I have been appointed to awards and conference programming committees. I have met all types of librarians from around the world. Without ALA, none of this would have been possible. I am running for Council because I care about ALA, am ready to become involved in the governance of our membership organization, be an advocate for all librarians, and become a voice for the future of our organization. If you are reading this statement, you too care about ALA. You want people on Council who will be active and engaged in the leadership of ALA. I ask for your vote, and I would be honored to represent your interests on ALA’s governing body. 15 OH
Erica Ann Watson Librarian, Art Institute of CA, SF, San Francisco, CA Academic Corporate Librarian, Charter College, 2012-2014 Library Coordinator, Charter College 2011-2012 Graduate Assistant, CSULB 2008-2010 San Jose State University, San Jose, MLIS, 2012 California State University, Long Beach, MA: Music, 2010 New College of California, San Francisco, BA: Humanities, 2002 ACRL Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) No No ACRL, LFPEI, Convener, 2016-2017 California Library Association, Information Literacy Interest Group, Secretary, 2013-present; BayNet, Secretary, 2016 CSULB Fellowship, 2009 Co-Author: Managing Student Workers Chapter in The Small or Rural Academic Library: Leveraging Resources, Overcoming Limitations, 2016 Author: SLIS Descriptor, October 2012, “Librarianship at For-Profit Schools.” Libraries and librarians face many challenges today in offering access to information to all, regardless of economic status, technological equipment, and physical locale. During this tough time, many libraries have to justify their costs, and librarians their importance. My professional path thus far has lead me toward promoting information literacy at the college level and advocating that technology platforms be made available to bridge education's digital divide. The ALA Council is a forward-thinking entity, and I believe my DIY ethic and collaborative spirit will be assets to the leadership of the organization. 4 CA
Cynthia M. Whitacre Manager, WorldCat Quality, OCLC, Dublin, Ohio Other (Bibliographic non-profit) Manager of TechPro, formerly Retrospective Conversion Specialist, OCLC, 1987-2000 Cataloger, SUNY College of Optometry, 1985-87 Cataloger, SUNY College at Plattsburgh, 1981-85 Indiana University, MLS; Indiana University, BA History. ALCTS No No ALCTS President 2010-11; ALCTS President Elect 2009-10; ALCTS Past President 2011-12; ALCTS Nominating Committee Chair 2012/13 & Member 2007/08; Cataloging & Classification Section (CCS) Chair-Elect/Chair/Past-Chair 2004-7; Cataloging & Classification Section Member-at-Large 1996-1999; ALCTS Budget & Finance Committee Member 2007-9; Margaret Mann Citation Committee Member/Chair 1999-2001; CaMMS Committee on Cataloging: African & Asian Materials OCLC liaison 2013-present; SRRT liaison to CC:DA 2002-06; Special Libraries Association liaison to CC:DA 1997-2001; Retrospective Conversion Interest Group Co-Chair 1993-95; CCS Policy & Research Committee Intern then Member 1990-96; CC:DA Task Force on Appendix on Major/Minor Changes, Chair/Member 2000-6. Academic Library Association of Ohio Technical Services Interest Group Co-Chair 2001-3; Special Libraries Association Cataloging Committee member 1997-2001; Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) OCLC BIBCO liaison 1998-present; PCC Policy & Steering Committee OCLC representative 2015-present; Kent State University School of Library and Information Science Core Constituency Advisory Team Member 2004-2010. I am passionate about librarianship, about technical services, and particularly about cataloging. I love learning new things and contributing to the profession through standards work. I hope to represent catalogers and technical services librarians and to serve the profession in a new way by actively participating in Council. I am eager to help recruit new and enthusiastic individuals to librarianship and assure that our association remains vital to our profession. 36 OH
Amanda J. Wilson Director, National Transportation Library, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC Other (Federal) Adjunct Professor, The Catholic University of America, 2011-present Assistant Professor and Metadata Librarian, The Ohio State University Libraries, 2004-2006 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, MSLS, 2004; Emory University, BA Music and Psychology, 2001. ACRL, LLAMA Federal and Armed Forces Libraries (FAFLRT) No No ALA Council, Member-at-Large, 2015-2016; ALA Committee on Legislation Government Information Subcommittee, member, 2014-2017; ALA Office of Accreditation External Review Panelist pool, member, 2012-present; Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Round Table, President, 2014-2015; ALA Office of Information Technology Policy Advisory Committee, member, 2010-2012. CENDI (federal STI information managers consortium), Chair, 2015-present; FEDLINK Advisory Board, member, 2010-2014, 2015-present; District of Columbia Library Association, Nominating Committee chair, 2014-present, President, 2013-2014; The Catholic University of America Department of Library and Information Science Advisory Board, member, 2014-present; Transportation Research Board Library and Information Science for Transportation Committee, member, 2008-2012. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R) Superior Achievement Award (Feb 2016); OST-R Innovation Award (Feb 2016); OST-R Leadership Award (Feb 2015); Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) Meritorious Achievement Award (for leading BTS open data efforts, Dec 2013); Federal Executive Institute (Oct 2014); RITA Team Award for USDOT Research Hub (Dec 2012); Secretary’s Team Award for USDOT Research Hub (given by the Secretary of the Department of Transportation; Nov 2012); RITA Leadership Award (Oct 2010); Secretary’s Team Award for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Implementation Team (Oct 2009). At NTL, I: (1) lead the Department’s implementation of the USDOT Public Access Plan; (2) managed the merger of the USDOT Library, the third largest U.S. transportation libraries, into the NTL (a virtual library); (3) established the Transportation Librarians Roundtable (a monthly webinar series); (4) coordinated and lead national projects between and among regional transportation library networks; (5) was appointed as one of RITA’s Ombuds, an informal, impartial, confidential resource to resolve workplace issues; (6) co-led the development and launch of the USDOT Research Hub, the first publicly available database providing access to the Department’s research investment portfolio; (7) serve as panel advisor on national research projects and library advisory boards; and (8) spearheaded the successful effort to craft language that led directly to the broadening of NTL's Congressional mandate in 2012. At The OSU Libraries, I: (1) helped establish and build a metadata program; (2) contributed to the expansion of the Knowledge Bank institutional repository; and (3) coordinated the Libraries' Encoded Archival Description program and co-chaired the statewide OhioLINK EAD Task Force. Daniel S. Dotson and Amanda J. Wilson: “Webifying a Workshop: From Our Classroom to Their Desktop.” Journal of Web Librarianship (Routledge), Volume 2 Number 1, 2008. Magda El-Sherbini and Amanda J. Wilson: “New Strategies for Delivering Library Resources to Users: Rethinking the Mechanisms in which Libraries are Processing and Delivering Bibliographic Records.” Journal of Academic Librarianship (Elsevier), Volume 33, Number 2, 2008. Amanda J. Wilson: “Toward Releasing the Metadata Bottleneck: A Baseline Evaluation of Contributor- Supplied Metadata.” Library Resources and Technical Services (American Library Association), Volume 51, Number 1, 2007. Change, adaptation, and partnerships define LIS today. If elected, I will represent three major components of my experience and background in the work of Council: articulating the federal library perspective in the Association’s activities; concentrating the impact that ALA activities have on LIS programs, continuing education, and lifelong learning; and highlighting and advancing areas of common interest among all types of libraries. My professional experience, current position as LIS program instructor and advisory board member, and experience serving on the DC Library Association Board, a diverse association serving all library types, provides a foundation for these contributions. I passionately believe that having a breadth of perspectives in LIS has informed and enriched my career. I will bring this approach--as well as a future-focused mindset--to Council, working with colleagues across ALA to carry out its priorities and initiatives as we navigate change in our evolving information society. 14 DC
Charles Wilt Executive Director – Retired, ALCTS, Chicago, IL Other (Association) Executive Director, ALCTS, 2001-2015 Deputy Executive Director LLAMA and ALCTS, 1999-2001 Budget and Planning Manager, U. of Texas Arlington, 1997-1999 U. of Pittsburgh, MLS, Library Science, 1977; Emory U., BA, Psychology, 1971; Certified Association Executive (CAE), 2006; Certificate in Non-Profit Management, DePaul U., 2004 ALCTS No No Chair, ALCTS President's Program Committee, 2016-2017; Member, ALCTS Ross Atkinson Lifetime Achievement Award, 2017-2018; Staff member of many ALCTS Committees, Award Juries, ALCTS Board of Directors and Executive Committee (ALCTS and Sections); Member of many internal ALA task groups and search committees; Regular contributor to the ALCTS News, membership electronic newsletter. Beta Phi Mu, 1977; ALCTS Presidential Citation, 2005; ALCTS Presidential Citation for Ten Years of Outstanding Leadership, 2010; Library of Congress citation for leadership in development of Cataloger's Workstation, 2005; Library of Congress Certificate of Appreciation for extraordinary support for the Bicentennial Conference Action Plan, 2005 Guided and nurtured ALCTS and its members through a period of transition as Executive Director for 14 years, including several strategic and financial plans and ALCTS' Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration. Built a culture of innovation and creative thinking constantly challenging the members to continually assess operations and ways of working. Created the ALA Appointments Database. With the ALCTS Preservation Section, established "Preservation Week". With the U. of Illinois Archives, created the ALA Digital Archive. Established ALCTS Awards: Ross Atkinson Lifetime Achievement Award, ALCTS Presidential Citations, and ALCTS HONORS.... First to automate a journal manuscript management system. Encouraged members to form Interest Groups to serve the broad range of interests ALCTS members have. Created position of Board Intern for ALCTS Emerging Leaders to introduce them to the governance of ALCTS. Created opportunities for EL's as committee members, chairs, Board members and section leadership positions, including the current ALCTS Executive Director, the first EL to hold the position. Worked within ALA as ALCTS' advocate. ALA is embarking on an unparalleled period of change. All but one of the staff Senior Management Team will soon retire. A new Executive Director will be appointed. The strategic plan needs review. Continued retirements fuel membership declines. Sounds gloomy. It isn't. Such change provides us an opportunity to examine ourselves; where we are going, what we are doing, and what do we want to be. If elected, I'll endeavor to advocate for an association-wide self-assessment: resources and their allocation; structure, looking at what will move us forward; staffing needs and alignment; and what I see as the increasingly important role that Divisions play in a new future ALA. With that said, the historic priorities of ALA continue to be the foundation upon which a future ALA is built. ALA has a storied history of commitment to many universal ideals which are critical to a free society. 20 IL
Christian Zabriskie Branch Administrator, Yonkers Public Library, Yonkers, NY Public Assistant Community Library Manager, Queens Library, 2005-2016 Assistant Youth Librarian, Bermuda National Library, 2002-2005 Florida State University, MSLIS, 2001; University of St Andrews, MA, 1992 PLA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), Library History (LHRT), Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) No No ALA Council 2014-Present; ALA Committee on Legislation 2014-Present; ALA Committee on Committees - Present; YALSA Board of Directors 2012-2014 New York Library Association, President Reference and Adult Services Section, 2016-2017 Founder and Executive Director, Urban Librarians Unite a library advocacy and education not for profit which focuses on front line librarianship in large urban centers. Coauthor, Grassroots Library Advocacy: A Special Report, American Library Editions, 2012 I believe that by working together we can move the profession and our society forward. Libraries are an essential part of our social fabric and ALA can act as a resource and advocate for all libraries regardless of location or type. 8 NY